


the Ghost in the Machine.

One Nation Under GodPerjantai 25.04.2008 11:47

Blood, amp, disorder
Deadly efficiency
New world order
Pain brings victory
War is over
Your grief is history
War Is over
Your cross, my memory

Blinded by power
Blunt hypocrisy
Died for power
Shot by the enemy
War is over
Your grief is history
War is over
Your cross, my memory

One nation under god
One death
One god
How can I repay you, brother mine?
How can I expect you to forgive?
Clinging to the past I shared our blood,
and shattered your chance to live

Though I knew the laws I payed no heed.
How can I return your wasted breath?
What I did not know has cost you dear,
For there is no cure for death.

Beautiful Mother soft and sweet,
Once you were gone, we were not complete.
Back through the years, we've reached for you
Alas, its was not meant to be.

And how can I make ammends
For all that I took from you?
I lead you with hopeless dreams.
My brother I was a fool.

Don't cry for the past now brother mine.
Neither you nor I are free from blame.
Nothing can erase the things we did,
For the path we took was the same.

Beautiful Mother soft and sweet,
Once you were gone we were not complete.
Back through the years we've reached for you
Alas its was not meant to be.

My dreams made me blind and mute.
I longed to return to that time.
I followed without a word.
My brother, the fault is mine.

So where do we go from here?
And how to forget and forgive?
What is gone is forever lost.
Now All we can do is live.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 24.04.2008 23:50

onnistun kasaa ittelleni vaa kasapäin surua

...Keskiviikko 23.04.2008 13:09

ahh!Lauantai 19.04.2008 12:24

kertokaa mitä tänää? tollane ilma eli iha täydellinen datauspäivä mut silti... ;> ja mä vaan hajoon näille x)

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 17.04.2008 16:47

26.12.07 23:36 <Zykl0n-B> mo ah vittu<4

kyylään juuson kommentteja >__<

4 Steps to Dysfunction <3Keskiviikko 16.04.2008 13:51

Step 1 - I want you to bleed for me
Step 2 - I want you to kill for the thrill of it
Step 3 - I want you to love the taste of murder
Step 4 - I want you to die

ah rakastan tätä biisii <3