


I don't know about you, but I want another cocktail

(18,00 !)Lauantai 07.09.2013 16:59


[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 10.08.2013 17:07

:kKeskiviikko 17.07.2013 00:05

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 16.07.2013 14:58

I'm your penis,
I'm your fire.
At your desire

diee potatoPerjantai 12.07.2013 17:37


nomnomnomNOOO :3Sunnuntai 30.06.2013 20:14

I hear a knock at the front door
Don't come in
I try to look at you but I can't stop shaking
Leave me alone just go away
Mother I'm soo scared
I'm so scared

An empty bed but all of my sheets
Are gone
They're wrapped around me and you
All is quiet but the drop of my gun
'Cause I...
I want to belong to someone
But maybe life's not for everyone.tumblr_mkybxeu8YG1rz88edo1_500.gif

Why are you toying with my mind?Lauantai 29.06.2013 01:43

I have to block out thoughts of you so I donÂ’t lose my head
They crawl in like a cockroach leaving babies in my bed

Dropping little reels of tape to remind me that IÂ’m alone
Playing movies in my head that make a porno feel like home
There's a burning in my pride, a nervous bleeding in my brain
An ounce of peace is all I want for you. Will you never call again?
And will you never say that you love me just to put it in my face?

And will you never try to reach me?
It is I that wanted space

Hate me today
Hate me tomorrow
Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you
Hate me in ways
Yeah ways hard to swallow
Hate me so you can finally see whatÂ’s good for you
Under the water
It's cold and it's grey
My torrid autumn
Another season decays
Open up the hollow and my walls come down
I'll tell you it's a problem
Just when no one's around

But then
I know what's wrong
God you complicated everything
I know you're gone, gone, gone
This is where I will draw my line

I will draw my line
Burning my cathedrals
'Cause I don't pray anymore
Look at all these people

These tragic little people
They're smiling and they don't know what for

buuuuurnTorstai 20.06.2013 01:41
