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OMGWTFBBQ!Perjantai 05.03.2010 21:43

Okei.. Tässä on nyt kehittymässä joku salaliittoteoria.. Ihan selkeesti..
En spoilaa, koska olen yllättävän kiva tänään.

Addiktoiduin... taas..Torstai 04.03.2010 22:48

Pelasin Phoenix Wrightia taas pitkästä aikaa ja tajusin (taas) että tää pelisarjahan on aivan loistava!
Hiukka väärässä järkässä tosin... alotin pelaamalla Trials and Tribulationsin läpi (koska Dahlia on rakkaus <3) ja nyt menossa Justice for All :D

Ja tässä on muutenki ihan mukava määrä hahmoja joita voisin joskus cossata... esim. Lisa Basil, Dahlia Hawthorne, Viola Cadaverini, Ron DeLite ja rakas ikuisuusprojektini: Franziska von Karma, jonka voisin muuten tehä tyyliin ens vuonna? (mulla ois kaavat ja proppi siihen cossiin muutenkin.. ja oikeestaan myös kankaat... Ehkä jopa Desuun koska mulla ei oo sinne toista cossia vielä?)

Ja tolla listalla on tasan yksi mieshahmo :D
Godot kävi mielessä, mutta kun mä en juo kahvia (en ainakaan sitä 17 kuppia per oikeudenkäynti)
Ja muutenkaan ei... ei tällä kropalla :/

Lisa ois oikeesti ihan kiva tehä joskus, jos siitä vaan ois kuvaa vyötäröstä alaspäin.. En oo löytäny ainakaan mistään... :/

Ah lolTorstai 04.03.2010 00:29

Mä en näköjään pääse Traconiin koska meidän perheloma sattuu sopivasti siihen päälle. Ironista tässä on se, että me tultas kotiin 5. päivä. :D
En tiedä pitäskö mun itkeä vai nauraa joten teen molempia.

Olin jo ehtiny alottaa toista cossiaki sinne.. :/

TÄMÄ!Tiistai 02.03.2010 16:48

Are you swimming up stream
in oceans of blue
Do you feel like your sinking?
Are you sick of the rain after all you've been through?
Well I know what you're thinking
When you can't take it
You can make it
Sometime soon I know you'll see

'cause when you're in your darkest hour
And all of the light just fades away
and When you're like a single flower whose colours have turned to shades of gray
Well hang on and be strong

We're taking each step one day at a time
You can't loose your spirit
Let live and let live forget and forgive
It's all how you see it
And just remember keep it together
Don't you know you're never alone

'cause when you're in your darkest hour
And all of the light just fades away
When you're like a single flower whose colours have turned to shades of gray
Well hang on (whoa) and be strong

No you're not defeated
And soon you'll be smiling once again
Then you won't have to feel it
Let it go with the wind
Time passes us by
And know that you're allowed to cry

'cause when you're in your darkest hour
And all of the light just fades away
When you're like a single flower whose colours have turned to shades of gray
Well hang on (whoa) and be strong
(hang on hang on) Be strong
Hold on and be strong


Aaaaah.. Pitäs kaikkee muuta tehdä eka (saatanasti kaikkee keskenerästä projektia) mutta aaaaaaaaaah~ Pakko! Mulla on tästä joku niin hieno visio ja sain kehiteltyy tähän jopa lähes toimivan tarinan XDDD Vartissa... :D

Put your rape face onSunnuntai 28.02.2010 20:44

Kuuntelin Delta Goodremin Brave Facea ja mä oikeesti kuulin et se laulais siinä "Put your rape face on"

Miten niin kuulo feilaa välillä XD

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 28.02.2010 19:50

Jännää... Jotenkin onnistuin taas alottamaan epämääräsen, mutta samalla erittäin eeppisen taistelun random fanilikan kanssa XD

Niin mäki sua, äitiPerjantai 26.02.2010 01:26

Tulin tänää Annin mökiltä kotiin ja äiti oli sen neljän päivän aikana mitä se oli ollu yksin siivonnu sitte meiän kodin, mukaanlukien mun huoneen. Eihän siinä sillain mitään, mut se vaan oli menny ja heittäny "tarpeettomia" tavaroita ja vaatteita pois. Mukaanlukien sen pussin, missä mä säilytän mun nauhoja (eihä niitä ollu yhteensä ku 10 metrii) ja pari keskenerästä cossia. Pitää tehä Haku ja Ryoji uusiks... ;____;

For the lulzTorstai 25.02.2010 18:11


Tsundere (Harsh Outside-Gentle Inside)
[x] You come off as sort of aloof to other people.
[x] In public, you intentionally refrain from showing much weakness.
[ ] You have a secret obsession with something cute.
[ ] You pretend that you hate your crush even though you really love him/her
[/] You blush when people point out your sensitivities.
[ ] You blush when people tell sexual jokes.

Total: 2½

Yandere (Gentle Outside-Harsh Inside)
[ ] YouÂ’re very sweet and kind in public.
[ ] When romance becomes a topic of discussion, people say your personality changes drastically.
[x] You know some sort of martial art, swordplay, or otherwise.
[ ] You have a crush who youÂ’d literally kill for.
[x] You have a pet peeve that makes you snap.
[ ] Schizophrenic?
Total: 2

Meganekko (Girl/Guy-with-Glasses Character)
[x] You have glasses.
[x] You can sometimes/always be clumsy, ditzy, or absent-minded.
[ ] You are always very polite in your speech.
[/] You are fairly intelligent in some field.
[ ] You take discipline seriously.
[x] You have some sort of fetish for something.
Total: 3½

Tsukkomi (Angry Guy)
[x] You have a friend/s who often make dumb or embarrassing remarks.
[x] You smack/beat up this friend in someway.
[/] You do your best to maintain a calm facade, only to be thwarted by this friend.
[x] If you & your friend were a yin-yang, you’d be the “yin”
[x] You swear a lot.
[ ] You try to bring out the more serious side of your ridiculous friend.
Total: 4½

Boke (Dumb Guy)
[x] You often make silly or embarrassing comments.
[x] You like annoying the heck out of your best friend/close friend.
[ ] You often get beaten up by your friend in some way, but you take it in good
[ ] If you & your friend were a yin-yang, you’d be the “yang”
[/] You are normally very laid back and carefree.
[ ] You try to bring out the happier side of your angry friend.
Total: 2½

Nadeshiko (Perfect Wife)
[ ] You are always, almost overly, polite.
[x] You love traditional Japanese culture.
[ ] You often wear either a kimono, yukata (summer cotton kimono), or apron.
[ ] YouÂ’re an excellent cook.
[ ] You are hardly ever angry.
[ ] You have really long hair.
Total: 1

Sexy Character
[ ] Your bust/package is...formidable.
[ ] You like making sexual innuendos.
[ ] You encourage trips to the beach, pool, or onsen (hot springs).
[ ] There are some sexual things that you are ignorant to or need explained to you.
[ ] YouÂ’re an expert cosplayer.
[ ] You like the taste of alcohol.
Total: 0 :D

Loli/Shota Character
[x] You like sweets or chocolate.
[/] You adore cute things and/or the word “kawaii”.
[ ] You use Japanese suffixes like “-chan,” “-tan,” “-sempai,” etc.
[ ] You add unnecessary suffixes to the ends of your sentences, like “nyo,” “nyu,” “un,” etc.
[ ] You are considered gullible or naive.
[ ] You have a tall/powerful friend who protects you.
Total: 1½

Tsukkomi :D