



Selaa blogimerkintöjä

susanna sekoilee galtsussaPerjantai 13.03.2009 13:31

13.03.2009 11:12 <[sunny]> ÖBLÖ ÖBLÖ VIHAAN SINUVA
13.03.2009 11:12 <[sunny]> PUSSAA MINUAKIN

"KUKA TOI ON?"Perjantai 13.03.2009 12:46

nää stalkkaa ku stalkkaan

WatchmenTorstai 12.03.2009 23:37

Whiiii saatto olla vähän liikaa elokuvaa yhelle päivälle mut hetken mielijohteesta päätettiin äitiliinin kanssa lähteä kattomaan watchmen.

Kauheeta pornoo ja sairasta teurastamista eli ei ihme et möli tykkäs =) ....eniten taas tykkäsin kaikkein sairaimmasta tyypistä ehehehee ja siitä tuli ansku mieleen (johtuu ulkonäöstä ei niistä teoista)

"You people don't understand. I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me!"

ps. en tykänny ku desolation row oli vast lopputeksteis =( ootin sitä koko leffan ajan!

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damnTorstai 12.03.2009 19:43

yupyup katoin tuulen viemää. KOLME JA PUOL TUNTIA. nyt on syystäki vähä jännä olo

ja kyllä, myönnän mielelläni etten ois jaksanu kattoo sitä ilman Rhett Butleria.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 11.03.2009 23:31

1. What is your middle name?
Milla (won't tell the third)

2. How big is your bed?
too small =(

3.What are you listening to right now?
A Hero From Thousand Paces - A Good Thing

4. What are the last 4 digits in your cellphone number?

5. What was the last thing you ate?
um. that is a good question..

6. Last person you hugged?

7. How is the weather right now?
I bet it's cold

8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Dunno.. Hair?

10. Favorite type of Food?
Chinese or Italian =)

11. Do you want children?
Yup! I luv babies =) Though when they get a bit older, say 4 years, they're really irritating.

12. Hair color?
Dark brown

13. Do you wear contacts?
Nope. I'd like to try how they feel, though.

14. Favorite holiday?

15. Favorite Season?

16. Have you ever cried over a love lost?
Nnoo I don't think so

17. Last Movie you watched?
Charlie and the chocolate factory! 8)

18. What books are you reading?
Right now I've got Alice in Wonderland and Stardust to be read

19. Piercings?
LOVE 'EM! Don't got any =( Yet.

20. Favorite Movie?
Ouch.. Um.. Pirates of the Caribbean 1 or Ocean's 11 maybe? + all my lovely disney movies!

21. Favorite football team?
Fuck that shit. The one with the best looking players?

22. What were you doing before filling this out?
Nothing =( I'm so bored

25. Favorite animal?
a pig! or a hedge hog. or a dog.

26. Favorite drink?
tea, battery, mountain dew

27. Favorite flower?
nnooo I don't do flowers.

28. Have you ever loved someone?
I'm gonna be an annoying little shit and say that "I'll always love mi mommy!"

29. Who would you like to see right now?
Right now.. Well no offense darlings, but right now I wanna see my Jenny =)

30. What color are your bedroom walls?
Pink! I'm a little princess =)

31. Have you ever fired a gun?
No. I think that would be pretty cool

32. Do you like to travel by plane?
Not really. I hate the takeoffs and landings. My ears hurt and I feel really bad pretty long afterwards..

33. Right-handed or Left-handed?

34. If you could go to any place right now where would you go?
Right now I'd go to bed.

35. Are you missing someone?
Yes =(

36. Do you have a tattoo?
Not yet

37. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings?
I can't get myself to wake up early enough. And they're crap nowadays anyway.

38. Are you hiding something from someone right now?
Don't know what, but I'm pretty sure I am

39. Are you 18?

40. What is the wallpaper on your cellphone?
a photo of my darling mushroom

41. Are you afraid of the dark?
From time to time

42. Favorite hangout:

43. 3 things you can't live without?
People, chocolate, computer

44. Favorite songs?
Can't pick one, but Good Charlotte's Screamer is definitely one of my favourites

45. What are you afraid of?
Losing.. and ladybirds. Don't you dare laugh at me, they're creepy!

46. Are you a giver or a taker?
...shit. I think I'm a taker. But I love to give!

47. What are your nicknames?
Möli, Möltsi, Merti, Merpa (I hate that one), homppeli, etc.

48. What is your dad's middle name?

49. What do you sleep in?
A bed? Ahahahah I'm so funny. It depends.. Sometimes I'm too lazy to get changed so I just sleep in what I'm already wearing

50. Stuck on a deserted island, and can only bring one thing?
someone I love

51. Favorite TV commercial?
I don't know =( Well actually I do know but it's really old and I really don't feel like explaining it.

52. First thing you'll save in a fire?
Um. My mobile.. Then. Okay I'd like to save my cds but I don't think that would be possible..

53. What is your favorite color?
Right now I like purple

54. What are the things you always bring with you?
My mobile, keyes and lip balm.

55. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
I wanted to be a singer, a vet, a poet or an assassin...

56. What do you usually do when the alarm turns on?
I feel like crying :'''( I hate waking up.

57. What color is your bedsheet?

58. Who do you want to meet?
Frank Iero, George Clooney or Johnny Depp.

59. What do you think about before you go to bed?
The spent day, or the one ahead

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 11.03.2009 20:05

jesu ei tykkää ku mul on hausq =( EI OLE MINUN SYYNI ETTÄ HUUMORINTAJUNI ON KIEROUTUNUT :''''( olen syvästi loukattu kyllä nyt.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 11.03.2009 19:01

"Sun täytyy mennä sitte kesäkuun tokalla viikolla Saralle, ku mä oon Kokkolassa."

no kiva. ja kotiinhan en saa jäädä ellen saa töitä

tytöt vähän riehunuKeskiviikko 11.03.2009 16:24

Wc:n säännöt

1. Älä sotke
2. Älä seiso pöntön kannella
3. Siteet kuuluvat roskiin - ei pattereiden väliin
4. Pöntönkin vois vetää.....
5. Rikkominen kielletty
6. Älä tuki pönttöjä
7. Pese kätesi synneistä

Vessan henki tietää jos rikot sääntöjä!

&lt;sydän&gt;:llä 9:n vessalissut

mikä meiän koululaisia vaivaa?

=)Tiistai 10.03.2009 23:39

Sunny sanoo:
no mut joo meen suihkuu
Meri sanoo:
Meri sanoo:
pidä hauskaa ; )
kopioi tämä päiväkirjaasi 20 sekunnin sisällä muuten et saa pimppiä/pippeliä rakastamaltasi henkilöltä ja hän pettää sinua kolmen muun kanssa ja rosvo pöllii rahasi ja talosi räjähtää ja saat kokeista nelosen etkä pääse mihkää jatko opiskelemaa ja kaverisi jättävät sinut ja yksisarviset raiskaavat lemmikkisi ja tulee maalimanloppu ja JOKU MUU SYÖ AINOAT JA VIIMEISET KEKSISI SATANA