


pierces the heavens!

Painin uus levy.Keskiviikko 10.12.2008 17:37

Kuunneltu läpi, kuulostaapa erillaiselta kuin psalms of extinction... Biiseissäkin mukavasti vaihteluja, kun huomaa jopa country vaikutteita yhdessä biisissä nii onha se vähä huvittavaa. Hirveä pop biisiki tuolla välissä, tai no pop ja pop, on se minulle sitä... Elikkä tuo feat nightwishin uusi laulaja "Follow me"

Todella hyviä biisejä tuntus olevan, vaikuttaa vaan vähän semmoselta kun aukes nopeaakin että kyllästyn tähän varmaan aika pian. Suosittelen kumminkin katsastamaan.

"Cynic Paradise" on levyn nimi, artisti siis "Pain"

Sanasto antia:

I'm not gonna take this shit and I'm not gonna drown
Again and again you set the rules for us to lay it down
Suits and ties decide your destiny from dollar signs
And when the goddamn boat starts to sink, they don't care who's left behind

Step right up people and vote for your favorite disaster!
They are all corrupted so it doesn't really matter

When life gets tough and you know it will
Then have a drink on me
The alcohol never talks back to me
It never tells me when it's time to go home
It's been my friend for over 25 years
And she has never cut me low

So you think you're better than me
No matter how much money you got
You still bleed
Not everything is for sale
Can't buy yourself happiness
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the richest motherfucker of them all?

We're running out of meaning
We're running out of being alive
We have no purpose breathing
Might as well just spit and die
Live fast, die young
Who cares about the world when it soon will be gone
Burn fast, die hard
There is no future and there's nowhere to run
The floods and hurricanes harvest lives
It's just a taste of cynic paradise... we're all gonna die

Stop and waving at people while you're cruising down the red carpets path
Just suck in all the flashes and pretend you care while signing away your autograph

Se poppi biisi =
( on tuo kyllä melkee ku suoraa mtv pop puolelta )

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