


Born as balance guardian.

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Questions in the darkTiistai 15.09.2009 07:53

I had just parked my car next to a hotel. I was confronted by a group of chinese men who guided me to go with them onto a small boat on a river.

I flashed back to an earlier event. I was in my room minding my own business. Then some of my female friends came into the room. It was somehow apparent that there was going to be a party. I was pleasantly surprised. After a short dialogue I went downstairs and there were something like 20 people there. The only downside was that there was no running water, but I don´t think it bothered us all that much. We had fun. Then a friend of one of my friends said that she wanted to talk with me about something. It had something to do with the friend we both knew. The overall feel of the situation was very pleasant.

Then someone was asking questions about my evening, the people there and my relationship and feelings toward those people. Casual stuff. It wasn´t an interrogation, the voice was simply asking questions and I answered smiling with my eyes closed. I noticed that I was lying on my stomach. I was still answering a question when I opened my eyes... I was floating on a wooden platform on the river. I looked to my right to see who was talking to me, asking all those casual questions. What I saw was blood, and two bloody stumps where I would have expected to see arms. Someone had cut off the man´s arms from the shoulders but still somehow he was hanging on a wall. He was covered in blood and shaking. He still managed to ask me a question about my relationships but I couldn´t answer anymore. I started to get the feeling that he was trying to sooth me with all those questions.

I looked behind me and moved my legs. A chunk of flesh fell into the water. I think it was a human torso. Or what was left of one. I couldn´t pay much attention to it because I noticed to my horror that my legs had been cut off. The other from the ankle and the other from the knee. I didn´t scream. I simply looked around in shock. There was an uzi next to me on a railing. I picked it up. I wasn´t sure whether it was empty or if there was still one bullet in there.

I couldn´t feel anything anymore.

Then I woke up.

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