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LALALAMaanantai 03.12.2007 18:11

Niiiin, aamulla siis huomasin et mul on jtn 30 euroo, ni sit vihdoinki tilasin sen wtdn.
(Uudestaan HUOH.)

Oon nyt ylpee itestäni jeij.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 02.12.2007 20:34

She's locked up with a spinning wheel
She can't recall what it was like to feel
She says, "This room's gonna be my grave
And there's no one who can save me,"
She sits down to her colored thread
She knows lovers waking up in their beds
She says, "How long can I live this way
Is there no one I can pay to let me go
'Cause I'm half sick of shadows
I wanna see the sky
Everyone else can watch as the sun goes down
So why can't I

And it's raining
And the stars are falling from the sky
And the wind
And the wind I know it's cold
I've been waiting
For the day I will surely die
And it's here
And it's here for I've been told
That I'll die before I'm old
And the wind I know it's cold..."

She looks up to the mirrored glass
She sees a horse and rider pass
She says, "This man's gonna be my death
'Cause he's all I ever wanted in my life
And I know he doesn't know my name
And that all the girls are all the same to him
But still I've got to get out of this place
'Cause I don't think I can face another night
Where I'm half sick of shadows
And I can't see the sky
Everyone else can watch as the tide comes in
So why can't I

But there's willow trees
And little breezes, waves, and walls, and flowers
And there's moonlight every single night
As I'm locked in these towers
So I'll meet my death
But with my last breath I'll sing to him I love
And he'll see my face in another place,"
And with that the glass above

Her cracked into a million bits
And she cried out, "So the story fits
But then I could have guessed it all along
'Cause now some drama queen is gonna write a song for me,"
She went down to her little boat
And she broke the chains and began to float away
And as the blood froze in her veins she said,
"Well then that explains a thing or two
'Cause I know I'm the cursed one
I know I'm meant to die
Everyone else can watch as their dreams untie
So why can't I

Emilie Autumn - Shalott

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 02.12.2007 18:31


Oikeesti HAAAAAaa geeeezzzz pitäisköhä rauhottuu tai jtntntntntntn.

Voi johtuu siit Duactist jonka tänää söin, koska äiti sano et se saattaa 'vähän' piristää, ja sit join kahviiki kyl tos just hetki sit JAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Tekee mieli tansii ja ja ja nauraa, ja vaik laulaa! Mut en KHYL laula koska porukat on himas ja mun laulu.. Ei oo kaunista. 8DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDddddddddddddddd

Aaa vittu oikeesti hihihihiiohisohkshlädfrjfåpktråkptåkpt¨åkpt MO.

Kerrassaan hilpeää.Sunnuntai 02.12.2007 01:43

Ahhahahaaaa.Lauantai 01.12.2007 23:21

jonna sanoo:
en pukis päälle
Malla sanoo:
No sä ehk et, ei noi oo sun tyylisii vaatteit.
jonna sanoo:
nii ku mä käytän pinkkei pikkutoppei ja miss sixtyn lantiolantio farkkui

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 01.12.2007 16:51

Mömmömmömmm tylsänpuoleista on.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 01.12.2007 00:55

Harri ja Karri on iloiset veljekset. ♥