


Roukken Roul!!!
    David Johanssen fiiliksissä :-)
    New York Dolls

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    Turussa huhtikuussa

    "Trukilla yli vaikeuksien"
    -Limonadi Elohopea

    "Still waiting not
    Everything we do is better
    when we're two
    Don't take it like I fake
    Everytime I try to say
    that i love you"
    -Backyard Babies: Roads

    Kukat saan, väärät sanat
    sanon(?) ja tytön
    -Krisse Sydän

    "I'm not about being
    Number one
    But I'm so afraid
    That I'm right
    And you're wrong"
    -Backyard Babies: Abandon

    "Whatever you give a
    woman, she will make
    greater. If you give her
    sperm, she'll give you a
    baby. If you give her a
    house, she'll give you a
    home. If you give her
    groceries, she'll give you
    a meal. If you give her a
    smile, she'll give you her
    heart. She multiplies and
    enlarges what is given to
    her. So, if you give her
    any crap, be ready to
    receive a ton of shit"
    -vanha viidakon sanonta :)