Noora sanoo:
i had nightmares last night about how unpaid bill collectors came and took all my manga away o___O how horrible
はく - You're mine~ sanoo:
はく - You're mine~ sanoo:
i doubt they will
はく - You're mine~ sanoo:
but for securities sake, lock them up in a chest
Noora sanoo:
i'll kill them if they manga!
はく - You're mine~ sanoo:
はく - You're mine~ sanoo:
Noora sanoo:
would need a big chest...
はく - You're mine~ sanoo:
well, if you kill them, you can always run to singapore
はく - You're mine~ sanoo:
i'll provide you shelter
Noora sanoo:
with my manga, haha i'll have to steal an aeroplane
はく - You're mine~ sanoo:
はく - You're mine~ sanoo:
why not
はく - You're mine~ sanoo: