


<< Die motherfucker, die >>

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 05.06.2007 11:26

Se on niin mukavaa, kun vahingossa säheltää.
Kannattas opetella käyttämään Enteriä.
*odottaa lynkkaus-joukkoja*

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 04.06.2007 23:02

Np. TOP 10. (randomissa järjestyksessä)

* Rihanna ft. Jay-Z - Umbrella
* Poets of the Fall - Sorry Go Round
* Good Charlotte - River
* Mims - This Is Why Im Hot
* Marilyn Manson - If I Was Your Vampire
* Teriyaki Boyz - Tokyo Drift (en kyllästy ehken ikinä :-D)
* Pink - U + Ur Hand
* Poets of the Fall - Fire
* Godsmack - I Stand Alone
* Bullet For My Valentine - Hand of Blood

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 04.06.2007 16:09

Se on ihan sun päätös
= eihän asiaan ole kuin yksi ratkaisu, ja sen pitäis olla sullekin selvä.

Tee sä mitä tahdot
= kosto on kauhea.

Meidän pitäis puhua
= mä aion nyt avautua ja sä kuuntelet

Siitä vaan, senkun menet
= älä lähde.

En mä ole loukkaantunut
= tietenkin mä olen loukkaantunut, ääliö.

Oletpas sä tänään huomaavainen
= onko tänään seksipäivä?

Vähennetään romanttisesti valoja
= olen ihan jumalattoman turvoksissa

Onpas tää keittiö epäkäytännöllinen
= ostin uuden keittiön, se pitää asentaa huomenna.

Mitäs jos hankittais uudet verhot
= ..ja huonekalut ja maalataan makuuhuone.

Mä kuulin jotain melua
= sä olit melkein nukahtanut ja mua ei vielä väsytä.

Mä rakastan sua ihan hirveästi
= meillä on tyttöjen lomareissu tiedossa.

Oonkohan mä lihonut?
= kato nyt miten hyvännäköinen mä olen.

En mä mitään huuda
= totta vitussa huudan, kun mulla on hyvä syy.

= kyllä tai ei

= kyllä tai ei

Niin kai
= ei

Ihan miten vaan
= ei 01.06.2007 14:45

(kannattaa liittyä tiettyihin yhteisöihin, saa hupia työpäivään :-DD)

ELI: Sivulta Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

- "One of the most basic laws in the universe is the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This states that as time goes by, entropy in an environment will increase. Evolution argues differently against a law that is accepted EVERYWHERE BY EVERYONE. Evolution says that we started out simple, and over time became more complex. That just isn't possible: UNLESS there is a giant outside source of energy supplying the Earth with huge amounts of energy. If there were such a source, scientists would certainly know about it. [emphasis added]"
-öh.... koskaan kuullu Auringosta?

- "[about a girl being born with mental disabilities]
This girl is like a leper so what she needs to do is try and find god if she really believes she can be healed from this state, she will be healed from this state Most afflictions like this are caused by sins committed while still inside the womb. If she can repent for what she does god will embrace her and make her as human as you or me but if she chooses not to she'll always be like this god tests every one of us [emphasis added]"
- kiva.... onneks fundikset ei tuomitse ketään...

- "I often debate with evolutionists because I believe that they are narrow mindedly and dogmatically accepting evolution without questioning it. I don't really care how God did what He did. I know He did it."
-loistavaa argumentointia

-"There are a lot of things I have concluded to be wrong, without studying them in-depth. Evolution is one of them. The fact that I don't know that much about it does not bother me in the least."
-loistavaa argumentointia part 2

-"I am a bit troubled. I believe my son has a girlfriend, because she left a dirty magazine with men in it under his bed. My son is only 16 and I really don't think he's ready to date yet. What's worse is that he's sneaking some girl to his room behind my back. I need help, God! I want my son to stop being so secretive!"
-itsepetoksen mahtava voima x-D

-"AIDS is caused by immoral behavior, not by a virus."

