

- Vanhemmat »

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 16.01.2010 17:18

Anti Emo League - So, how does being emo make you feel?

Emo Person - EMOTIONAL....god...

AEL - Why are you so emotional?

Emo - Cuz I have so much emotions.

AEL - Why are all emo people are "misunderstood"?

Emo - EVERYBODY IS MISUNDERSTOOD!!!!!!!!! Omg...people can't read other peoples minds...which means everybody could be faking one knows the complete truth...everyone is MISUNDERSTOOD.

AEL - Where do you stand on the whole Republican vs. Democrat thing?

Emo - Anarchy...

AEL - Emos aren't anarchists, they just think they are.

Emo - You wouldn't know nothing. <----MITÄ VITTUA!??!!

AEL - Why are emo people always so sad?

Emo - Cuz of their emotions... I'm depressed and an insomniac.

AEL - Why don't you sleep?

Emo - Cuz I cant.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 16.01.2010 17:18

Anti Emo League - So, how does being emo make you feel?

Emo Person - EMOTIONAL....god...

AEL - Why are you so emotional?

Emo - Cuz I have so much emotions.

AEL - Why are all emo people are "misunderstood"?

Emo - EVERYBODY IS MISUNDERSTOOD!!!!!!!!! Omg...people can't read other peoples minds...which means everybody could be faking one knows the complete truth...everyone is MISUNDERSTOOD.

AEL - Where do you stand on the whole Republican vs. Democrat thing?

Emo - Anarchy...

AEL - Emos aren't anarchists, they just think they are.

Emo - You wouldn't know nothing. <----MITÄ VITTUA!??!!

AEL - Why are emo people always so sad?

Emo - Cuz of their emotions... I'm depressed and an insomniac.

AEL - Why don't you sleep?

Emo - Cuz I cant.
Ihmisyyden hautausmaalla kynttilät ei loista,
Madot karttaa ihoamme, kukat ei kukoista,
Haljenneita sanoja on hakattuna kiveen:
Vihan, sodan ja ahneuden nimeen.
Kompuroimme maailmassa hakattujen metsien,
Matelemme multaa suussa kohtaloa etsien.
Happosateen kohdatessa luomakunnankruunun,
Sanat vähättelevät palautuvat suuhun

Jos ihminen on kaiken mitta niin ehkä asteikolla,
Jolla arvioidaan vaan, tuhoa ja kuolemaa!!!

Katso miten subjekti on alistettu muottiin,
Katso miten pahoinvointi valuu silmistä.
Katso miten äänet ovat tiivistetty nuottiin,
Jota soitetaan kun kuonaa valuu pilvistä.
Ihmisyyden harha loistaa sulavista vartaloista
Jotka ruokkii liekkimerta palavien metsien.

Stronger than allMaanantai 09.03.2009 22:20

__There is nothing. No
education.No family life
to open my
Arms to. You'd say that my
job is today, yet gone
I'll be broke in a gutter.
I know the opinion. A
broken record. Fuck you
and your
College dream. Fact is,
we're stronger than all.
You're working for perfect
bodies, perfect minds and
Neighbors. But I'm helping
to legalize dope on
Your pristine streets and
I'm making a fortune.
You're muscle and gall.
Naive at best. I'm bone,
brain and
Cock. Deep down stronger
than all.

A sad state of affairs. A
crippled America. A pipe
Buttfucked. Immune.
Stronger than all.

A lament for a rookie
officer, punk ass weak
little lamb.
For the mob, truly, does
rule at this particular

We've grown into a
monster. An arrogant,
explosive motherfuck.
Hard as a rock. Shut like
a lock.
Finally, the president in
submission. He holds out
his hand on
Your television and draws
back a stump. It's too
late for some.

Far too late.

No more holdbacks. No more
paying a cops paycheck.
Let him
Bust his own child. The
son that heeds my word and
smokes my dope.
The daughter that sucks me
off and snorts cheap

Hail Kings. The new Kings.
Stronger than all.

A simple process to
legalize. There would not
be a choice but to
Take our side. Be there no
question of certain
strengths. Know
This intention. Forever
stronger than all
- Vanhemmat »