
von hertzenit osaa...Maanantai 31.07.2006 16:44

o2 - let thy will be done

damn this illusion
lust and confusion
are eating up my mind
this situation's
devils creation
an evil in disguise

'cause i can't get out of here
where nothing seems real
the answer is near
i still hold on to

i hold on to your feet
there's nothing more i need
if i surrender will you remember me?
as i surrender will your love enter me?
if i hold on to your feet

so give me the solution
your definite conclusion
i need a revolution
i need an army ahead

let go!

let thy will be done

~ let us all hope the time of confusion has passed by. i got your definite conclusion. it was expected, yet uninvited and unwanted, surely. i let go if you let go. thy will be done, but first, make up thy will, then do not waver. stop dragging me along, end it, you have to do so, 'cause i cannot. my will be done, fulfilled, and satisfied, be sure of it. my will reflects your will, but expect nothing more.

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