
[Ei aihetta]Torstai 04.06.2009 01:31

Raised Fist - Some of These Times

As I walk through memories
And at the end of these
I've burned a lot of pain to see you within
Deep powdered my skin and it's ( burning )

And I wanna break through to you
Try to speak to you ( and I )
And I seem to get to what's right
But you're not listening right

When you went through my head
Turned it upside down
Fuck you, sick of you all the time
( I'm sick of you all the time... )

And some of your shit, reaches my evil side
And I can't deny, some of these times
I wish you would die

Listen up, All the time, Suck it up
You just cannot see it
( Sick of you all the time )
Listen up, All the time, Suck it up
You just cannot see it

Why can't you learn to read the sign
Read between the lines
Closer to what I want to say
And now I totally feel

Instead I have to put all this in rhymes
On a CD you still gotta buy
Does it make you feel fine
( No resisting )
( Sick of you all the time )

When you went through my head
Turned it upside down
Fuck you, sick of you all the time

And some of your shit, reaches my evil side
And I can't deny, some of these times
I wish you would die

Listen up, All the time, Suck it up
You just cannot see it
( Sick of you all the time )
Listen up, All the time, Suck it up
You just cannot see it
( I'm sick of you all the time )
Listen up, All the time, Suck it up
You just cannot see it
Listen up, All the time, Suck it up
You just can't believe it
( I'm sick of you all the time )

Went through my head
Turned it upside down
Fuck you, sick of you all the time

Some of your shit, reaches my evil side
Some of these times
I wish you would die

Listen up, All the time, Suck it up
You just cannot see it
( Sick of you all the time )
Listen up, Suck it up, Listen Up
You just cannot see it
( I'm sick of you all the time )
Listen up, All the time, Suck it up
You just cannot see it
Listen up, All the time, Suck it up
You just can't believe it
( I'm sick of you all the time )

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 28.04.2009 18:34

Element Eighty - Scars (The Echo Song)

You said that we would always be friends
You said our love would never end
But all you gave to me were scars on my heart
All you did to me was tear my world apart
You left these scars on my heart

You took my love and made it bend
And you knew my money was for you to spend
You stabbed my heart and tore my world apart
and all you left me with were scars on my heart

Scars on my heart
These scars on my heart
Scars on my heart
Scars on my heart

You took my love way past the line
You took this broken heart and you made it mine
But I don't need your sympathy
No I don't need one damn thing

You left these scars on my heart
Scars on my heart
Scars on my heart
Scars on my heart

And now I'm scarred
And now I'm scarred forever

You said that we would always be friends
You said our love would never end
All you gave to me were scars on my heart
And all you did to me was tear my world apart

Scars on my heart
These scars on my heart
Scars on my heart
Scars on my heart

Don't make me

And now I'm scarred
And now I'm scarred
And now I'm scarred forever


[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 08.12.2008 17:58

Slipknot - Dead Memories

Sitting in the dark, I can't forget. Even now, I realize the time I'll never get.
Another story of the Bitter Pills of Fate. I can't go back again. I can't go back
But you asked me to love you and I did. Traded my emotions for a contract to

Commit. And when I got away, I only got so far. The Other Me Is Dead.
I hear his voice inside my head...
We were never alive, and we won't be born again.
But I'll never survive with Dead Memories in my heart.
You told me to love you and I did. Tied my soul into a knot and got me to submit.

So when I got away, I only kept my scars. The Other Me Is Gone.
Now I don't know where I belong...
We were never alive, and we won't be born again.
But I'll never survive with Dead Memories in my heart.
Dead Visions in your Name.
Dead Fingers in my Veins.
Dead Memories in my Heart

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 06.12.2008 23:56

Miks aina pitää väsyttää :(???

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 14.11.2008 16:12

Joskus sitä vaa katuu kaikkea sitä mitä on sanonut :/

SlipKnot <3Lauantai 08.11.2008 19:48


Even if you run... I will find you
I decided I wanted you
Now I know...I need
If you can't be bought tougher than I thought
Keep in mind I am with you
Never left out fate can't concentrate

You will be mine!
Ah fucking you will be mine!
Ah fucking you will be mine!
Ah fucking you will be mine!

I found you
Leanin' out of an open window
You laughed (my fingers clenched)
Too perfect far too careless
I couldn't help myself - I just took you

Dammit man I knew it was a mistake
(You brought it outta me)

Better make yourself out home
You're here to stay
You won't bother me...If you let me bother you
All the doors are locked, all the windows shut
Keep in mind - I watch you
Never leave my side, never leave me, fucker
Even if you run

What the fuck is different? Man, I can't believe I'm doin' this
Dammit man I knew it was a mistake
(You brought it outta me)

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 30.10.2008 20:56

Ill Nino - What comes around

I hate you, I hate you - shut up...
You think that I'm the one to blame
Everything I lose is just a piece of what there is
To gain
You think it's cool and all is fine
Now is the day when you pay, this is my time
I feel for you nothing but pain
I am what you will be, you are dying in me
I love you, I hate you, I miss you...

