
Death Note Never will Die !!!!! XDDXDXDKeskiviikko 29.10.2008 18:33

minä olen : TADAA..RYUK DESU ^^ (yuck -.-)

[x] You have a big aim in life
[ ] You hate to lose
[ ] You feel that your eyes change colours with your behaviour
[x] You are obsessed.
[ ] Your intelligence is superior in comparison with another peopleÂ’s one.
[ ] You donÂ’t mind hurting others as long it helps you to get to your aims
[ ] You have talent to seduce the opposite gender
Total: 2/7

[x] You love candy
[ ] You donÂ’t care about how you look
[x] You walk/sit curvate
[ ] You are a genius
[ ] You have dark circles around your eyes
[ ] You are very thin donÂ’t matter what you eat
[x-.-] You donÂ’t have many friends and you are a total failure at love
Total: 3/7

[x] You love someone blindly
[x] You would do everything for that ‘someone’
[ ] You dress in a very peculiar way
[ ] You canÂ’t tell when people are joking around with you
[ ] You canÂ’t afford alcohol very well
[x] You are very jealous
[x] You can make people do what they donÂ’t want to.
Total: 4/7

[x] You love chocolate
[x] You were confused at least for once with the opposite gender
[/] You always dress dark and tight clothes
[ ] You are always the second
[ ] You have a burnt/scar on your face
[ ] You are very intelligent, but sometimes you make mistakes
[x] Near creeps you out a little bit
Total: 3½/7

[ ] You are always playing videogames
[ ] You smoke
[/] You wear streaky shirts
[x] You would do anything for your friends
[ ] You use glasses that looks like goggles.
[x] You are always relaxed
[x] You are very affected to your best friend
Total: 3½/7

[ ] You are patient to the limit
[ ] You always win
[ ] You have the Peter Pan syndrome
[ ] You love to wear pajamas
[x] You are very intelligent
[x] You have a lot of ability using your hands
[ ] Your hair is of a weird colour
Total: 2/7

[x] You believe in a god
[x] You search for justice in everywhere
[ ] You use glasses
[ ] You are/want to be a lawyer
[ ] You donÂ’t care about following orders as long as itÂ’ s for justiceÂ’ s sake
[x] You support Kira unconditionally
[x] All your life is perfectly planned
Total: 4/7

[ ] You love apples
[x] You are bored
[x] You think that humans areÂ… INTERESTING!
[x] You laugh in a weird wayÂ… Hyuk, hyuk, hyukÂ…
[x] When thereÂ’s an argument, you never take one of the sides
[x] You are a little bit crazy and weird
Total: 5/6

[x] Some people think that you are an idiot
[x] You always see someoneÂ’s good side
[x] You know someone who is an example for you
[ ] You donÂ’t think Kira is neither good or evil
[x] You talk about a love life that you donÂ’t have
[ ] You do stupid things that sometimes are good to the ones around you
[ ] You are pretty, but old.
Total: 4/7

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