


Waka waka eh eh :)

Anna Abreu - VinegarKeskiviikko 06.08.2008 19:07

You're vinegar in my dreams
You're vinegar in my dreams

You don't know what it's like to be with you
I need some time to think, so let me be
I gotta tell you what I'm going through
The writing's on the wall, now can't you see?

Can't you bring
You can get around with me so I just got to go
Disbelief and constant grief, sorrow
After this was all I ever came to know

When I smile, all the tears I can make them stop
When I try to connect, you will always block
And you curl on my cream like a lemon drop

Don't you know, you're vinegar in my dreams
You're vinegar in my dreams

You may be right, I may have been a fool
But those days are gone and now you're history
If we boy, you're far from cruel
Just like a disco in a symphony

Like the rain washing down the dream
Don't you realize a thing like this will not
And it's not a shame, 'cause you're just the same
We should know that in the end the song remains the same

When I smile, all the tears I can make them stop
When I try to connect you will always block
And you curl on my cream like a lemon drop
Don't you know, don't you know
You're the dirt in my eye when I try to see
You're the smoke in my lungs when I try to breathe
when I need sleep
Don't you know, you're vinegar in my dreams
You're vinegar in my, my dreams
You're vinegar in my dreams

You can't bring me down, now it's too late
No more tears, and no more hearts to break

When I smile, all the tears I can make them stop
When I try to connect, you will always block
And you curl on my cream like a lemon drop

Don't you know, you're vinegar in my dreams
You're vinegar in my dreams
PÄÄSIN SUOMENTIVOLIIN TÖIHIN :) lulu vastasi juuri viestiin :)
Nyt en oo enää hätää kärsimässä :P
Jes nyt nyt on kaikki hyvin :DD

Tänään nukuin johonki 11 asti ja sitten katoin netistä serranot :)

Sitten söin ja kävin siruakin moikkaamassa :DD nopeesti vaan ku sil oli ajotunnille meno :P
Sit siinä jauhettiin kaikennäköistä niikun yleensä :D

Illalla lenkilleee :P

I Gave In - MannaTiistai 05.08.2008 18:25

Comes to me late at evening
I think of you before I fall asleep
How you laughed and the way you moved
The sound of your voice when youÂ’re talking to me

I remember the way you looked at me before you left us
The way you smiled and told me everything you wanted was coming your way
I asked you to stay
-not to go away

I called for you when the air got colder
I reached for you when I felt too alone
You had me like no one else
Just one look at you and I gave in.

I remember the way we used to talk all through the night.
You told me you loved to make me laugh only to see that I could forget.
You held my hand when I couldnÂ’t breathe.
You promised youÂ’d wait for me.
You said you would.
You never did.

But your wings so heavy
You just couldn't bear it
Couldn't bear it

I called for you when the air got colder
I reached for you when I felt too alone
You had me like no one else
Just one look at you and I gave in

I called for you when the air got colder
I reached for you when I felt too alone
You had me like no one else
Just one look at you and I gave in

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 05.08.2008 01:14

Sometimes great things do happen ... They just happen when you least expect it :)

Requiem For A Dream - Lux AetrenaMaanantai 04.08.2008 02:03

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 04.08.2008 02:01

When Life Gives You Lemons , Make Lemonade

Eilen ...Maanantai 04.08.2008 01:54

Eilen olin sitten Lillin ja Maken luona kun siellä pidettiin Jarin synttärit :P hauskooo oli :D
Käytiin Giglinissä sinne meni sit viimesetki rahat :DD
Mutta oli tooooodella hauska ilta :)

Kohta leffaa katsomaan !!!

Hmmmh :DPerjantai 01.08.2008 22:13

Ding Ding Ding!!

you think...Keskiviikko 30.07.2008 15:12

You think that you have all the time in the world to...

be with your friends
to fall in love
to get married
to be with you family
to say someone that you love them
to worry about how you`ll get trough a test
to hold your loved one in your arms
to be with your children
to smell the air outside

so you take them for granted

Don`t take them for granted because life wont always go the way you think
sometimes you loose something very dear and important to you
but don`t worry , just look forward and move on

Life is a strange thing that way...

You CAN move on and you CAN forget things like what people have done to you either you deserved it or not. Or sometimes life can give you something great... The love of your life, a child that you have wanted for so long or a good grade from a test that you didn`t think you`d pass ...

So see life isn`t ALWAYS great but it is most of the time so don`t give up on yourself

Be happy , live

Because what`s life for if it`s not meant for living

This is something that people think about life... Do you agree with them?

Do you?
Un héroe al estilo John Wayne,
Un vampiro, un gánster sin ley,
Al Capone, Tarzán, Terminator y E.T.,
Destrozándome el coco otra vez...

Cuál será mi papel,
Con los buenos o con los malos,
Celuloide en la piel,
Persiguiendo el sueño americano... imposible...

Quien pudiera ser Brad Pitt,
Y ligar como James Bond,
Con Angelina Jolie Se me vá la olla...
Quien pudiera ser James Dean,
Al Pacino, Indiana Jones,
Atracándome a maiz Como un gilipollas...

Swarzenneger, Van Damme y Stallone,
viven colgados en mi habitación,
por la novia de Chuky morimos de amor,
Jasón, Hannibal Lecter y yo...

Y en la sesión de las diez,
El mundo vuelve a estar en peligro,
Si los marcianos me ven,
Me dejan más tieso que al abrigo de El Padrino...

Quien pudiera ser Brad Pitt,
Y ligar como James Bond,
Con Angelina Jolie Se me vá la olla...
Quien pudiera ser James Dean,
Al Pacino, Indiana Jones.
Atrancándome a maíz, como un gilipollas...

Si yo fuera Will Smith me lo haría a mogollón,
Con Angelina Jolie, se me va la olla...
Con Torrente soy feliz,
El brazo tonto me enganchó,
Palomitas de maiz para gilipollas...

Quien pudiera ser Brad Pitt,
Y ligar como James Bond,
Con Angelina Jolie Se me vá la olla...
Quien pudiera ser James Dean,
Al Pacino, Indiana Jones.
Atrancándome a maíz, como un gilipollas...