


the Ghost in the Machine.
There once was an Alchemist who loved Bloodshed
The Crimson Alchemist, the bloody, the Red.
Immoral, Cruel and bad to the core
You were still one of the best, despite all the gore

Destroyed the lives of the people in Ishbal
Their dark skin, red eyes, you wanted them to fall
Stay away from him, he'll bring you your doom
Blink once, too bad, this man will make you go boom

Arrested, Convicted and placed in time out
The man was still psycho, this I don't doubt
Evil, Cruel and Crazy in the head
You can't be trusted, even when your dead

Killed so many, that was your deed
I'll never forgive you, you betrayed him, the one named Greed
How can one man bring such a disaster?
Just shut up, we want to live, so start running faster.

Crimson Alchemist, he was hired by the State
Those who met him, was destined for a messy fate
Highly hostile, unsafe and extremely deadly
This wanted man's name is Zolf J. Kimbley

Move, Move get out of here now.
You better get going, letting you live is one thing he won't allow.
With the Circle in hand and his skills almost divine.
All the elements in you will be tuned oh-so fine.

Of all the horrible images and despicably cruel scenes
Knowing him, you'll be blown to smithereens
Run, Run this madman in on his way,
In just a few moments you'll be nothing but burns, maggots and nice flesh decay.

Now ladies and gentlemen there's a lesson to learn
Stay away from this man or else you will burn.
He's mad, explosive and downright crazy
Just stay away from him and you won't be fried like last night's KFC

kellä kaikil ei toimi mese?Keskiviikko 27.02.2008 00:21

mul toimii x))

ahTiistai 26.02.2008 20:29

. Kerro jotakin mistä pidät minussa?

2. Kerro mikä laulu muistuttaa sinua minusta?

3. Kerro mikä elokuva muistuttaa sinua minusta?

4. Kerro mikä väri muistuttaa sinua minusta?

5. Kerro jotakin mitä meidän pitäisi tehdä yhdessä?

6. Sano jotakin minkä vain me kaksi ymmärrämme?

7. Kysy jotakin mitä olet aina halunnut tietää minusta?

roflcopterTiistai 26.02.2008 11:41

Sinä, joka luet tätä,

kuvaile minua yhdellä sanalla.

Siis vain yhdellä,

ja sen jälkeen laita tämä omaan päiväkirjaasi,

jotta näet mitä muut ajattelevat sinusta. :]

ahhh <3Tiistai 26.02.2008 11:37

[Words can't describe it]
And I don't have to talk to you, do I? I can just feel
And you'll feel it right here too
Words can't describe
And I don't have to talk to you do I?]

Don't think you know me
Not everyone is who they seem to be
They don't trust your instincts
Or the words you read or write but you say

Start sleeping with the light on
The things you see are beyond doubts
You don't need your eyes anymore
Open them to see me rip them out

[He still freak you out?
Nothing freaks me out
Try living with him]

Now symbols can describe
This fragile blood I feel
I'm the enemy in the end
A victim among your friends
You still want to see
Some worth inside of me
Don't fool yourself again
You are my victim, not my friend.


No symptoms to describe
This nothing that I feel inside
No salt to leave me paralyzed
You were never my friend
An emptiness only I can see
To me its gift of a disease
Want me to hurt you just say please
I was never your friend

No symbols can describe
This fragile blood I feel
I'm the enemy in the end
A victim among your friends
You still want to see
Some worth inside of me
Don't fool yourself again
You are my victim, not my friend.


You were never my friend
I was never your friend.

Now symbols can describe
This fragile blood I feel
I'm the enemy in the end
A victim among your friends
You still want to see
Some worth inside of me
Don't fool yourself again
You are my victim, not my fucking friend
I was never your friend.

[Words can't describe it
And I don't have to talk to you, do i?
I can just...

FullMetal DansenMaanantai 25.02.2008 18:32

kinda boredMaanantai 25.02.2008 03:49

Klikkaa kymmenen satunnaista galleriasta ja laita niiden oletuksen kuvatekstit numeroiduille paikoille klikkailu järjestyksessä.

1. Heräsin tänään aamulla ja totesin: mä ja mari..

2. Toistelin: ruissi-06..ft ipen kiva tukka..:D

3. Sanoin luokkatoverilleni: !

4. Sitten piti tehdä: ya bitch standin here hollerin while you liein on the floor

5. Joka kerta kun oon kännissä sanon: ilme kohillaa :D Henkan <3<3

6. Vaihdan ehkä oletuskuvani tekstiksi: omg flashbacks!

7. Oon saletisti: <3

8. Kiljasin eilen kaupungilla: pieplidibeli!

9. Ensivuoden tuleva mottoni on: Tädin syntterit :D:D

10. Viimeiset sanani tulevat olemaan: ihan ite
