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Batsu on sinänsä perseestä. Perjantai 15.08.2008 01:23


At the risk of sounding like a grammar Nazi, I have to bring this up. I find it completely annoying when people say something like "Dir en grey are awesome." It happens so often I wonder how odd some of you must sound speaking aloud.

It's "is", "Dir en grey is awesome."

You're referring to the group as a whole, it's one group, therefore you speak about it singularly.

If you want to emphasize the individuals within the group, it would be better to say something like "The members of Dir en grey are awesome" It's plural because you're talking about each of the members. It's grammatically correct and it doesn't sound stupid.

Thank you for your time."


// ja miten vitussa toi ketju on saanu aikaan kaks sivua keskustelua

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