-"...Interestingly, and sadly, all we see on the internet and in society today is talk about domestic violence; but NEVER do we hear anything about statistics on wives who refuse to obey their husbands. It is evil. It is just as sinful for a wife to frustrate her husband through insubordination and disobedience as it is for a man to commit domestic violence. I am not lessening the sin of domestic violence, I am emphasizing the sin of wives who rebel against their husbands by not being obedient. I realize this is ancient mentality to feminists today; but it is 100% Biblical doctrine. A wife is expected by God to obey her husband. Feminists are eagerly willing to crucify abusive husbands; BUT they won't even address the issue of wives who disobey, mistreat, and frustrate their husbands. It takes two to tango.
Please understand that I believe a wife who is being physically abused should leave if she feels threatened; but not divorce. Such a wife needs to sincerely ask herself "why" her husband is being abusive--there's ALWAYS a reason. ..."
-kyllä, heti tuli lämmin ja pörröinen olo...

-"You got it backwards.
Creationism is based upon science, reason and tons of evidence.
Evolution is based on the blind acceptance of superstitions and fairy tales."
- AI JOO! NIIN päinhän se olikii joo....

-"I AM here to be my husband's "personal maid" and to be "stuck in the house." I showed plenty of verses that showed that - the 31st chapter of Proverbs! Wives are to be a help meet for their husbands. I consider it a privilege to cook the meals, do the laundry, clean the house, rear the children, pick up clothes he may leave lying around, clean the kitchen counters after he makes a sandwich...... [...] Yes, women have rights - the right to obey God's Word......."
-ei vittu... näitä on liikaa x-DD

-"[Replying to 'as for not seeing evolution it takes several million years... incase you missed that memo...']
several million years for a monkey to turn into a man. oh wait thats right. monkeys dont live several million years."

-"But God don't talk in Arabic. He talks in a REAL language, namely, English. It's true that back in them days He translated that to some other language after Speaking it in English, but after all, it's His universe and He can do what He doggone well wants to do."

-"I don't care about logic or science, the Bible says the moon and sun move. Katy-Anne"

-"If u have sex before marriage then in Gods eyes u are married to that person if a man rapes a woman in Gods eyes they are married it sucks for the girl but what can we do lol"

-"Female circumcision is not barbaric. It is done for a reason, to keep the female pure. If only we adopted such practices here in the UK, then maybe women would be less inclined toward infidelity and therefore family values would still be an integral part of society. Family values instil a sense of discipline and respect, which we need as a counteraction against the modern trend of zero respect and zero discipline that is undermining the very fabric of our decaying society."
-haulikkoo kellään??

-"LOL, I think that I am the one that is missing something. Because I fail to see how "glyphosate" resistant weeds is an arguement FOR evolution. I do not even know what glyphosate is so how can that be evidence for anything. Maybe for you it is evidence, for me it is just a word that I do not know the meaning of."
-loistavaa argumentointia vol 3

-"Me and my husband is thinking about having a baby, but hestitate, because his brother (which we have no contact with whatsoever) is presumably gay. Might this affect the baby? Is there some precautions I can take, or some medicaments I can eat to make sure my child is pure? Thank you for your help, don't know what i'll do without you"

-"Evidence that the Bible is God's Word
1. It claims to be.
2 Timothy 3:16 - "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness""
-sehän selittääkii kaiken...

-"What is called 'Science' today and 'scientists' consist of the same old gang of witch doctors, sorcerers, tellers of tales, the 'Priest-Entertainers' for the common people. 'Science' consists of a weird, way-out occult concoction of jibberish theory-theology... nothing good has ever come from 'science' --- In fact, technology is not in any way related to the web of idiotic scientific theory. ALL inventors have been anti-science. The Wright brothers said: "Science theory held us up for years. When we threw out all science, started from experiment and experience, then we invented the airplane." By the way, airplanes all fly level on this Plane earth!

The Fact the Earth is Flat is not my opinion, it is a Proved Fact! While all we need to know is that the Bible says the Earth is flat (Is.40:22, Ez.7:2, Dn.2:35; 4:10-11,20, Mt.4:8)... but for a second can you imagine what these so-called 'scientists would have us believe --- If the earth really was round, that would mean there arre people who are HANGING DOWN, HEAD DOWNWARDS while we are standing head up? But since the theory allows to travel to those parts of the earth where the people are said to hand head downward, and still to fancy ourselves to be heads upwards, and our friends whom we have left behind us to be heads downwards! LOL! What foolishness! TheWHOLE THING IS A MYTH - A DREAM - A DELUSION - and a snare, and, instead of there being any evidence at all in this direction to substantiate this popular theory, it is plain proof that the Earth is Not A Globe!

