


pierces the heavens!

Oli tylsää, ei nukuttanut...Maanantai 11.02.2008 03:53


What is this dark energy
That flows during night time
That keeps me awake way past nine
And where is this energy during the day

Asleep during the day
Awake at night
How come even though here i lay
in a space that has no light
I feel not like passing out
Instead i tap my feet
My feet to the silences beat

Is it the hypnotic light of the monitors
Or just silent admiration of the serenity and calm
That is absent in the corridors
Or maybe it's my thoughts, or what happended during the day
That's why i can't sleep, even though here i lay

Something is missing from the night
Someone that appears in the light
Perhaps, but it could be much more
But i feel not like telling a lore

No matter how little i've slept
This secret i have kept
No matter how much i've done
No matter if the day was happy
Or if it was filled with misery

I just can't sleep at night
Even though there is no light
Recipient of dark energy i may be
But i want to live during the day instead
Not sleepy, but as if the energy still flows into me

For this time o'night
Is the time i feel most enlightened
It's the time i allow my feelings to unravel
And around the room and the internet they travel

Even the ones i despise like hate
Which always appears late
And jealousy, grief, sorrow, depression
They all appear in succession

But especially feelings like love, joy, hope, trust and lust
Feelings that are never quite lost
These feelings can never be manifested enough
For upon myself i am tough

I fear too much, the effects of my words
Words that i mix up like i mix up my chords
The fear is not conscious
Therefore i must delve into my subconscius
And change the very fabric of myself
A part done, a bit more to do

To become my own hero and legend
I need the help of the energy to succeed
As i don't have the land deed
To the complex maze that is my brain
So come and help me with this pain

Open the lock
Turn the knob
Open the door
And i'll show you some more

As these sweet thought-of words pour on my keyboard
I feel the land of sleep calling on me
And across the border i'm hoard
Here is where i want to be
The only thing missing is the warmth
Of someone else beside me

Someday i'll be gone from this place
Silly you, i mean not death
But at a warm loving embrace
And the cold of the night will be gone

Maybe the energies will then be balanced
Warmth during the day and warmth during the night too
And the dark energies will be swapped to light
And my heart will rejoice the union of two

Juu oma on. Ja joo päivällä en varmasti keksis mitään tämmöstä, on ne energiat hauskoja. Ja oli kyllä tosi mukava viikonloppu :) Että jos tuo vaikuttaa jotenkin angstiselta niin en tiedä mistä johtuu, hyvä fiilis on :D Jaa siitäpä tuli pitkä lukuisten muokkausten ja lisäysten jälkeen... Kauankohan tätä nyt oikeen kirjotin, ois kai sitä voinut koittaa nukkuakkin :P Näköjään tunnin, vähän päälle, yay! :D Tuossa on kyll aika monesta ajanjaksosta kyll vaikutteita nyt kun tarkemmin luin :o

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