


You're handball lemonhead :D

Mitchel Musso - The In CrowdKeskiviikko 21.10.2009 01:55

Spin away the combination for the last time.
Say goodbye to this year.
I wish I could avoid the empty summer days that await me.
They'll fake a smile goodbye, celebrating their new freedom.
I sit alone on the couch
Wondering why,

I wonder what its like to have it all
To never be afraid that I would fall
But I dont think I've ever known a time
That I was part of the in crowd

Here we go another day another disgrace.
Fall flat on my face,
I wish I had a bunch of money
Catch a plane head out west
Go on and play around
All full of the fans and freedom
I sit alone on the couch
Wondering why

I wonder what its like to have it all
To never be afraid that I would fall
But I dont think Ive ever known a time
That I was part of the in crowd

Chorus [#2]:
Doesnt anyone here live an original life
What did you surrender to be on the inside,
When you disappear they wont remember your name
And you'll fade away and someone takes your place.
Takes your place
In the in crowd

Spin away the combination for the last time
Say goodbye to this year
I wish I could avoid the empty summer days that await me
They'll fake a smile goodbye celebrating their new freedom
I sit alone on the couch
But I'm ready to fly

I wonder what its like to have it all
To never be afraid that I would fall
But I don't think I've ever known a time
I wonder what its like to have it all
To never be afraid that I would fall
But I dont think Ive ever known a time
That I was part of the in crowd.

Of the in crowd
In the in crowd

I dont need anything that I cant find in me
Im alive I have been out of line at the end
Waiting for something more something new to begin
Waiting for something more someway to fit in

In the in crowd
In the in crowd

-.-Perjantai 09.10.2009 02:36

Joskus on sanottava hyvästi, jotta voi sanoa moi.

HUOMIO!!Perjantai 25.09.2009 00:54

Mul on 3 katsomolippuu paramoren keikalle! Haluan ne myydä pois, mutta en haluis tehdä siitä huutonettiin mitään isoo juttuu..


Niin tyhmänä sitten unohdin tietenkin hinnan heittää! :D

eli normihinnalla 47 € kipale!


hei oikeesti!Tiistai 15.09.2009 12:36

Kuinka tyhmä Kayne West oikeeen on? Hei haloo! Toinen kokee elämänsä tähtihetken ja se menee pilaamaan sen...! Suututtaa tommonen p****! Taylor Swift ansaitsi sen palkinnon ja sit joku kayne menee urputtamaan jotain v**** p***** sinne! Saatana soikoon!

Angstinen olo.Lauantai 29.08.2009 19:25

En oo tehnyt mitään ja en varmaan tuu tekemään mitään järkevää.. Sit toi ilma on huono ja kaikki kaverit on keksinyt jotain tekemistä, mut tietenkään mä en mahdu mukaan.. Yrittää tässä sit tehdä jotain kun ei jaksa.. ja yksin on tylsää tehdä mitään.. :D

What If - Ashley TisdaleTorstai 20.08.2009 01:48

Don't speak
I can't believe, this is here happening
Our situation isn't right
Get real, who you playing with
I never thought you'd be like this
You were supposed to be there by my side

When you say that you want me
I just don't believe it
You're always ready to give up and never turn around

But what if I need you baby
Would you even try to save me
Or would you find some lame excuse to never be true
What if I said I loved you
Would you be the one to run to
Or would you watch me walk away without a fight

I'm so sick of worrying that you're gonna quit over anything
I can trip and you let go like that
And everything that we ever were
It seems to fade, but not the hurt
'Cause you don't know the good things from the bad

When I say that I want you
You know that I mean it
And in my hour of weakness
There's still time to try

But what if I need you baby
Would you even try to save me
Or would you find some lame excuse to never be true
What if I said I loved you
Would you be the one to run to
Or would you watch me walk away without a fight

Every time I speak you try and stop me
'Cause every little thing I say is wrong
You say you're noticing, but you never see
This is who I really am but you can't relate
Makes me wanna know right now if it's me you'll live with out
Or would you change your mind?