Also, be sure to know the Sun and Moon are about 3,000 miles away are both 32 miles across. The Planets are 'tiny.' Sun and Moon do Move, earth does NOT move, whirl, spin or gyrate (1 Sam.2:8, 1 Chr.16:30; Job 9:6, 38:4-6; Ps.96:10, 104:5, Is.13:10, Mic.6:2). Australians do NOT hang by their feet under the world... this is a FACT, not a theory! Also a Fact the Spinning, Whirling, Gyrating Ball World Planet, Globe Idea is Entirely 100% now and at all times in the Past, a RELIGIOUS DOCTRINE... a Blind Dogmatic Article of Faith in the Religion for the Blind unreasoning beast of prey. No earthly reason for a Sane, Upright Member of the Elite True Christians to subscribe to it. Also a Fact, today the Elite of Earth ALL live on the Flat World. Only the illogical, unreasoning "herd"... prefers the way-out occult weird theology of the old Greek superstitution earth a spinning ball! Both Copernecious and Newton, the inventors of the "modern" superstitions (400 year OLD modern) have said: "It is not possible for a Sane reasonable person to ever really believe these Theories." Thus sayeth Newton-Copernecious. What sayeth THOU?"
-ei VITTUUUU!!!! *repii hiuksia päästä*

-"How can anyone beleive we evolved from monkeys heres a few questions for people who beleive that
1.If we did evolve from monkeys then how come babies arent born monkeys
2.Even Darwin said his theories were wrong before he died so why do you still believe them you really not believe the bible it says we were created in seven days not millions of years come we cant speak monkey
Just for a fact ape like creatures are monkeys Just in case certain people get on this thread"

-"No one said it was a perfect language. He said it was God's langugage. I believe it is too.
I believe Adam spoke english, God spoke english, and everyone's language was confused at the Tower of Bable. Only when God's complete revelation comes to man do we come back to his holy language again.
Do I have any proof for this? Nope. Does it really matter? Nope."

-"[On the Harry Potter books]
To suggest to any child...that there is a way to escape the unhappy, real life world they live in and to retreat into a mystical fantasy world to find happiness is totally irresponsible and deceitful."
-onnellisuushan on se kaikista pahin...

-"What part of I know that the bible is true because the bible tells me that it is true do you have trouble understanding?
Don't you feel silly disagreeing with such a logical argument?
Love and blessings Don"

-"If you're going to get an abortion it should be mandatory to get your tubes tied.
Sex is only fun and games to male's, but you got a fucking responsibility bitch"

-"Brian Benson, an eighth-grade student who won first place in the Life Science/Biology category for his project "Creation Wins!!!," says he disproved part of the theory of evolution. Using a rolled-up paper towel suspended between two glasses of water with Epsom Salts, the paper towel formed stalactites. He states that the theory that they take millions of years to develop is incorrect. "Scientists say it takes millions of years to form stalactites," Benson said. "However, in only a couple of hours, I have formed stalactites just by using paper towel and Epsom Salts.""

-"I didn't come to Jesus by my intelligence and neither will you my friend."

-"A woman wants to abort a rape child? She should have thought of that before she walked down that dark alley without a male prescence, not to mention she should have thought before putting on revealing attire.
[Yes. It should (be legal). Otherwise you're screwing over the women who don't deserve their fate.]
Are you calling them victims now? Should've stayed in the house where it's safe."
-haulikkoo kellään vol 2

-"God's definition of "flat" is wholly different from ours. The world is flat in His eyes, but spherical in ours. This is simply because our eyes are tainted with sin and doubt. We see what we want to see, not what is. I really don't see why this is so hard to understand."

-"[In response to, "I will never stop using my brain. That way lies blind obedience."]
"Blind obedience" is exactly what we should be doing."

-"As far as gay couples or singles adopting; What are we thinking? Being gay is being sexually deviant to begin with. Why do we think that they are not going to molest their adopted children? I think though,that molestation would be more of a problem with the men. I think that women gay or otherwise, have an innate sense of just wanting to rear children.
When my oldest son was just 3 years old, my gay brother asked if he could take a walk with him. Now as far as I know my brother has never molested any children. At first I didn't find the request strange and let my son go with him. After all they were just taking a walk around the neighborhood. While they were gone though, I got this terrible feeling. It may have been the Holy Spirit giving me warning or just maybe my over sense of protectiveness. But I decided that if they were not back in a few minutes I was going after them. They did come back in just a few minutes, but I never got over that feeling. I determined right then and there that I would never let my young son alone with him. Now, if I could feel that way about my own brother, who I love, then something is just not right. I just don't trust gay men to not try and molest little children."

