


the way that booty moovin' I can't take no more
By just calling out your name
The world became complete
No matter what your past was
I want to heal all your wounds for you

If my voice reaches you
I am waiting here for you
Because when I’m alone the love seems like it could vanish
This crazy love that won’t happen again

I had the same dreams as you did
I thought they would continue now
Whatever your lies and secrets are
I just wanted to believe you and care for you

That fragment of my heart
It became warmer when we both held it
That’s all it took

If time were to stop
I would always be waiting
The oath we both made that seems about to disappear
It’s a crazy love in my memory

This crazy love that won’t happen again

#022 // R.I.P 15.12.2006Sunnuntai 18.01.2009 23:39

Sitä muistellen

#021Sunnuntai 18.01.2009 20:25

Don't go, don't go I love you so much
Look at the me who you still don't know I want to be with you now

How much do I have to be hurt for this pain to disappear?
My heart has been crying The gloom and rain of May

On the last train I draw a spiral going home in the hazy moonlight
I've got to hurry I've got to hurry I really can't bear this

Don't go, don't go I love you so much
Look at the me who you still don't know
Don't cry, don't cry What is the reason for your tears?
Look at your me who you don't know

A wind is blowing inside my heart The wind of this instant is blowing
It goes "hyululi la la la hyululi la la la la" in solitude

How many times have I made you cry How long have you kept on waiting
All of the countless memories And your smile

Don't go, don't go I love you so much
Look at the me who you still don't know
Don't cry, don't cry What is the reason for your tears?
Look at your me who you don't know
Because I want to be with you now

Don't go, don't go I love you so much
Look at the me who you still don't know
Those ones I love, those ones I love just like those flowers, with this love for eternity
I want to send it to every unadorned day
Swaying, swaying close together in the sunlight
I want to send it to every unchanging day
Our love

#020 // vitun 33cm luukkane!Lauantai 10.01.2009 17:08

Kyyläsin jessen yhteisöjä ja mun rupes tekeen mieli banaania : <

#019 // and happy new year (8)Torstai 01.01.2009 02:40


Kiitos vuodesta 2008!
Penis on kengänkoko + 3 x nenänmittaa / painolla x 35.

Siitä vaan laskeen pojut.

08.01.2009 15:46 <Luukkanen> Jesse "33cm" Luukkaneeen!

Lööv u jesbuli <3.
Galleriaan K18

Ensinnäki kaikki joilla on kuvia kalleriassa ni on henkeen ja vereen irkkajii (Ni ylläpito!) ja sitäpaitsi kalleriahan on alunperin vain irkkaajille, kuinkas moni tänkin yhteisön henkilöistä loppujen lopuksi irkkaa..?

Toiseks, mitä haittaa niistä nuoremmista kallerian täyttäjistä on. Tälläkin hetkellä ruimasti yli puolet kallerian käyttäjistä on 12-17 vuotiaita. Oisko se nyt sitten niin tarpeellista, että kalleriasta lähtee yli puolet? Onks se mitä tän yhteisön henkilöt haluaa.

Kolmanneks, JOS kalleriaan tulis ikärajaks K18, uskon aika rohkeesti et teinien määrä täälä vain kasvais. Sit kalleriassa olosta tullis se "cool" juttu. Sitäpaitsi, milläs vitulla luulette ylläpidon vahtivan sitä et kaikki käyttäjät tosiaan on 18.

Onks siit ny si ni perkeleesti haittaa jos täälä on meitä nuorempiakin? Häiritäänkö me tetä ny niin paljon? Jos ootte nii nolife et pystytte oleen tommoses yhteisös nii miettikääs vähä.

Vastaatte toho hyvin ja perustelusti ni mä voin kantaa korteni kekoo ja painua helvettiin täältä häiritsemästä teitä.

PS. Ei siin mtn, Suomes on mielipiteen vapaus. Olkaa siittä onnellisia.

#016 // What a horny nightTorstai 25.12.2008 03:00

She stood there waiting alone
Green eyes her shoulder exposed
Smiling and biting her straw
She gave me one look, I froze

Her sexy inviting eyes
My hands on her hips as we grind
She whispered in an accent unknown

Just let go, let the music take control babe
Move your body, nothing crazy
So take it slow, there's so many things I want you to know
I ain't leaving you, cuz I'm yours tonight

I can tell you want me too
And every time I think of you
That luscious juice your lips produce
I can taste that sweet LOVEJUICE

Those lips as red as a rose
Vibing to the beat from the Boze
Don't rush the night is still young
Take it to the room and sex things up

I can see you call out my name, saying
“Don't stop, more” I'm trying to see how your lips feel babe
All we need is body language
ET 7

#014 // SALKKAREIS NÄKYY KAMERAMIES!!Sunnuntai 21.12.2008 00:06

minmi sanoo:

Kiitos mimmi, kun valaisit minua.