
:DPerjantai 15.01.2010 20:04

ihanaa saan taas gimpin tähä koneelle!

: PTiistai 12.01.2010 18:26


ÄLÄ MISSAATiistai 05.01.2010 20:18

Päivän puheenaihe.


alkoholiaLauantai 12.12.2009 23:22

ostakaa mulle blurin think tank -albumi. kiitän...

??Lauantai 05.12.2009 19:21

Didn't I mention something
about that chocolate and
who's going to eat it?

:_)Torstai 03.12.2009 18:08

I'm broken and it's planned.
He disappointed me again
Scared and still avoiding me.
Cannot stand why I'm so close,
running away to the emptyness.
You seem today so helpless.
Sun shined twice and then shut down
And few birds moved to the south,
happy lovely south.
Lands end, it's their destiny,
sweet home in England.
With a cup of tea and some lovely scones,
with lemon of course.
Thinkin' about some birds makes me doubt
the worlds mistakes... It wasn't meanless to
had that big bang long ago. But I'm still a bit
angry and frustrated about your acts today...

My December RomanceKeskiviikko 02.12.2009 20:02

It's going to be sad
It's going to be fast,
lonely and quickly past

:PMaanantai 30.11.2009 19:44

o hi, haravoin jtn "turhia" yhteisöjä pois.En vaan kestäny kun kaameet yhteisö vyöryt tossa. Muutamasta musa yhteisöstä lähdin, mutta ei se meinaa etten tykkäis. moikka
mut eiköhän niitä kohta oo jo saman verra ku ennenkin...

^^DLauantai 28.11.2009 20:28

Cant you see I'm swimming with the onions!
Säikähdin perjantaina aurauskeppiä.