"All of the rock, etc., has the basic drum beat that is used by the Satan-worshipping tribes of Africa. If you were to study it out you would realize it. Did you know that "rock and roll" got its beginnings from the black African culture? THAT is how the beat was introduced into our current ungodly music - "Christian" rock included.
When Moses and Aaron were on Mt. Sinaii they heard what sounded like war in the camp. Turned out it was "music" - a "music" that typified idol worship - something that was totally against the music they knew as godly. When they came down and saw what was going on they were appalled to see the people dancing sensually in all manner of undress. Where did the people learn of this music? In Egypt when they were in captivity! Hmmm....and where exactly is Egypt?? Wonder of wonders - Africa.
(Just for those of you who will try to condemn me for being racist.........some of my best friends have been black. I have nothing against them. Unfortunately the majority of their race has made a bad name for the ones who take care of their families and work hard.)"

"Men should stick to blue and women should stick to pink. We dress babies in the right colors so why can't we do the same as adults? It is a sin to wear clothes that belongs to the opposite sex and women are particularly bad at violating this rule. Men don't wear dresses (apart from a few sickos) so why should females wear pants? It's a sin! Most women today are transvestites and abominations. [...]
So please dress like a man if you are a man and dress like a woman if you are woman and stop flaunting your satanic lifestyle and defiance of God. Thanks."

"Just wait till the United States becomes a CHRISTIAN nation again. We will get rid of public schools, put kids back in church schools the way it was at thye beggining of our nation. Abortion, Homosexuality,new-age mumbo jumbo, False Religions such as Mormons, Jehovahs witnesses, Catholics, Jews, Kawanza, Halloween, Satanic Music, will be all abolished when this nation once again becomes a Christian nation as it was intended. You just wait and see how we deal with filthy muslims then! And in the meantime God steps in every once in awhile like his sending Katrina to wipe out the filthy, debaucherous black communities who refused to repent. They mock God with "Fat Tuesday" a wild sin-fest right before Lent. Thay run around like monkeys, completely in sin, then when they were shipped to dallas, and places like that they made the crime rise considerably. If we were truly Christian we would go down there and shoot the rest of them. Praise God."

-"Imagination is evil and wicked. You call it an imagination, God calls it evil. (Genesis 8:21) It doesn't matter if you think that a little imagination is okay, it's wicked."

-"You know, its because of evolution that we have Earth Day. I'm againat Earth Day. If you look at the purpose and reason behind Earth Day, its satanic. People want you to think that we're in some way obligated to cleaning up the earth."

-"Have you ever seen an airplane or a bird? They defy the theory of gravity. Dont' say stupid stuff..... theorys can be broken, that's why they're not laws....."

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 30.05.2007 12:51

Minkä värinen paita sinulla on päällä?
-Black, its all black!!!

Millainen logo/tausta sinulla on nyt kännykässä?
-Franshhhu <3

Mikä on kännykässäsi soittoäänenä?
- Teriyaki Boyz - Tokyo Drift <3

Ketä mietit juuri nyt (mainitse henkilö nimeltä)?
-en miettiny ketää

Montako tuntia nukuit viime yönä/viimeksi kun nukuit?
-varmaan jonku 6-7h

Mikä on viimeisin lause jonka sanoit, ja kenelle?
-en muista

Mitä odotat tällä hetkellä eniten?
-moniiki asioita :-D

Millä kulkuneuvolla viimeksi liikuit? (auto, linja-auto, pyörä jne.)
-jalan, sitä ennen autolla

Mitä pelkäät tällä hetkellä eniten?
-ei tuu nyt mieleen

Mitä söit viimeksi?
-leivän (siis yhen palan, en koko köntsää)

Mitä joit viimeksi?

Voisitko kuvitella olevasi opettaja?
-en :-/

Kuinka pitkä olet?

Monta lävistystä sinulla on?

missä lävistykset ovat? (nenässä, huulessa, korvissa jne)
-kolme korvissa (+2 ammuttua), huulessa, navassa ja kielessä

Minkä nimistä lehteä luit viimeksi?

Minkä merkkistä huulirasvaa käytät?
-en käytä

Onko tylsää juuri nyt?

