


se kemiläinen.

:DDDDD oon maailman kaunein nainen!Sunnuntai 09.03.2008 16:10

So far I remember (I am 38) I have never seen such a marvelous lady (and being Italian I look around a lot of ladies...), so elegant and charming, very sexy without exceeding... a stunning Woman, who would leave the sun without words!
Please accept my homages and all my compliments, Milady, because seeing you made me believe that Heaven exist.
I hope one day, somewhen somehow I could meet and present you all my love personally.
G (an Italian in Paris)

P.S. Do you want to do something crazy?
you are my dreams' princess and i would like to meet you for real... so I invite you march 26th-28th in barcelona... i pay hotel and restaurants... and a romantic dinner... are you OK? or you are too conventional and you would fear a crazy man?

barcelonan reissua näköjään pukkaa! :DDD

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