


Little angelfuck!

Damien part 1Sunnuntai 29.11.2009 22:34

So now I'm lying here
On the bed, in the asylum
They feed me drugs
To make me calm

Oh I'm serene
I don't feel shit
I feel nothing

They come to see me
Once a week
They come to say hello
How are you, goodbye
They come to see me
Even though they don't want to
They know I don't want to stay here
All alone

Oh I'm serene
I don't feel shit
I feel nothing

But my face is still twisting
When I experience something
That reminds me of my pastlife
That reminds me of all that shit
At least I don't get panic attacks
Thanks to these drugs
I'm just floting here
Feeling nothing

They told me that I'm traumatized
That I'm schitzophrenic
Jealous, angry and paranoid
Anorexic and full of bitterness

And there's lots of more to remember
I just don't, thanks to these drugs

I know I should say sorry
Sorry that I killed your boyfriend
Sorry that I killed your best friend
Your husband, your brother and your father

Sorry I killed your son
Sorry I killed your husband
What am I to you

Sorry I killed your boyfriend
Sorry I killed your best friend
I love you so much

But we all know
I don't feel bad
Oh I'm serene
I don't feel shit
I feel nothing
At all

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