
p <3Perjantai 03.07.2009 18:55

Mitä Anniina tekee nykyään? Anniina pelaa. :D

cool Torstai 02.07.2009 16:26

Jenni on vetävä. ;) :D

Hihi. :)Keskiviikko 24.06.2009 14:16

Nuulla tänään synttärit. :)

heiLauantai 20.06.2009 00:43

Kuka dataa juhannuksena? :D

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 18.06.2009 10:05

Ehkä mä rupeen nukkuu. :P

Hyvää päivää. :DTorstai 18.06.2009 08:53

Kohta nukkumaan. :P

<33Torstai 18.06.2009 02:05

In good old times, remember my friend,
Moon was so bright and so close to us, sometimes

We were still blind and deaf, what a bliss?
Painting the world of our own, for our own eyes, now?

"Can we ever have what we had then?
Friendship unbreakable
Love means nothing to me
Without blinking an eye -
I'd fade, if so needed,
all those moments with you
If I had you beside me"

One cloudy day, we both lost the game?
We drifted so far and away,

Nothing is quite as cruel as a child
Sometimes we break the unbreakable, sometimes?

"And we'll never have what we had then
Friendship unbroken
Love means nothing to me
Without blinking an eye
I'd fade, if so needed,
all those moments with you
If I had you beside me now"

I was unable to cope with what you said
Sometimes we need to be cruel to be kind
Child that I was, could not see the reason
Feelings I had were but sham and a lie?

I have never forgotten your smile
Your eyes, oh, Shamandalie

Time went by, many memories died
I'm writing this down to ease my pain

You saw us always clearer than me
How we were never meant to be
Love denied meant the friendship would die
Now I have seen the light
These memories make me cry

"Can I ever have what I had then
Friendship unbroken
Love means nothing to me
Without blinking an eye
I'd fade, if so needed,
all those moments with you
And see the world with my wide open eyes

Friendship got broken
There's no other for me
Like the one of my childhood days
Can you forgive me?
the love got better off me,
on that one day back in old times"

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 11.06.2009 01:56

Vammaisorkesteri Väljät Nivelet. :D Tästä orkesterista kuullaan vielä. :D

Mese <3Sunnuntai 07.06.2009 18:01

Joo kyllä se toimii. :D Heittää vaan 10 kertaa pihalle 15 min aikana. :D

hihi.Maanantai 01.06.2009 21:33

Oli eilen hieno risteily. :D Ja anoppikin saapu paikalle. :'D onneks oon kauko-ohjattava. Ja siel oli liian hieno mökki. <3