Keneltä sait viimeksi viestin kännykkääsi?
-H&Mltä :-D

Kampaatko hiuksesi joka päivä?

Kuinka usein käyt saunassa?
-liian harvoin :-(

Minkä merkkinen polkupyörä sinulla on?
-ei oo vielä

Minkä merkkistä ja tuoksuista suihkusaippuaa käytät?
-en muista

Minkä värinen hiusharjasi on?

Mitä kanavaa katsot eniten?

Minkä numeron sait viimeisimmästä kokeestasi?
-Jaa-a... Varmaan jonku... Hömhöm... M:n kirjotuksista?

Oletko ikinä jäänyt luokallesi:

Oletko koskaan ollut ihastunut opettajaasi:
-en kai

-kissat ja koirat <3

Kuka on paras ystäväsi:
-Jannu<3, Milla<3

Kenen kanssa puhut eniten puhelimessa:
-Jannun :-D

Onko sinulla sosiaalista elämää:
-ei pahemmin

Pidätkö matkustamisesta:
-riippuu millä ja minne

Oletko hemmoteltu:
-ehkä joskus mut en kai oikeestaan. Tai joo, en mie tiiä :-D En ainakaa porukoiden osalta.

Onko sinulla rusketusta:
-ei >:-<<

Ärsyynnytkö helposti:

Miten purat vihaasi:

Haaveiletko paljon:

Millaisen tatuoinnin haluaisit:
-koppakuoriainen selkään JA Cheshire Cat

Voisitko seurustella itseäsi vanhemman kanssa:


Millainen olo sinulla on tällä hetkellä:
-tylsistynyt (go figure)

Mainitse yksi huono puolesi:

Menisitkö naimisiin rahan takia:
-voisin mennä mut hetkeks vaan (a la Anna Nicole)

Oletko enemmän äidin vai isän poika/tyttö
-äidin tyttö

Jättäisitkö sukunimesi, jos sinusta tulisi kuuluisa?

Henkinen ikäsi?
-en tiiä, pitäs testata kai :-D

Kuinka vanha haluaisit olla?
-18 :-D

Oikea/vasen/molemmat kädet?

Elätkö elämääsi juuri nyt?

Onko sinulla pahoja tapoja?

Jos elämästäsi tehtäisiin elokuva, mikä sen nimi olisi?
-paska reissu mutta tulipahan tehtyä

Osaatko laulaa?
-osaan mut se ei kuulosta kauniilta

Tykkäätkö viettää aikaa yksin?
-todellakin kyllä

Onko elämäsi ollut hienoa tähän mennessä?
-oikeestaan joo

Oletko itsevarma?
-en :-(

Tajuavatko muut sinut aina väärin?
-joskus harvoin


Käveletkö sateessa?
-jos pitää ni joo

Oletko ollut rakastunut?

Oletko uinut alasti?

Oletko nukkunut ulkona?

Oletko ollut syömättä yhtenä päivänä?

Oletko nukkunut vastakkaisen sukupuolen edustajan kanssa samassa sängyssä harrastamatta seksiä?

Oletko nukkunut koko päivää?

Oletko ollut tv:ssä tai radiossa?
-en kai :-DD

Onko sinulla yhtään homoseksuaalista ystävää?
-en tiiä ainakaan et olis

Paras inside-vitsinne?
-"tsiu" varmaankii

Kenen luona olit viimeksi?

Milloin alkaa kesä?
-sillon ku tuntuu siltä et on kesä :-D

Millainen on unelmiesi auto?
-joku siisti

Minkä kirjan luit viimeksi?
-hömhöm... en muista. on ollu nykynen kirja kesken sen verran pitkään :-D olisko ollu joku Ursula le Guinin kirja?..... joo...

Minkä elokuvan katsoit viimeksi?

