


Don't make me be myself around you

"Geenitekniikalla muunneltu orgasmi.!"Maanantai 22.09.2008 19:25

"Eikö sulle sais jotain kapulaa suuhun, että hiljenisit?"

kIero: Well I can tell what happened (to my face) late last night.
Jerry: I had rough sex with King Bream!(and his bro) It was AWESOME
more awesome
the most awesome in my life so far!
together they are...
You can't even imagine
kIero: Now I'm gonna cut my wrists with pink my little pony!
Are you happy now?
Jerry: Yap! because I had so good sex.
Jerry: Not really. it was just a dream..
kIero: You had a dream that one day you are going to have sex with S and A!
Jerry: After that. I RAPED YOU!
kIero: You come to my room and raped me??
Jerry: Yap yap!

Jamia: Senkin paskiainen! Sä petit mun aviomiestä. Mä tapan sut!!

22.09.2008 16:17 <Suttumuusi> Let's kill Jeraard, se petti sua :8
22.09.2008 16:27 <Suttumuusi> I'm gonna cut he's dick, and then I'm gonna feed it to him!!!

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