


You're handball lemonhead :D

Instant star<3Keskiviikko 05.11.2008 01:17

Jude Harrison: Can you just promise me one thing? Until then, if the door in there is ever locked -
Tommy Quincy: I'll just kick it down.

Spiederman: Dude, you killed him?
Tommy Quincy: Look, man, he came in screaming, alright? He said I stole his stuff! And then he came at me and struggled with the gun, and then - D, I forgot... What happened next?
Darius Mills: You shot me, T.
Tommy Quincy: That's right, I shot him.

Jamie Andrews: What was on that tape?
Kyle: Just a couple of badgers mating.
Spiederman: And you had that tape in your car, because?
Spiederman: [Kyle looks away] Good.

Sadie Harrison: What if I told you that made your butt look big?
Jude Harrison: Then there's just more of me to love.

Jude Harrison: Doing it alone in the alley? That's the first sign of addiction, Quincy.
Tommy Quincy: I can stop any time I want.
[Tommy offers Jude the red licorice he's eating]
Tommy Quincy: Come on. The first taste's always free.

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