


I Like My Beats Fast And My Bass Down Low

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Lindalta pöllin x) <3Torstai 10.01.2008 15:33

[ ] Do you feel sad most of the time?
[/] Is the world a cruel and dark place?
[/] Do you write deep and a bit dark poems?
[/] Do you feel lonely often?
[x] Do you like sleeping?
[/] When you walk, do you always look down?
[x] Do you cut your hair by yourself?
[ ] Do you act older than your age?
[x] In your best, are you a very good person to talk with?
[x] Do you have plenty of ideas that you want to make true?
[x] Are you a thinker?

[x] Do you like nature?
[ ] Do you own a corset?
[ ] Do you listen to at least 10 bands/artists that play gothic music? (No heavy, speed, metal, rock, etc)
[/] Are you very pale?
[x] Do you like decorating?
[/] When you watch a movie, do you choose it because of the plot, not because there are hot actors in it?
[/] Do you use a lot of make-up?
[x] Do you make clothes for yourself?
[x] Do you believe that there are souls, spirits or ghosts in the world?
[x] Are you artistic?
[/] Do you love silence and loneliness more than a big group of people and lots of talking?

[ ] Do you have a long hair that you don't want to cut shorter?
[/] Do you like it when the singer yells/screams/growls mostly when singing?
[/] Do you think that God doesn't exist?
[ ] Can you play air guitar in a believable way?
[x] Do you have pentagrams in your clothes or in other stuff that you wear?
[ ] Do you like leather-clothing?
[/] Do you mosh?
[x] Do you have/want a black hair?
[ ] Do you listen to at least 10 heavy/metal bands?
[/] Can you be seen using this hand signal: /,,/?
[ ] Do you like beer?

[/] Are other people always right?
[/] Do you follow fashion?
[ ] Do you change your best friend often?
[/] Are you a totally different person in different situations?
[ ] Do you blame other people being wannabes/fakes?
[/] Have you troubles at knowing who you are?
[ ] Do you think that you know everything about the other when looking his/her clothing?
[ ] Do you get confused in a big group of different kind of people?
[/] Do you always want to please others?
[x] Are you in-secured about yourself?
[ ] Do you need someone's opinion before you can buy something (like jeans for example)?

J-rock person
[/] Do you like manga and anime?
[ ] Do you know the record companies to whom the bands work?
[x] Do you like Japanese food?
[x] Do you like black clothes, but on the other hand you aren't afraid to use soft/shocking colors as well?
[/] Do you listen other music from Japan as well than (just) Dir en grey, Miyavi and Gackt?
[x] Do you like small things that you can collect to your room/clothes?
[ ] Have you ever seen a J-rock band/artist live (even though you don't live in Japan)?
[ ] Do you have a shocking hair color?
[ ] Do you have piercings in other places than just in your ears?
[x] Do you think that everyone has the right to be who they are?
[x] Do you like second hand stores?

[x] Do you think that war is worthless?
[x] Do you like to sing with friends, one playing guitar as a back round music?
[x] Do you hate when animals suffer?
[ ] Have you ever taken part to a protest?
[ ] Do you have a long hair that you don't want to cut shorter?
[ ] Do you want to make sure that where your clothes are coming from and what material they are?
[/] Do you like to be barefoot or wear sandals?
[ ] Do you work in some organization that wants to make the world a better place?
[ ] Do you have a garden where you get your own vegetables/fruits from?
[x] Do you like soft, sweet melodies?
[/] Are you a bit radical, but mostly a nice person?

[ ] Do you strongly dislike some people because of the color of their skin?
[ ] Can you make rhythms out of the blue?
[ ] Can you do freestyle dancing?
[/] Do you like to wear oversized clothes and very large jewels?
[/] Was Tupac the greatest rapper ever?
[/] Do you swear a lot?
[x] Do you use your hands a lot when you speak?
[x] Do you want to be so rich that you can almost wipe your ass with cash?
[/] Do you want that when people speak to you, they use your nickname?
[/] Have you had troubles with the police?
[ ] When you mean to say 'the', do you say 'da' instead? *I live in Minnesota..da, sure, ya betcha..*

[/] Do/did you get good grades at school?
[ ] Does your mom buy your clothes?
[x] Have you been bullied?
[/] Are you very shy when you are in the company of the opposite sex?
[x] Do you play internet games on your free time?
[x] Can/could you be seen talking to the teachers just for fun?
[/] Do/did teachers use you as a good example?
[/] Is your best friend a family member?
[ ] Do you do scientist experiments at home?
[/] Have you been single all your life?
[ ] Is math one of your hobbies?

[x] Do you drink alcohol in public places with a group of friends?
[x] Do you listen to list-music from the radio?
[ ] Is Paris Hilton your idol?
[ ] Can you be seen wearing strings and jeans (and yes, we can see the strings as well)?
[x] Is one of these professions your dream: make-up artist, an actress, a model, a cosmetician?
[x] Do you watch The O.C?
[/] Do you kiss your friends on the mouth?
[x] Do you like celebrity rumors?
[ ] Do you make a scene out of even the smallest things?
[ ] Do you like to scream and giggle loudly?
[ ] Have you had more than 5 boyfriends over the last six months?

