


You'r always in my heart, in my mind.

.Lene Alexandra - My boobs are OK.Keskiviikko 03.12.2008 14:14

My Boobs, my boobs
My boobs are ok
My Boobs, my boobs
My boobs are ok

I'm lazy, admit, work it's not for me
Busy doing nothing
I'm a beauty queen
I don't cook, I don't clean
They do it for me
I'm such a stupid girl
I keep my religion in a Gucci purse
Oh my god I just forgot the rest of this verse
Who cares? I never pass junior high
Was so hard
So what?

My Boobs, my boobs
My boobs are ok
My Boobs, my boobs
My boobs are ok
And no matter what you say
I know they're ok
My boobs are ok

Stupid, disturbed
I ain't got a brain
So I never went to college
Couldn't find the way
I wished every tomorrow was a holiday
I'm such a crazy girl

Dumbass, they caught up can't you see?
My corpus size and I work in harmony
Just don't ask me about economy
I'm nescient for free


To make a point, to make things fine
I ever groundman from my hands to my time
That's the beauty of the game
You gotta know the rules
If you wanna give up
You gotta play it cool
You're so cool

Come on, girls
Give me a Boo (Boo!)
Give me a b (B!)
Gime a s (s!)
Go Boobs

Go Boobs
Go Boobs

My Boobs, my boobs
My boobs are ok
My Boobs, my boobs
My boobs are ok
And no matter what you say
I know they're ok
My Boobs, my boobs
My boobs are ok

My Boobs, my boobs
My Boobs, my boobs
My boobs are ok
My Boobs, my boobs
My Boobs, my boobs
My boobs are ok

And no matter what you say
I know they're ok
My boobs are ok

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