GhettoEbola tulee ja hakka meidät PESÄPALLOMAILALLA! Kuten Elmu hakkas Masan yöllä!
st. helen sanoo: kourasen sua perseestä. ;D
st. helen sanoo: himottas kyllä..
*Kristallikeiju* sanoo: Kouria mun persettä? o_O
*Kristallikeiju* sanoo: sick Gerard sick
st. helen sanoo: what's wrong with that???!?
st. helen sanoo: YOU HAVE SOMEONE ELSE?
*Kristallikeiju* sanoo: YES!! MAIKKI!!
st. helen sanoo: WHAT?????????????????????????
*Kristallikeiju* sanoo: Yes.. I'm sorry..
*Kristallikeiju* st. helen You have Ray
*Kristallikeiju* sanoo: I have BOOOOB and Maikki
st. helen sanoo: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
st. helen sanoo: I AM SO GOING TO HAVE LOHDUTUSSEX FROM A. L.!!!!!!!!
st. helen sanoo: How could you do this to me Gerard!???
st. helen sanoo: eiku Frank
st. helen sanoo: fuck!:D :D :DDDDDDDDDDDDD