You're always thinking you're so perfect
Those thoughts drove me away from home
But if you put me through your tests
Then I will fade

I have nothing to say
But I feel like my mouth is wide open
Everything that is real
Comes around
Comes around...

Shut up...
Your stupid face just makes me sick
I see you changing every day
To fit into the newest clique
I know you, but everything you do
Is just a part of you, you'll never see the truth
I hate the way you make me feel
I hate the way you think you're real
You one voice it destroys my one choice

You're always thinking you're so perfect
Those thoughts drove me away from home
But if you put me through your tests
Then I will fade

I have nothing to say
But I feel like my mouth is wide open
Everything that is real
Comes around
Comes around...

Tu vida es mia
Your fear is living here in me

Es que no entiendo come en la vida puedes acer
La paz entre nostros cuando no vas a decir
Y la gratitud que tu nunca vas a ver
Has now turned to hate

I have nothing to say
But I feel like my mouth is wide open
Everything that is real
Comes around
Comes around...

Shut up!

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 24.10.2008 21:44

Jos mä nytten kuolisin- Harhakuvitelma

ei kukaan voi väittää etten ois yrittänyt
tai etten ois kaikkea peliin pistänyt
mut nyt tajuun että yritin turhaan
siirtää elämäni siihen oikeeseen uraan
ku kukaan ei ees tajuu kuka mä oikeest oon
jos mä huudan apuu, niin ne miettii huutakoot
sitä oppii turvautumaan siihen itsesääliin
miettivät et oon hölmö toiseen potenssiin
niin on se sitten kai se tottakin
miksi helvetissä mä muuta väittäisin
koska kukaan ei kuitenkaan ota uskoakseen
en mäkään enää usko minuuteen
turhaa mä olen kenellekään uskollinen
koska musta kuitenkin tehdään syyllinen
paha ihminen, vaikken mitään ois tehny
ei vittu, minne mun elämä on menny

jos mä nytten kuolisin
ei kukaan kaipaamaan
jäisi ja varmaan ei
kukaan ees huomaiskaan

niin kellään ei oo mitään hajuu
et kuinka vitusti muhun nyt sattuu
ja ei se kyllä ketään kiinnostakaan
kunhan jaksaa vaan tuijottaa omaa napaa
tuntuu et muiden rakkaus on tosi halpaa
multa ne pyytää satakertaista hintaa
en mä omast mielest oo pyytänyt paljoo
en super kallist autoo tai loisto taloo
mut joo, elämäni mennyt ohitseni
vei mukana onneni, jätti kaipaukseni
surukseni, ei mua kiinnosta mikään
teen mitä teen, ei siinä ole mieltä
en jaksa kieltää enkä ees myöntää
en jaksais mistään välittää
tätä on vaikee selittää mut mitä väliä
ei teistäkään kukaan vittuukaan välitä

jos mä nytten kuolisin
ei kukaan kaipaamaan
jäisi ja varmaan ei
kukaan ees huomaiskaan

anna minulle minun syntini anteeksi,
anna minulle anteeksi

jos mä nytten kuolisin
ei kukaan kaipaamaan
jäisi ja varmaan ei
kukaan ees huomaiskaan

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 21.10.2008 21:20

"Jengi kääntää sydämelle selän, pelkää elää,
pelkää ettei ne koskaa saa mitää eikä ketää,
herää päästäksee nukkumaa, päästää unelmat
liian pieneen tiimalasiin jossa juoksee turhuutta,
Paniikis ku juopot, just ennen baarin sulkemista,
ku sä oot duunis tai pulpetissa, mä jatkan kulkemista,
älä polta ganjaa, polta rahaa ja ota kantaa,
älä hävii elämäs, osta oma talo Vantaalt,
Kaikki samaa ansaa, palkal mitä tahansa paskaa,
ni joku on ainaki matkal ovelle sua vastaa,
mut sua halaa vaa varkaat, jotka valaa jalkas,
korusanojen sementtiin ennen ku vetää maton altas,
etkä rahan palvonnaltas nää mua maailmankatonrajas,
sun pallos jalas saa mut voimaa pahoin ku katon alas,
Taas Alkon kassal mietin onks maapallo vaa
mut mitä ikinä tulikaa tehtyy, sä teit parhaas"