


Wannabe Daywalker

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i will go there... and back again!Maanantai 14.05.2007 00:36

so i'm back... and it's the last day i'll be writing english. it was fun tho', maybe i'll do it again sometime.

oh god i'm so tired i don't think i'm able to write anything that makes sense. and it seems my eyes are having a problem, not my glasses... o_O

allrighty, i'll just be going now. okay. bye, and remember! ummm... remember... oh yeah! that things are not what they first seem. ;)

what say? you knew that already? goddammit. i give up. you lousy besserwissers...

"First... we attack his heart!" -Gobby GuyPerjantai 11.05.2007 01:21

okay, i'm just gonna say this nice and slow... so everybody will fully understand.

i'll be away for the weekend. ie i won't be here. savvy?

yes, i'll be at countryside, or "lande" as you helsinki people call it. again.

yes, i'd like to be here too, see all the chaos in saturday night and witness the national hangover of sunday morning. you know what i'm talking about.

but since mom is feeling so bad about abandoning me all the time (she doesn't ask about it anymore but i know she thinks about it), i figured it would put her mind on easy for a while. besides, i'll get the long weekend all for myself and Butterfly Ears without worrying about mom worrying about me. logical, eh? and besides, it's mother's day for goodness' sake.

and yes, we'll definitely be watching eurovision (or as they've decided to call it: the ESC xD) saturday night. no way finland is gonna win but hey, it's once-in-a-lifetime-experience to see ESC in finland :D i'll doubt it's ever happening again.

but have a happy weekend here ^^

Harry: "I protected you in high school, now I'm gonna kick your little ass."
Peter: *sarcastically shaking* "Oooo."
didn't watch the movie, too bored. instead i spent my time well and just lied on the couch. but hey, i had a reason! i'm sick.

...well, i guess that wasn't any news to you. but what i mean is i'm also physically sick, at the moment. not too much but as much as it takes to make speaking painful. and my fingernails are also having some kind of personal problems, as we say... no news again, tho'.

but wait a minute, who the hell am i talking to? does anyone really read this? no english reading on spare time, huh? well guess what, it makes me feel a lot better. it's not like i write here because i want everyone to know what i'm doing each day. no! it's my way to think aloud and i like it. and writing english makes it little bit more exciting, besides sometimes it's just easier to think in english. so settle for it.

and the headline? song from moulin rouge. yes i know. obsessed. i'll just be going now.

street englishTorstai 10.05.2007 19:41

so, what to do today? already did homework... well, sort of - only got writing stuff for next week and that i can do over weekend :D but i did finish my spain essay - now all i need is a title... i'm kind of sucky in them.

When the sun shines, we'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be your friend
Took an oath, I'ma stick it out 'till the end.
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella.

Rihanna - Umbrella

yes, i really listen to it. beautiful words and stuff.

i guess i'll watch the film i recorded yesterday... Kung Po. kewl.

Vive la vie bohéme!

Lisa: What have I done?

Bart: What they wanted you to.

Lisa: Skinner betrayed me!

Bart: But a tango takes two!


yes i know you can't figure out what the headline is actually saying, i have some difficulties myself. now, back to the newly loaded Spider-Man.

i'm so gonna break something.Keskiviikko 09.05.2007 22:26

okay. i was watching S-P 3 (from the SITE). things were getting really good, the sexy dancing part just got over and the action was about to begin... and my goddamn screen saver pops up!!! so, i yell a little bit, calm down, then write the password and see how the movie... doesn't come back.

yea. so now i had to start downloading all over again, it's not happening any faster than the last time and because it was near the end, it's gonna last. the good part? the movie was in two pieces. so actually i only have to wait for half a movie to get load. but, it doesn't make much of a difference since i won't be able to finish it before friends start, as i had hoped.

what can i do? remember murphy, says i. and now the only part of finnish you're gonna see here before monday...


