Through all of our ups and downs,you always seem to be around.
I cherish every moment spent with you, whether it be serious talks or just joking around.
I can't think of a better person to share my secret thoughts with then you.
It's nice to know that even though your so far away, that you always seem to care how I am feeling.
You know when I am feeling happy or sad and always have something to say to put a smile upon my face.
Friendship is built upon faith and trust.
I trust your judgment and know you will never lead me astray.
I don't open up with just anyone, but with you I feel a comfort zone.
Don't ever stop being who you are, because that is why I feel so close to you.
You are like a sister to me and I know we will be friends for a very long time to come.
I hope someday that we do get a chance to meet face to face, because you are someone I enjoy being around with.
Don't let anyone tell you that you are not worthy and never settle for anything less, because you are a special person that I hold dear to my heart.
I cannot think of a better way to start a day, then to receive a cheery hello from my best friend.