


Hoplaa tost saat bye bye beibi

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 12.01.2008 01:03

O-o-o-o-o-ooou why´d you have to go-ooou away from home me love

PIRATES YE BE WARNEDMaanantai 10.12.2007 23:35

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 27.11.2007 23:56

Tuleva lääkäri Iida "IiD$" Soukka kerto et 1% ihmisil on sydän oikeel puolel. Tunsin piston rinnassani. VÄÄRÄL PUOLEL!

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 17.11.2007 17:39

Joo ai saatana mun selkä! Ja pää! Oli kivaa Jenni ku olin sun reppuseläs, nojasin vähän taaksepäin ja sit kaaduttiin :)))

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 15.11.2007 17:54

Miksi Bauhausin ovet ei aukene mulle? :'(

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 07.11.2007 18:25

Nothing seems to bother you - you sail through life crisis free. It's not that your life doesn't have its ups and downs, it's just that you handle everything without unnecessary drama and antics. You approach each day fresh, not worrying about yesterday or tomorrow. You are confident that you can handle anything that comes your way and experience has shown that you are absolutely right about this.

Thrill Seeker
You are interested in anything that is exciting and pleasurable. You're not afraid to indulge yourself - you live by your own set of rules and don't allow yourself to get hung on what others think. For the most part, you are independent and do whatever you please to do. Trying to stop you from doing something only makes you want it even more. At the end of the day - you live for life's most thrilling moments.

It's a good thing that you are filled with energy and ambitions (that others sometimes find exhausting) because you're continually looking for a new adventure and exciting experience. You struggle with a continual feeling of restlessness which constantly pushes you to the next level of excitement. Once you have accomplished one thing, you are eager to accomplish something more exciting, riskier and distinguishable.

You are a cuddle bug - from a warm hug shared with your best friend to steamy sex with your partner, you enjoy every bit of human contact that you can get. You demonstrate your love for others most fluidly through physical one-on-one contact and you feel the most loved when you are being touched. You feel disconnected when you are physically isolated from others. You're a people person and a lover of all things human.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 28.10.2007 22:19

Nukuttu on about 1.5 h kovalla ja TOSI kapealla pukuhuoneen penkillä :D Ei voinu ees kylkeä kääntää ku ois kierähtäny alas. Onneks Emmi oli seurana (kun tää toinen oli päättänyt sammua saunaan sukkahousuines) ja juoruttiin varmaan kolme tuntia putkeen kaikkea mahollista ja kuunneltiin kummitusten kolistelua. :) Ilta oli ihan kiva, kunnes jotain upposi oveen ja teki siihen ihan mukavan reiän :S Ilman sitä ois kyllä pidetty hauskaa aamuun asti! Kiittämättömyys yleensäkin on perseestä! Sit aamul siivottiin ja haisteltiin kaikkii mukavii hajuja ja naurettiin illalle. :D

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 23.10.2007 00:09

"I have been thinking about what you said
Three little words running round in my head
There's no one else that I'd rather be next to
I guess what I'm trying to say is I love you."

Nam!Torstai 18.10.2007 19:24

Khäät sanoo:
näin muuten unta et halasin david beckhamii ku sil ei ollu paitaa keskel turun keskustaa ;)