
Jaa-a, keskiviikkoKeskiviikko 19.08.2009 10:47

Kylläpä vituttaa, töihin taas

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 13.08.2009 01:45

I have seen whats left for all the rest of you
And its not what you think it will be
For the gift and the curse of whats been shown to you
I cant believe what I feel it is taking
Never give, never bend - its all a lie to you
And all you do is seem to remind me
Of all the times and the ways I would have died for you
And this is all the thanks that you'll show me...

If you had shown
The light for me
The things i'd known
That now i'd see

This is - not the same not now, never, no not again
When the dreams and the truth came colliding
And the same can be said for all the rest of them
See the strong and the weak divided
Yet i feel alive
For all the pain I have
And all you do is seem to remind me
Of all of the times and the ways I would have died for you
And this is all of the thanks that you'll show me

If you had shown
The light for me
The things i'd known
That now i'd see

If you had shown
The light for me
The things i'd known
That now i'd see

Energy as i feel it calling
Cannot see through the cloud thats forming
Blinding as it passes before my eyes
Looking for the thing thats calling
Now I see that its coming after
Now I see that its coming after
Now I see that its coming after
Now I see that its coming

If you had shown
The light for me
The things i'd known
That now i'd see

23Sunnuntai 02.08.2009 01:19


Perse sentäänTiistai 28.07.2009 00:52

Voi perseen perse
Viskiä, sakea, kaljaa, viiniä. Hyvin on varustauduttu, nyt tarttee enää vain vetää pöhnät!

RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRKLTiistai 07.07.2009 19:18

Töitä teen ja sen jälkeen ei oikein jaksakaan enää tehdä yhtään mitään. Kauhea väsy ja vähäinenkin elämäniloni valuu viemäriin. En jaksais lähteä harkkoihin ja ulkona sataa. Mitä helvettiä sitä tekisi, sumentaisinko jälleen todellisuuden tajuni videopelien ihmeelliseen moniväriseen maailmaan. Jotain luovaa pitäisi saada aikaan mutta mikään ei juuri nyt jaksa innostaa. Masentavaa melkein...

I want to fightSunnuntai 05.07.2009 03:59

KauhubileetLauantai 04.07.2009 05:11

Kiitos Hilla ja Ville ihanista synttäri-valmistujaisista :) Oli tosi nastaa, tunnelma loistava ja silti ilman krapulaa. Harvoin käy näin hyvin mutta te teitte sen taas <3

Kaitsun mietteet ja etiikkaKeskiviikko 10.06.2009 18:46

Älä koskaan petä laumaasi, lauman luottamus on vaikea ansaita takaisin.

Hirviö hyvässä ja pahassa kulkee omaa tietään, jos joku tukkii tuon tien nyrkit pystyssä ja uhmaa hirviötä, hirviö murskaa esteen. Minä olen hirviö.

Jos harkitsee askeleensa tarkkaan ja on alati valpas, välttyy turhilta haavereilta. Silloin kun kantaa taakkaa, pitää olla vielä varovaisempi. Tämän opin kantapäänkautta.

Älä tee muille mitä et halua itsellesi tehtävän.

Lojaalisuus yli muiden arvojen.

=)Sunnuntai 07.06.2009 18:02

when the devil is too busy
and death's a bit too much
they call me by name you see
for my special touch
to the gentleman i'm Miss Fortune
to the ladies i'm Sir Prise
but call me by any name
any way it's all the same

i'm the fly in your soup
i'm the pebble in your shoe
i'm the pea beneath your bead
i'm the bump on every head
i'm the peel on which you slip
i'm the pin in every hip
i'm the thorn in your side
makes you wriggle and writhe

and it's so easy when you're evil
this is the life you see
the devil tips his hat to me
i do it all because i'm evil
and i do it all for free
your tears are all the pay i'll ever need

while there's children to make sad
while there's candy to be had
while there's pockets left to pick
while there's grannies left to trip down the stairs
i'll be there
i'll be waiting round the corner
it's a game i'm glad i'm in it
cuz there's one born every minute

and it's so easy when you're evil
this is the life you see
the devil tips his hat to me
i do it all because i'm evil
and i do it all for free
your tears are all the pay i'll ever need

i pledge my allegience to all things dark
and i promise on my damned soul
to do as i am told
for beelzebub has never seen
a soldier quite like me
not only does his job but does it happily

i'm the fear that keeps you wake
i'm the shadows on the wall
i'm the monsters they become
i'm the nightmare in your skull
i'm the dagger in your back
an extra turn upon the rack
i'm the quivering of your heart
a stabbing pain, a sudden start

and it's so easy when you're evil
this is the life you see
the devil tips his hat to me
i do it all because i'm evil
and i do it all for free
your tears are all the pay i'll ever need
and i do it all for free
your tears are all the pay i'll ever need
and i do it all for free
your tears are all the pay i'll ever need

it gets so lonely being evil
what i'd do to see a smile
even for a little while
and no one loves you when you're evil
i'm lying through my teeth
your tears are all the company i need.