
Siinä todisteita xDPerjantai 12.06.2009 00:49

Joni sanoo:
u see, finnish girls are very lovely
nanita sanoo:

Joni sanoo:
Id like to hug her
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
nanita sanoo:
Joni sanoo:
well go back to irak if ur not pleased
nanita sanoo:
opettelis ees kirjottaa
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
irak peopel are more clean than yours
nanita sanoo:
yea sure
Joni sanoo:
hahha i doubt that
nanita sanoo:
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
if you want talk about irak you mush wash your mouth first

nanita on poistunut keskustelusta.

if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
talk to me now face to face
Joni sanoo:
yes, and irak people wash their mouth with sand
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
what the you know about irak
you know what
Joni sanoo:
everything ;D
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
you are so stupid
the mst stubid peopel in the world
like animals
Joni sanoo:
Im so smart that u cant even dream to be as smart as I am
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
just eat and sheeting
you are so stupid than animal
Joni sanoo:
hahaaa u wish, We give more money to Somaly than any other Europe country
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
you belive evrihting you see in tv
you should look for a trouth
Joni sanoo:
thats not true
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
Joni sanoo:
U know what, everyone believe holocaust, but i dont
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
you are forgiven coz i know that you are just stupid
dont know anyhtings
Joni sanoo:
hahha u wish that i dont know anything, but u are so badly wrong that I laught for u
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
let you just have sex and food like .....
Joni sanoo:
I like sex, its nice ;D
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
you cant do it
i know
Joni sanoo:
Ohhh and food. ahhhhh raw reindeers meat
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
drty peopel
like porcks
Joni sanoo:
roasted reindeers meat boiled in its blood
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
maybe you are unfected to virus now
Joni sanoo:
Where do u live my man?
what country?
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
it's not your bsnss
thalk to me like person
Joni sanoo:
Hmmm u said that im stupid, but atleast I can write properly
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
this is my 3 languge stupid
Joni sanoo:
I think its fair enought that I know where are u from, cos u know where I am from
mine too idiot
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
i didnt learn it at school
Joni sanoo:
hahhaa even that proves that we are smarter than u
we learn 3 languages at school
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
i learn it just when im chating wiht a stupid persons like you
Joni sanoo:
Its proved already that Im smarter than u
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
in your dreams
Joni sanoo:
Well Its proved already
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
how ?
Joni sanoo:
For example I dont talk bad anybody at the moment, and Our ppl learns 3 languages at school
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
hhhhhhhhh so stupid
Joni sanoo:
but yes, u are right in 1 thing: we are stupid when we give money for Somali ppl at Somali coutry, and Irak
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
who said that we learn 3 lgg at school
go to hell you and your money
Joni sanoo:
and when we give homes to Somali Imegrants from our country
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
peopel there dont need to your fucking money
Joni sanoo:
I said that WE learn 3 languages
well said that to our ministers
and actually they are begging our money
like Romanians on our streets at cities ;D
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
the money is not evrything in life stupid
Joni sanoo:
well i think it is, say something what u cant buy with money
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
i cant buy love wiht money
Joni sanoo:
typical answer "love" ofcourse u can buy that
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
i dont talke about sex stupid
im talking about love
Joni sanoo:
I know that u dont talk about sex u ass
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
this is other prove that you are stupid
Joni sanoo:
If I go somewhere and Say girl that Im rich, she will jump on my arms and kiss me. Until I have no money anymore ;D
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
just there in your drty contry
Joni sanoo:
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
come and say that here
Joni sanoo:
like in amsterdam
I can, if u tell me where I have to come
well, tell me where I have to come
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
go to your mother
Joni sanoo:
My mother knows already that money rulez
U know the saying? Money Talks, Bullshit Walks
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
of cours coz she was bitch like yopu are now
Joni sanoo:
nope shes not, she was racing car driver
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
tell me
how many dads you have
Joni sanoo:
And Im just finished my Business College so I dont have to sell my self
1 dad, and 1 grandfather
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
i dont think so
Joni sanoo:
Unlike u, i bet that u dont have at all ;D
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
ask your mom
she wll tell you
Joni sanoo:
hmmm.... tell me 1 thing my man
Why u foreign country ppl have to always use word "mom", cant u insult with properly words
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
im using that just with you
Joni sanoo:
Cos every foreign country folk who I have met, use family words when insult, thats kind a lame u know. If u use family words in finland when insulting, you are so lame and noob with no skills
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
you know what
Joni sanoo:
OH now I got it!! U didint get tit enought when u were kid, so U have fetiss to moms
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
you dont say nothing
Joni sanoo:
Well I can say if I want
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
im just spanding my time wiht a stupid bitch
Joni sanoo:
This is word free country
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
50 % of gays
Joni sanoo:
U wish that U could spend time with EXPENSIVE bitch, but u dont have money enought
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
is that contry
Joni sanoo:
thats not true
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
you must ask
you dont know nothing aboput your contry
Joni sanoo:
check ur statics
Actually Im so 100% patriot that I know
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
im not talking just like that in the air
i know hat im saying
Joni sanoo:
Well I think so much that U dont know anything about my country
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
i know alott more than you know
Joni sanoo:
tell me then, how much finland has active military power
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
go learn your hstory
Joni sanoo:
I know much about our history
well tell me
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
if you know you trou hstory you wll not have face to talk wiht me
Joni sanoo:
HAHHAAAA that was joke of the year Thank you, u gaved me so good laughts
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
you must not laught
Joni sanoo:
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
Joni sanoo:
U have very big mouth my friend ,;D
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
you seee
go go
Joni sanoo:

if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
i dont think so
Joni sanoo:
U are so hilarius when u said that
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
you know what
i ealy dont have time to spand wiht you
Joni sanoo:
I know lot of things ;D
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
Joni sanoo:
hahhaahaaaa, U know what also
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
but you dont know that you are stupid
Joni sanoo:
I dont believe anything what ur saying cos u dont prove those sayings ;D
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
remember this one too
Joni sanoo:
And u didnt answer to my question: How much Finland has active military power
Tell me if u know better than me
Tell me who was our previus president and how many woman presidents we have had
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
i know how much finlad are gays
Joni sanoo:
hmmm so u are gay too, if u know that
and thats very noobish
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
no i know that coz thy com here looking for somone to fuck them
Joni sanoo:
haa u wish so
I can tell u that Sweden has more gay than Finland
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
sorry i dont fuck porcks
Joni sanoo:
ja USA has more ;D
USAs ppl are more fat that we are
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
so you are too
Joni sanoo:
nope we are not
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
smart pfffffffffffffff
got it
Joni sanoo:
U are just jealous that U are not Finnish
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:


bye bye
Joni sanoo:
and u are stupid cos u dont answer to my question even thought u say that u are smarter than me
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
i have to go
Joni sanoo:
go to school poor man
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:

Joni sanoo:
or go to social counsil and try to get Visum to Finland
or better not, we dont need black ppl to here
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
i perfr go to hell than come there
who can live wiht porcks
Joni sanoo:
hahha but u know what proves that u are stupid
U know Japanese ppl?
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
dont talk about them
Joni sanoo:
they are ranked as world smartest nation
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
thy are not
i said you chould searsh
Joni sanoo:
and MOST of them want to move in Finland, and if they cant, they travels here on their holidays
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
Joni sanoo:
well tell me then wich nation is ranked as world smartest ppl?
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
i know it for my slef
if you want know it too
go looke
do somthing to know it
Joni sanoo:
I tell u that Japanese got most advandec technology that any other country, u ass
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
Joni sanoo:
tell me any other country who have more advanced?
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
i swr to God that you are the mstly stupid person who i never see in my life
Joni sanoo:
and u know, we got best and most popular mobilephone brand
if god with us who can be against us sanoo:
Joni sanoo:
Joni sanoo:
tell me any other country who have more advanced?

Well Im waiting
actually Im waiting answers to many questions, or ur opinnion

Seuraavan viestin toimittaminen kaikille vastaanottajille ei onnistunut:
actually Im waiting answers to many questions, or ur opinnion

Joni sanoo:
hhahhaaahahahahhahahahhaha coward

Seuraavan viestin toimittaminen kaikille vastaanottajille ei onnistunut:
hhahhaaahahahahhahahahhaha coward

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 12.06.2009 00:47

Hahhaaa taas todistettiin että somalit on tyhmiä :D

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 12.06.2009 00:11

Lol tappelen jonku Habdidi Gandhin kans mesessä xD

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 10.06.2009 18:21

Yli 35 nii olet hemmoteltu

[1] Omistat auton
[2] Kännykkä
[3 Oma puhelinliittymä
[ ] Poikakaveri/tyttökaveri
[ ] Oma pesuhuone
[4] Oma huone
[ ] nukkekoti
[ ] Uima-allas
[ ] Vierashuone
[ ] Pelihuone
[5] Tv huoneessasi
[ ] Parisänky (kaks sänkyy)
[6] Enemmän kuin 20 paria kenkiä
[ ] 10 suunnittelijan tekemiä huonekaluja
[ ] Parhaimmat numerot
[ ] Dior aurinkolasit
[ ] Louis Vuitton laukku
[ ] iPod
[ ] XBOX
[ ] PS2
[7] Mp3-soitin
[ ] Mercedes Benz
[ ] BMW
[8] Koripallo kotona
[9] Jääkiekkopeli
[ ] Biljardipöytä
[ ] Pingispöytä
[10] Trampoliini
[ ] Järvimaisema
[11 ] Omat sukset
[12 ] Omat lumilautailuvälineet
[13 ] Omistat veneen
[ ] Omistat laskuvarjon
[ ] Rantamökki
[ ] Ainut lapsi
[14] Stereot makuuhuoneessa
[15] DVD soitin makuuhuoneessa
[ ] 100+ dvd
[ ] Saat rahaa 50euroa joka kuukausi ylimääräistä
[ ] Menet shoppailemaan joka kuukausi...tai joka viikko
[ ] Shoppailet Stockmannilla
[ ] Talviaikaan- menet laskettelemaan joka viikonloppu
[ ] Meikkaat
[ ] AIM
[16] MSN
[ ] Yahoo
[ ] 5+ palkintoa
[17 ] Omistat kameran
[ ] Vaatehuone
[ ] Skootteri
[ ] Monttupyörä
[ ] Kuorma-auto
[18 ] Kitara/rummut
[19] Riippumatto
[20 ] Matkustellut ulkomailla
[ ] Kuntosali
[ ] Oma personal trainer
[ ] kalliita koruja
[21] Tavannut julkkiksia
[ ] Suoristus/ kiharrinrauta
[22] Käyny kampaajalla/kynnet laittamassa/kylpylässä
[ ] Olit oppilaskunnassa koulussa
[23 ] Oma tappelukehä
[24 ] 100 euroa lompakossa nyt
[ ] Maksettu käyttäjätili netissä
[ ] Ollut Karibian saarilla
[ ] Ollut Ranskassa
[ ] Ollut Havaijilla
[ ] Ollut New Yorkissa
[25] Shoppaillut laivalla
[ ] Syönyt laivalla tilauspöydässä
[ ] Ollut Eiffel tornissa Pariisissa
[ ] Ollut Vapauden patsaassa New Yorkissa
[ ] Kaksikerroksinen talo
[ ] Mennyt matkalle kun täyttänyt 16
[26 ] Ajokortti
[ ] Muuttanut 3+ kertaa
[27 ] Urheiluauto
[ ] Pore-allas kotona
[ ] Lemmikki
[ 28] Terassi
[29 ] Olet saanut Stipendin
[30] Tietokone skanneri/kopiokone
[ ] Ollut 5 paikkakunnalla ulkomailla
[31] Työtön
[ ] yli 100 Kaveria messengerissä
[32] Herätyskello
[33] Kotiruokaa joka päivä
[ ] Syö ulkona joka päivä
[ ] Ollut limusiinissä
[ ] Omistaa videokameran
[ ] Oma läppäri

woot 33

HohooooMaanantai 08.06.2009 03:21

jätä kommentti ja sitten kopioi tämä omaan päiväkirjaasi
ja katso mitä muut sanovat ,saatat yllättyä.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 07.06.2009 17:19

Vähäkö rokkas eiline. Tosin järkkäys oli iha perseestä. Ei päässy narikkaa hakee omia kaljoja ilma et joutuu maksaa uudestaa sisäänpääsy 65€ kiitos ei... Ja anniskelualueen kaljat 6€, joo kiitti ei.

Hammerfall!! \,,/,


Mötley Crüe!! \,,/,

Helvetti mitä taisteluu pysyy pystyssä eturivissä. :D Ja ai helevetti ku tinnittää korvas nytte, mut ei sen väliä. xD

Känninki pienoisen sai päälle vasta loppuillasta. :(

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 07.06.2009 17:08

95% teineistä itkisi jos näkisi Jonas Brothers:in pilvenpiirtäjän katolla aikeissa hypätä. Lisää tämä omaan blogiisi jos kuulut niihin 5% jotka huutaisivat "hypätkää paskat!

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 06.06.2009 02:43

Woooootttt tänää Mötley Crüe!!! \,,/,