Ketkä listaisit kolmen parhaan joukkoon Idols 2007-kilpailussa?
-Ari, Kristian ja vaikka Panu. Anna on täys paska

Mitä erityistä aiot tehdä kesälomallasi?
-ei oo mitään kesälomaa

Älä lue tätä..
*älä lue enempää..*
** nyt sä teet pahan virheen!**
älä sit sano et en varoittanu*
* noni...*
Sinä joka luet tätä, jos et kopioi tätä omaan päiväkirjaasi niin kuolet ensi viikon torstaina

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 30.05.2007 12:38

Kummalla puolella sänkyä nukut yleensä?
Pihviä vai kanaa?
Onko sinun koskaan pitänyt hypätä autosta ulos oksentamaan?
-ei vielä :-D
Kumman jalan pistät housuista sisään ensimmäiseksi?
-vasemman kai o___O
Suihku vai kylpy?
-suihku JA kylpy
Mitä söit lounaaksi tänään?
-en vielä mitään
Menisitkö mielummin telttailemaan vai viiden tähden hotelliin?
-telttailla voi millon vaan ni mielummin hotelliin :-D
Mikä on sinun lempi kova karkki?
-salmiakkikarviaiset vai mitä ne nyt onkaan
Oletko ikinä ollut niin humalassa että sinut on jouduttu raahaamaan jonnekin?
Oletko oksentanut koska olet juonut liikaa?
-ikävä kyllä
Oletko harrastanut seksiä autossa?
-..... joo
Oletko harrastanut seksiä kylpyhuoneessa?


Kauanko olet yleensä suihkussa?
-joskus 5min. joskus 20. Riippuu käynkö vaan peseytymässä vai onko trimmattavaa :-DD
Miltä sinusta tuntuu juuri nyt?
Oletko pitkä vai lyhyt?
Kuunteletko nyt jotain kappaletta?
Onko sydämesi koskaan särkynyt?
Missä olet tällä hetkellä?
Mitä kaikkia mahdollisia ääniä kuulet juuri nyt?
-lintujen lauluu
Sano kolme tavaraa mitä näät sinun vasemmalla puolella?
-ikkuna, kuusi, pulu
Millainen on syntymämerkkisi?
löysän lontin näkönen pieni läntti kyynärpään vieressä
Pidätkö toisesta nimestäsi enemmän kuin etunimestäsi?
Jatka lausetta haluammallasi tavalla;
Miksi kesä on liian lyhyt?
-ei oo


-banaani ja vilja
-vihree joku
Piirretty elokuva?
-karhuveljeni Koda
Itsetehty ruoka?
-pizza tai lihapullat ja muusi
Sunnuntain viettotapa?
-lötköily ja siivous
-Seppälä, H&M


-Dr. Pepper :-X
-Neekerinpusut, joskus söin niitä niin paljon et oksensin eikä ne enää maistu :-P
Sairastettu tauti?
-angiina on aika paska.
-MTV:n IHQRAXUpappabetalarP1SS1S-ohjelmat :-X
-kalja :-X

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 29.05.2007 12:55

Musliminaisia on kielletty puhumasta kännykkään julkisilla paikoilla. Määräys on annettu yleisen siveyden varjelemiseksi.
Suomalaisnaisen ensimmäinen ajatus: Kyllä asiat meillä ovat sentään hyvin! Suomalaisnaisen toinen ajatus: Miksi miehet haluavat hallita naisia?
Ihmiskunnan varhaisvaiheiden tutkijat kertovat, että alussa luultiin naisten tekevän lapset ihan "itsestään". Ei ymmärretty yhdynnän ja lapsen alkuunsaattamisen välistä yhteyttä. Naiset olivat siis varsin arvostettuja olentoja - hehän pystyivät luomaan uusia ihmisiä! Tuohon aikaan jumalatkin olivat naispuolisia.
Sitten joku hoksasi, että lapsi syntyy vain, jos nainen on ollut miehen kanssa. Miehilläkin oli siis pieni tehtävä suvunjatkamisessa. Osuus oli tosiaankin niin pieni - kuka tahansa mies saattoi suorittaa sen - että miehille tuli hätä. He alkoivat suurennella omaa merkitystään ja kantaa huolta siitä, että lapset olivat nimenomaan heidän omia lapsiaan. Siksi oli tärkeää, ettei nainen ollut kenenkään toisen miehen kanssa. Siksi miehet alkoivat määrätä naisten asioista. Siksi miehet loivat naisille ihan oman, tiukemman sukupuolimoraalin kuin itselleen.
Miesten hallitsemishalu johtuu siis alemmuudentunteesta.
Voi niitä reppanoita!

Regina 24/1999

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 29.05.2007 00:06

Sain sit tänään kauan kaivatut uudet rillit! Elämä kirkastu hetkessä :-D
Ja pankkitili keveni :-P

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 25.05.2007 11:43

Pirates of the Caribbean - At worlds end oli HELVETIN HYVÄ! :-D
Jack Sparrow rocks my socks...