• Kuvassa:
  • Kiukku

    Kiukkuthere's not much left to love
    too tired today to hate
    I feel the empty
    I feel the minute of decay

  • Kiukku

    KiukkuI'm on my way down now,
    I'd like to take you with me...

  • Kiukku

    Kiukkuthe minute that it's born
    it begins to die
    I'd love to just give in,
    I'd love to live this lie

  • Kiukku

    KiukkuI've been to black and back
    I've whited out my name
    a lack of pain, a lack of hope,
    a lack of anything to say

  • Kiukku

    KiukkuI've looked ahead,
    and saw a world that's dead.
    I guess that I am too...

  • Kiukku

    KiukkuThere is no cure for what is killing me

.Minute of Decay.