[ ] Can you say that you are a rebellion?
[x] Have you ever read a book called Nancy?
[/] Do older people shock when they see what you are wearing?
[ ] Do you have piercings in other places than just in your ears?
[x] Do you like safety pins?
[x] Do you love to wear band shirts?
[x] Do you listen any of these bands: Dead boys, New York Dolls, The Clash, Misfits, The Sex Pistols?
[/] Do you know who Ged Dunn, John Holmstrom and Legs McNeil are?
[ ] Do you like shorter songs more than long songs?
[ ] Do you think that violence and cutting are ok?
[/] Do you hate the society?

[x] Do you like dancing?
[/] Do you like female singers who sing about love and partying?
[/] Do you like boy bands that play love songs?
[ ] Do you wear soft colors all the time?
[/] Are you a romantic person?
[ ] Do you feel comfortable in clothes that show skin quite a lot?
[ ] Do you think that lyrics don't matter in a song?
[ ] Do you fall in love easily?
[/] Do you wear a lot of make-up?
[/] Do you like celebrity rumors?
[/] Are you mostly seen wearing jeans?
[x] Do you listen to at least 10 pop bands?
[x] Are you a daydreamer?

muahahahah, I'm a emo-person 8DDD

koulussa...missäs muualla...Keskiviikko 09.01.2008 12:51

Kouluhan on dataamista varten. Eikös niin??

Ottaa päähän, kun ei pääse illalla juttelee tänne ja jään keskusteluista ihan ulos 8<
Vaikka eipä siellä oo tainnu mitään elämää mullistavaa tulla esiin ;DDD

Ficcejä en oo lukenu nyt 4ään päivään -->vierotus oireita o.o'
Pitänee alkaa taas kirjottamaan omia -.-

Enää 1½vk Tampereeseen 8))) <33
Ja 2 ½vk S.joki bileisiin \,,/

Odotan myös kovasti juoppo-miittiä vaikka sen päivää ei ollakaan viel lyöty lukkoon ;----D

82pv Dortmundiin <<<<3333
87pv Hesaan <<<<33333333
(alan laskee kohta tunteja niin ku Julle ;DD)

Hyvää uutta vuotta!!!Maanantai 31.12.2007 19:11

Kaikille ihanille ja rakkaille ihmisille (ja elukoille x))
oikeen hyvää ja onnellista vuotta 2008!!

Vuosi 2007 oli mukava,
tehdään seuraavasta yhdessä vielä parempi <3

Uuden vuoden bileet...Maanantai 31.12.2007 12:56

...on varmaan tässä koneella dataten kun oon kipee 8(

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 30.12.2007 02:15

ootte te kyllä niin ihania, et en tiiä mitä tekisinkään ilman teitä <3

<33Sunnuntai 23.12.2007 23:19

Ehkä uniin kuljen, jouluisiin
Ehkä sinut siellä nään
Ehkä tartun käteesi ja
viet minut sinne
missä voin pilviin painaa pään

Mutta pysyn vielä täällä,
vierellä ystävien:
ne jotka seuranneet on samoja teitä vuosia rinnallain
ja uudet joita ilman en voi enää elääkään.
Nyt joulun voin viettää hymyssä suin,
kun tiedän mitä odottaa

Tähtien taikapölyä,
tiukujen helinää
ja halauksen lämpimän
mä teille sinne lähetän <3


(erityis maininta minun ihanalle keikka-porukalle ollille, hannalle, siville, jarnolle ja pinjalle<3
ensi vuotta odotellessa ;)))

:'''DTiistai 18.12.2007 23:59

Juu, että perät keikkuen sitten pikakävelyä eturiviin :D

Meiän jengin taktiikka x))

Pitäiskö meidän pitää treenit yhdessä ennen h-hetkeä? ;DD

mive, olli, hanna, sivi, jarno ja pinja; suomen pikakävelyn toivot <3 (olikos tossa kaikki ?x) )

8)))))))))))))Maanantai 17.12.2007 22:45

Sekooooon 8)))))))
Hihihihihihihihih x))
Onnex monet ymmärtää mua :DD

Tulee olemaan niiiin paras keikka, kun kaikki ihanat ihmiset on tulossa <3

:DDSunnuntai 16.12.2007 13:00

Voi hitsi, mikä ilta 8DD

Hunksit oli tietty komeita ja mun päätös bailata koko shown ajan vähä kusi, kun piti päästä lähemmäs kattomaan ;D

olli:"Sä kuulostat nuoremmalta ku ajattelin" x'DD kiitos, mulla on nuori ääni xDD
Millos aattelin sen mun veljen kans vihille mennä, kun sehän lupas jo maksaa kaikki meidän keikka-reissutki ;DDD

Mun jalka on kipee kun joku tallas kivoilla korkkareilla sen päälle 8(
Ja mun pää on vähän arka kun... xDD

Mut ainakin me bailattiin!! Vai mitä hannustin? :D En nyt taas muista mitä biisejä mut... Ei kun, muistan et I like the way tuli!!! Aika hyvin xD

8))Lauantai 15.12.2007 03:25

Mä oon edelleen täällä 8))

Ich bin nicht müde 8//

Huomenna baariiiiin 8))

ai niin, mun piti antaa siville ja ellille mun nro..:// unohtu...

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, olli-anniiiina <333

Jetzt gehe ich zu schlafen... Gute nacht <33