


on Kuningas Pähkinä!

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pirates of the caribbean 2 <3Perjantai 14.07.2006 03:46

Jack Sparrow: [to Pintel and Ragetti] Guard the boat, mind the tide... don't touch my dirt.

Jack Sparrow: How did you get here?
Will Turner: Sea turtles, mate. A pair of them strapped to my feet.
Jack Sparrow: Not so easy is it?

Davey Jones: I *am* the sea

Will Turner: This chest will help save Elizabeth?
Jack Sparrow: How much do you know about Davey Jones?
Will Turner: Not much.
Jack Sparrow: Then yes, it's going to save her

Jack Sparrow: Gentlemen, what do keys do?
Marty: Keys unlock things

Jack Sparrow: Bugger Bugger Bugger BUGGER!

Pintel: ...I always heard it said "kray-kin"
Ragetti: What? with a long A? Na-na-na-na-no-no no "Krah-ken"'s how it's pronounced in the original Scandinavian, and "Krakken"'s closer to that.
Pintel: Well we ain't original Scandinavians, are we?
Ragetti: It's a mythological creature, I can calls it what I wants!

Pintel: [watching Norrington, Will and Jack fight whilst Elizabeth is screaming] How'd this go all screwy?
Ragetti: Well, each man wants the chest for hisself, don't 'e? Mr Norrington, I think, is trying to regain a bit of honor. Old Jack's looking to trade it, save his own skin. And Turner there-I think 'e's trying to settle some unresolved business twix him and his twice-cursed Pirate father

Jack Sparrow: Where is it? Where's the thump-thump?

Jack Sparrow: Dirt? This is a jar of dirt. How is this going to help me?
Tia Dalma: If you don't want it, you can always give it back.
Jack Sparrow: No.
Tia Dalma: Then it helps.

Davey Jones: Can you live with yourself Jack? Can you live with condemning an innocent man - a friend - to a life of solitude?
Jack Sparrow: Yep, I'm good with it.

Elizabeth Swann: There will come a moment when you have the chance to do the right thing.
Jack Sparrow: I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by.

Will Turner: What about Jack? I can't leave without him!
[sees Jack getting chased by cannibals]
Will Turner: Time to go!

aahahaa xD ei voi vaa kuvailla xD kuolen :''''DDDDD

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