
Miss Kitty's DiaryKeskiviikko 19.11.2008 16:11

Hello fuckers!
It's been too many days without computer and lazy business
I should read biology because tomorrow is a test....
But who cares?
I'm just loading music here all by myself at home
I'm wearing a huge pullover which my mum got from Island!
Mmm... So warm...
I should also read a little bit psychology but I'm toooo tired to do that!
I just would like to go shopping
Or maybe I should sleep...
Maybe I could think what I would like to ask for christmas gift...
I have so much schoolwork to do........ SHIIIIIT
First lonely weekend without my darling LONG TIME...
How can I survive another week without him?
I have to remember...But we're going to spa..... Mm......
Positive thinking
And a little bit working
It's going to be a fantastic.....
I just have to be patient

Now I'm gonna ROCK!
With the fuckin' Misfits you know!!!!

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