Jos työn jossain vaiheessa laitetaan syrjään työkalu, jota ei enää uskota tarvittavan, sille ilmenee tarvetta välittömästi.

here you go. why was it in finnish? because i didn't dare to ruin it by translating it myself. why did i put it here? because it's so damn right. don't you agree? if you don't, you know nothing about life.

at this point, i don't think breaking stuff would do me any good. so i'll just keep waiting. now, if you excuse me, i'll be fading to my thoughts, the ones which never lead anywhere.
that's philosophy for ya.

have you ever noticed that there is a certain type of sexy people for everyone? i mean, what's sexy for me probably makes my best friend laugh her ass off. and vice versa. that got proved last weekend when we were watching Spider-Man 3.

you know the basics of the plot, Spidey gets an evil space mutant all over him and turn nasty. and besides that, sexy! for me at least. there is this scene where he comes out of a boutique or something, hair messy and all over his eyes, black suit on, and walking like mr. big boss. and my heart says "DING!"

what a sweet moment. then he started the dance. back to the nerd profile :D he still looked sexy, though. <3

but i guess that's it for tonight, i will be thinking about this. now gotta pick mom up from the bus stop. so out with the fluffy one. buh-bye ^^

i would hold you in my armsTiistai 08.05.2007 19:58

yea, my headlines are not making any sense anymore. no need to tell me.

such a boring day, morning i woke up depressed because of the weather, french class i tried to stay awake (no success) and now i should do homework but i feel more like telling it to fuck off.

but in every day there are good things: little miss Butterfly Ears was, as expected, full of joy when i finally came home after leaving her alone for the whole damn day. went outside with her, little barking for other dogs, then home again. then she licked my ears clean, joyfully of course.<3

mom coming home tonight, cool in a way but i can handle myself too, so i've learned. she feels bad for leaving me alone for such long times but hey, gotta get used to it sometimes, right? besides, if i had someone to hold, i wouldn't spend so much time home either. :D

eurovision this weekend. cold shivers. someone's gonna get us all laughed at, but i don't know yet who it will be. we'll see.


never date a scorpio!Tiistai 08.05.2007 00:47

guess what? for this whole week, just for change, i'll only write english in this thingy. you heard me, english only! you can post comments in finnish or whatever you like but i'm bored and i will write english! that's it. you won't see any finnish here until next monday. mwahahaa.

got scratched again (by pomppis, of course). nice red lines all over my hand. but, i'm used to it. oh yeah, i cleaned this place up a bit. mom coming home tomorrow again, so...

and yeah, i also did a couple of tests today (thanks Cheetahbird ^^) and find out, though not as a surprise, that i really am an agnostician. on your face ^^ and the headline is a result of another test. instead of scorpio, i should date another gemini, libra, aries or sagittarius. cool.

as i told to Cheeta, it would be quite confusing to date another gemini :D neither one would ever get their point clear over all the messy chatting xD

but now, time for taking my sweetie (pomppis again) out and then time for bed. fell asleep on italian class again. bad girl :/

nice week for all of ya, it's only just starting! :D

makin' my way downtown... *reps*Maanantai 07.05.2007 18:04

Tarvitsetko kilttiä ukea tossutettavaksi? Soita meille! Meiltä vuokraan (10 e/h +alv) pelokas ja taatusti myöntyväinen yksilö! Tekee läksyt puolestasi, tarjoaa olkapään, parantaa masennuksen, ärähdettäessä kierähtää selälleen maahan.

Lisäominaisuudet: kaukonäkölaitteiden vaihdettavuus (kirkkaat, tummat ja piilotetut), taattu miellyttämisenhalu, itselatautuva, automaattisesti kullekin käyttäjälle sopivaksi ohjelmoituva.

Soita jo tänään!

(Yhtiö ei vastaa satunnaisesta uhmakkuudesta, angstista eikä palavista vihakohtauksista koko maailmankaikkeutta vastaan.)

Self Loath Industry - Sinun mielihyväksesi.