


the way that booty moovin' I can't take no more

#094Keskiviikko 15.07.2009 02:24

#093Tiistai 14.07.2009 20:32

#092Keskiviikko 08.07.2009 23:39

A man escaped from the prison, where he had been for the past 15 years. He broke into a house and looked for money and guns, but all he found from there was a sleeping married couple. He tore the man out of the bed and tied him up to a chair. Then he tied up the woman to the bed, kissed her on her neck and went to the bathroom.

While the runaway was in the bathroom the man said to his wife: "That man has escaped from prison! I bet he hasn't seen a woman in a long time. I noticed how he kissed your neck. If he wants to have sex, don't resist. Don't even think about it, just let him do whatever he wants to. He must be dangerous. If he get's angry he might kill us both. Be brave, my darling! I love you."

The wife responded: "He didn't kiss my neck. He told me he was gay and asked if we had any lube. I told him that there's some in the bathroom. Be brave my darling! I love you too."

#091 Tiistai 30.06.2009 00:27

Bye bye.

#090Perjantai 26.06.2009 03:51

Se on toi karuselli mikä meijät yhistää.

#089Keskiviikko 24.06.2009 23:35

#088Keskiviikko 24.06.2009 02:17

En mä tosta ohjelmasta niin välitä, mut toi Ed

#087Tiistai 23.06.2009 23:15

Kimi sanoo:
aa muistan ulkoo junan pysähdys paikat tampereelta hesaan siis lähijuna
Kyu sanoo:
mikä se kysymys oli
Kimi sanoo:
tämä on lähi juna helsinkiin, pysähdyspaikkamme ennen helsinkiä ovat: lempäälä, viiala, toijala, iittala, parola, Hämeenlinna, turenki, Ryttylä, Riihimäki, Hyvinkää, Jokela, järvenpää, Kerava, Tikkurila, Pasila ja Helsinki asasasas miten voin muistaaa lolleeroo
Kyu sanoo:
Kimi sanoo:
liikaa junaa .
Kyu sanoo:
no vähäsee

Näillä mennään Kimiii

#086Lauantai 20.06.2009 06:59

Nyt on meneillään leffa marathon ((:
ja klo on 4.

Vittu ku niskaa särkee tämmönen dataaminen :o.

#085Torstai 18.06.2009 21:49

särkänniemeen särkänniemeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen