
[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 25.10.2008 03:50

What a day, what a day....:D

"Im going to drink this beer."
"Whaat? you're britney spears?"

"what eveer..!" (THE HAND!! xDxD )

"Ju tokking to mi?..Gudd!. whattt?"

yes, this day was boooriiin, thiihi xDPerjantai 24.10.2008 17:52

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 23.10.2008 21:25

what a day!
first: my ""t-shirt"" is always going down -.-

"olen laesky!" ( I tried to say that I'm lazy^^)

and than...waaaaaa, I feel today, that I look awful (just look at my profilepicture..taken today!)
and I got fater since I'm in finland !!!

and I found out that nightmare is married....should have known this haha -.-

than....I really should clean up my room...looks like a mess, I dont like it, when its like this, but I'm LAESKY (muhah)

my back is hurting

I'm tired

at the schoolfotos I look like a pig....never seen me sooo fat!!! grrrrr..

AAAAH the world is fucking mmeeeee!!!!!! -.- would someone please help me.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 23.10.2008 03:21

Since today I will just drink sprite thiiihiiii <3

it has to be...Torstai 23.10.2008 03:18

please tell me... who is not melting with this guy?? thiihi

je t'adore sur tous!!!Torstai 23.10.2008 00:31

T'ES MON GRAND AMOUR, Il pas autre pour moi, si t'es la!

quelqu'un a dit une fois, la person et son chien sont meme...j'espere d'etre tant adorable que lui!! thihii <3

... love is in the air ...

I still have fun here, muhaah!Keskiviikko 22.10.2008 19:30

"I always think when I'm here of the all these things like supernatural and the nightmare before christmas and all....OOOOH, there iiiiis someone"
"OOOH! oh my good!! theres really something"
(iida, it also could be just a ((weird)) human being, musn't be a deamon or something^^ ;P )

"the buuussshhhhh issshhhh comiiiiing, haha"

"muhahaha its so funny...thiiiihi, funny=fanny"
its incredible, how people couldl survive so long on this earth...I mean...why are WE the ones, which rules here? We have done so much damage to it, that it isn't really fair....of course, there are some who understand it, think about it, want to change something, but...does it really change something? no! because we still have assholes (and I'm not saying, that I'm innocent, noone is) here, which just doesn't get it, that there has to be a BIG change in our, I'm not talking of all this nonsense that we are the chosen ones....We are not.
A little example: the greenhouse effect (I'm not sure about the translation..saksaksi: treibhauseffekt)
It's dangerous just to continuing living like this, also I know, that I will takes AAAGEES until nearly everybody understands...I'm not sure, that there will be a day, at which everybody begins to understands....but I would be nice, dont you think so?

well, never mind, just what I thought or think or whatever^^

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 19.10.2008 01:44

milkaaa is now there...SHE IS SOOO IHAAANAAAAA!!! xDxDxD

I really dont....Maanantai 13.10.2008 19:15

I try to make it through my life,
in my way, there's you
I try to make it through these lies,
and that's all I do

Just don't deny it
Don't try to fight it
And deal with it,
And that's just part of it

If you were dead or still alive
I don't care, I don't care
Just go and leave this all behind
'cause I swear (I swear)
I don't care

I try to make you see my side,
I always try to stay in line,
But your eyes see right through,
That's all they do

I'm getting buried in this place
I got no room you're in my face
Don't say anything, just go away


(And I'm changing everything,)
(You won't be there for me)


If you were dead or still alive
I don't care, (I don't care)
I don't care, (I don't care)

Just go and leave this all behind
I don't care, I swear,
I don't care... at all.