

Nirppu^^^ Käykää kaikki laittamassa meille ääniä jotta päästään peliin!!

<3<3Maanantai 01.10.2007 10:27


The end.

The songwriter`s dead.
The blade fell upon him
Taking him to the white lands
Of Empathica
Of Innocence


The dreamer and the wine
Poet without a rhyme
A widowed writer torn apart by chains of hell

One last perfect verse
Is still the same old song
Oh Christ how I hate what I have become

Take me home

Getaway, runaway, fly away
Lead me astray to dreamer`s hideaway
I cannot cry `cause the shoulder cries more
I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world
Forgive me
I have but two faces
One for the world
One for God
Save me
I cannot cry `cause the shoulder cries more
I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world

My home was there `n then
Those meadows of heaven
Adventure-filled days
One with every smiling face

Please, no more words
Thoughts from a severed head
No more praise
Tell me once my heart goes right

Take me home

Getaway, runaway, fly away
Lead me astray to dreamer`s hideaway
I cannot cry `cause the shoulder cries more
I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world
Forgive me
I have but two faces
One for the world
One for God
Save me
I cannot cry `cause the shoulder cries more
I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world


Sparkle my scenery
With turquoise waterfall
With beauty underneath
The Ever Free

Tuck me in beneath the blue
Beneath the pain, beneath the rain
Goodnight kiss for a child in time
Swaying blade my lullaby

On the shore we sat and hoped
Under the same pale moon
Whose guiding light chose you
Chose you all

” I`m afraid. I`m so afraid.
Being raped again, and again, and again
I know I will die alone.
But loved.

You live long enough to hear the sound of guns,
long enough to find yourself screaming every night,
long enough to see your friends betray you.

For years I`ve been strapped unto this altar.
Now I only have 3 minutes and counting.
I just wish the tide would catch me first and give me a death I always longed for ”.


Nightwish - The Poet And The Pendulum <3

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