What if I need you

But what if I need you baby
Would you even try to save me
Or would you find some lame excuse to never be true
What if I said I loved you
Would you be the one to run to
Or would you watch me walk away without a...

Oh baby what if I need you

Yeah, yeah

What if I need...
What if I need you

Oh what if I need you

If I need you, you you

(tää on semmonen biisi jonka haluisin jossain joskus esittää... mut jää varmaan haaveeks, koska toi laulaminen ei oikeen tällä hetkellä suju. :( )

Tää oli jo niin kiva facebookissa :)Keskiviikko 12.08.2009 18:53

Step 1: Put your music player on shuffle.
Step 2: Post the first line from the first 40 songs that play
Step 3: Strike out the songs when someone guesses both artist and track correctly.
Step 4: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!
Step 5: If you like the game post your own.

1. Ei tarvitse silmiä sulkee nähdäkseen kuinka suuri on armosi suunnaton, oot kaikkivaltias.
2. How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
3. Got the news today, doctor sad I had to stay.
4. And then hear it creeping (?) and then I feel it move.
5. Made of love, made of sin.
6. Anything but empty words.
7. How did I end up like this.
8. I thought love was only true in fairytales.
9. I'm hot, you're cold.
10. If we don't talk that's ok.
11. Baby, please try to forgive me.
12. I'm telling you loosen up my buttons baby.
13. I've always been the kind of girl that hide my face.
14. You can change your life (if you wanna)
15. I could stay awake just to hear you breathing.
16. I don't wanna go another day.
17. Take a look at my girlfriend, she's the only one I got.
18. I don't give a damn about you.
19. Somehow everythings gonna fall.
20. Found myself today, i found myself and ran away.
21. Took my hand tonight, we can ran so far.
22. Put your faith in what you most believe in.
23. You are my fire the one desire.
24. There's a man dying on the side of the road.
25. I am a little bit of loneliness, a little bit of disregard.
26. You're the kind of friend who always bends.
27. I heard there was a secret chord.
28. Everybody make mistakes, everybody has those days.
29. I forgot what this is all about.
30. It's strange to think the songs we used to sing.
31. Look into the future, what do you see?
32. I make the most of all the this stress.
33. You tell me you're in love with me.
34. Until the day I die, I'll spill my heart for you.
35. Cultivate your hunger, before you idealize.
36. Wanna be the biggest dreamer.
37. Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?
38. I've been sitting in the dirt.
39. Hello my friend, we meet again.
40. i don't wanna feel like this.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 25.06.2009 01:03

Salli: Tol on haulikko kädessä. (Sanon johonkin telkkari ohjelmaan)

Heini: Onks sul kuuma? (kysyy ihmeissään, koska kuuli niin)
-Aleksi on raskaana mulle ja heinille. Eri munaiset kaksoset, mut sit se toinen synty kai liian aikasin.
-Aleksi on kihloissa Jennyn kans ja sit Lauran kans sil oli jotain kans.
-Laura odottaa kolmatta lasta aleksille ja tuure on niiden yks lapsi.
-Jenny on mun avovaimo
-Jenny odottaa mulle lasta
-Heini odottaa jollekin lasta
-Mul on heinin lapsi


KesäSunnuntai 07.06.2009 02:18

Mua on ruvennut mietityttämään, miks kaikki ystävyyssuhteet aina ottaa semmosen tauon kun kesä alkaa? Nytkin musta tuntuu että aina kun sovin jonkun kanssa jotain, niin edellisenä päivänä peruutetaan kaikki. Tai sitten kun soitan niin ei vastata tai edes soiteta takasin. Ärsyttää ja ihan oikeesti vituttaa.

Sit jotkut frendit on taas kamalan mukavuuden halusia. Jos ei saa sitä kaikkein mukavinta vaihtoehtoa niin ei sitten ollenkaan.

Joo mä rakastan teitä, mutta menee jo pikku hiljaa hermot tähän hommaan. Rupee menee luottamus tämmösiin ihmisiin. En haluis uskoo mitään pahaa näistä ihmisistä, mutta haloo! te ette oikeen jätä valinnan varaa.

Vihaan kirjottaa tämmösii juttui.