


no hate, no facism, no sexism, no ableism, no homophobia, no biphobia, no acephobia, no transphobia <3

scissor...-.-Lauantai 08.11.2008 21:17

dont you worry, we wiiilll bring the scissors...we'll get you out of there! :D

Looovee iiizzzzz iiin zeee äääärrr dadda da da da

wiiilll aallwwaayyzz loovvee yyouu
HOLLY SHIT! <--- thiiiz izz teh taim för teh höly shiit! <3

vou :P are you a good singer? =D do you sing in choir or band or just for fun..? :f
Im a good singer...Im <<<HOPEFUL>>>!

Im simplett, ai always thiiz hÄnd!

I dont get, youre buying uuuusseeelleesss porridge
=> yees but its going to make us peeerfeeect
you stupit, are buying things you dont need..!!
=> Well when we look like you, we can say "At least we tried.."

*TOSI peini kauppa, täynnä mekkoja..* Missä täällä on mekkoja???!!!
*Myyjä näyttää mekkoja* Me etsimme mekkoja

juurrr häärrii soul shaal beeeeee shääiiwwt

ai kän du inglish, ju noo??

one byte öf chocolääte and juu arr like PLÖTSSS ( TEH muffin and chipsss!! )

excuse mee,thiizz iizz myy ass!

oh shiit, I ööölmööst kiiillleet juur camera!

Im going to do make you taste thiz! muhHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAAH *evil laugh*
here are still chips..eating away! / eat them away muhahaAHAH im going to make you faat!

OMG I GOT A FAAT ASS!! noo, you dont..-.-..YYES I HAVE!

aah loook!
whaat? naaaa, I missed!

*Jumpingn on street* ...This is SO gay... Oh but its so nice to be gay, SARA join US!!!
...NO WAY. >__<''


[Ei aihetta]Torstai 06.11.2008 21:33


[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 29.10.2008 21:55

yeah...Im not sooo hungry...but tytti and tiko...haha :D

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 28.10.2008 20:44 nightmare pic look awfull! i should make him again and buuuutt I've got new pics haha xD

and its raining and no walk and no people which follow us or appear from nowhere...and nooo fotos from us, when we're walking....naaaaa ;-(

but stilll....lives is funnyI(FU(A)NNY..haaahaah, Im still laughing at this..THIIIZZZ (is the best hooggieteem))...emmi?!?!? ( iz buz?...IIIZZZ BUUZZZ!!)

!!Sunnuntai 26.10.2008 13:34

I dont also dont know why, but...WHO CARES!
I'm happy, everyone who is happy today should jump an smile and laugh and grinn and dance and sing aaand...

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 25.10.2008 03:50

What a day, what a day....:D

"Im going to drink this beer."
"Whaat? you're britney spears?"

"what eveer..!" (THE HAND!! xDxD )

"Ju tokking to mi?..Gudd!. whattt?"

yes, this day was boooriiin, thiihi xDPerjantai 24.10.2008 17:52

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 23.10.2008 21:25

what a day!
first: my ""t-shirt"" is always going down -.-

"olen laesky!" ( I tried to say that I'm lazy^^)

and than...waaaaaa, I feel today, that I look awful (just look at my profilepicture..taken today!)
and I got fater since I'm in finland !!!

and I found out that nightmare is married....should have known this haha -.-

than....I really should clean up my room...looks like a mess, I dont like it, when its like this, but I'm LAESKY (muhah)

my back is hurting

I'm tired

at the schoolfotos I look like a pig....never seen me sooo fat!!! grrrrr..

AAAAH the world is fucking mmeeeee!!!!!! -.- would someone please help me.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 23.10.2008 03:21

Since today I will just drink sprite thiiihiiii <3

it has to be...Torstai 23.10.2008 03:18

please tell me... who is not melting with this guy?? thiihi