
LamalolTorstai 09.04.2009 23:39

Ossi: Vaihoin 1.75e mädärit 25snt vauhtihirmu- pillimehuihin ja kaiken syötävän joihinki 20snt tikkaireihin.
Hannu: Ollaan kato lamassa
Ossi : aika hyvä heitto :D

Tein testin ja sain eniten A vastauksia, kirja sano näin:

You show characteristics typically associated with the female brain. This means you may have skills in traditionally female areas eg nursing, personnel management, reading body language, communication skills, cooperative ability etc. At school you are more likely good at your monther tongue as well as foreign languages. You can remember faces and voices and you are skilled in building relations with people around you. You are also able to focus on more than one thing at a time so talking to a friend on the phone and surfing on the net at the same time wouldn't be a problem for you.

At school you are more likely good at your monther tongue : sain äikän kokeesta 4
You are also able to focus on more than one thing at a time : totta

OSSI!Torstai 02.04.2009 17:32

Hienoaminä, sain 4 äikän kiellenhuollon kokeesta :D ja sain 4puol pitkän matikan 4 (analyyttinen geometria) kurssista 9pts (10 tarvittiin 5-) :D

no mutta neloset opettaa, pitää lukea, en lukenu kumpaakaan :D

EssiKeskiviikko 01.04.2009 19:50

Hei ja tervehdys sinulle ystäväni! On mukavaa nähdä sinut ja kuvasi täällä.
En pidä kuvastasi, mutta kunnioitan sinua ihmisenä.

Näon parhaat ;D OMS!

JES!Maanantai 23.03.2009 23:18

kesäkuussa uus Dream Theater - albumi : Black Clouds & Silver Linings <33
Pakko ostaa :D

Yhteisöt : tack to essi Maanantai 23.03.2009 22:50


mummopyörät: Mullon mummopyörä ja neon parhait :D Helkama matkatar <3

Ateismi: olen ateisti :D

Horatio Caine: Paras lasipää, hoitaa puhumisen ja ampumisen :D

Lohjan Yhteislyseon lukio: Käyn sitä

-▂▃▄▅▆ +: Lisempää musaa ja kovempaa

Buckethead: Hyvä artisti :)

DragonForce: Kovaa musaa , hyvää ja nopeeta :D

Dream Theater: Paras<3 Progemetallia, vaihtelevaa ja hienot sanat :)

Frank Klepacki: HIenoi instrumentaalisii

Megadeth: Hyvä bändi , hienot sanat :D

Metallica: Hyvä bändi :D

Misfits: Hyvä bändi :D

Muse: Hyvä bändi :))

Rick Astley: Never gonna give you up on legenda!!

Tenacious D: Hyvä bändi :)

Turisas: Hyvä bändi kans

Command & Conquer: Paras pelisarja ikinä

World of Warcraft: Paras peli, kuhan ei pelaa liikaa :)

C.S.I.: Hyvä sarja

C.S.I Miami: Paras sarja , Horatio Caine <3

House: Saatanan hyvä sarja :)

Serranon perhe: hyvä sarja

JättrbraSunnuntai 22.03.2009 22:50

Jes sain myytyy mun käyttämättömät lökarit ja XXXL paidan. Vihdoinkin pääsin pakoist pois ;D
5e paita Jonille ja 10e housut Willelle

OSsiLauantai 21.03.2009 22:53

Teen Lupauksen, En osta karkkia,energia juomia limua enkä keksejä tässä kuussa. Syötän itteni jollekin jos failaan.

Biisisysteemi yritys 2 :DLauantai 21.03.2009 10:21

Tälläkertaa vastaan mikä tulee playlistist seuraaavaks randomilla :D


Next dream?
Dream Theater - home

What kind of person your family sees you?
Muse - Hyper Music
eli varmaan varmaan ne pitää mun kuuntelemaa musaa hyperinä

What is the next conflict with me and polices?
John Lajoie - Everyday Normal guy 2

What is my true opinion about bible and god?
Dream Theater - The Dark eternal Night

Muse - Assasin
sopivasti tuli :D

Bypasser's first impression about me?
Rush - YYZ

What kind of next night will be?
Muse - Next Born

What kind of friend I am?
Dream Theater - Bombay Vindaloo

What people think about me?
Misfits - Angelfuck

Do I get kids someday?
Misfits - In the Doorway
saan lapsia ovella :

What do you think about Dr. Phil?
Misfits - Violent World

My future profession?
Frank Klepacki - Act on instinct

Who I really am?
Dragonforce - Heartbreak Armageddon

What does my mother think about me?
Dream Theater - The Ytse Jam

Is my life going to the right way?
Misfits -Bruiser

What about other people are jealous to me?
Dream Theater - Trial of Tears

What "feature" I haven't yet found out about myself?
Dream Theater - Repentance

How I will change when I get older?
Muse - unintended

How does my school (or work) go?
Muse - Sober

What does my friends think about me?
Muse - Citizen Erased

Will I have social life more than usually soon?
Muse - Micro Cuts

Will I get new friends anytime soon?
Mifits - Diana

Do I have tendency that my close ones doesn't know?
Metallica - One

What kind of person I will be after few years from now?
Dream Theater - Pull me Under

Personality of my coming husband/wife?
Dream Theater - The ones who help to set the sun

What kind of date I am?
Mifits - Hellhound

When I do get my next hug?
Mifits - Dig up her Bones

What kind of my lovelife will be for the next five years?
Misfits - Hatebreeders

Does someone love me?
Buckethead - Ravines of falsehood

Am I good at bed?
Mifits - Hunting humans
Voi ei..

What kind of is my dream-wife/husband (you can answer both if you want to)?
Misfits - 1000000 years BC

What does my boy/girlfriend /the one I have crush with think about me?
Mifits - Scarecrowman

How desirable am I?
Stratovarius - Stratosphere

What I will be crushed with next?
Megadeth - you are dead

Who I will have crush with next?
Megadeth - trust

Most Likely reason of death?
Dream Theater - Innocence faded

Your husbands/wife's likely reason of death?
Muse - Plug in baby

What is the meaning of my life?
Dream Theater - Forsaken

What is the meaning of life?
Joe Satriani - Satch Boogie

What kind of next summer will be?
Misfits - She

What will happen after this?
Scorpions - Rock you like A Hurricane

What would help to moneyproblems?
Mifits - Them

What helps to boredom?
Buckethead - Decent of the Damned

What I should do after this test?
Muse - Cave
anna lapio

What helps to dissapointments?
Dream Theater - war inside my head

What kind of day tomorrow will be?
Frank Klepacki - In trouble


What I could do on next weekend?
Dream Theater - Keyboard Solo


Dream Theater - Goodnight Kiss

Buckethead - Too many humans

Muse - Overdue

Dream Theater - Perfect Strangers

Rage against the machine - Bulls on parade

Dream Theater - The Mirror

End of the World
Misfits - This Magic moment


Vammaus...Torstai 19.03.2009 23:52