Doctor Who
[] You think youÂ’re better than other species (more specifically; humans)
[] YouÂ’ve run away from home
[x] You have been bullied
[x] You are frequently sarcastic
[] You have brown eyes
[x] You occasionally wear a cape
[] You wear reading glasses
[] People say youÂ’re very wise
Total: 3
[] Justice and righteousness are important to you
[/] You are ruthless
[] You like playing the recorder
[] You consider yourself a genius
[x] Your pockets hold EVERYTHING
[x] You like hats
[ ] Your eyes change color
[x] You can be a bit childish
Total: 3 ½
[/] You love science
[/] You want peace between everyone
[] You are a master of aikido
[x] You love playing with gadgets
[] You tend to be optimistic
[] You occasionally perform magic tricks
[x] You also love vintage cars
[] You can be somewhat bitter
Total: 3
[/] You wear long scarves. Very long scarves
[x] Yo-yoÂ’s are fun to play with
[] You occasionally wear floppy hats
[x] Your personality is very different from others
[] Your pockets are dimensionally transcendental
[] People say youÂ’re charming
[] You can tell if you can trust someone or not right right away
Total: 2 ½
[] You wear “brainy specs” to look clever, when need be
[x] You can be a bit vulnerable
[x] Your prefer thinking and problem solving over physical activity
[/] You hate violence
[] You like celery
[x] You tend to panic when under pressure
[] Rosemary makes you sneeze
[/] You will openly express your hopes and fears to your companions (friends)
Total: 4
[x] You can be compassionate, but hardly anybody but your friends see this side
[] You also can be very arrogant
[] And melodramatic
[] You decided to become a vegetarian, but have abandoned that practice
[/] You love poetry
[/] You are very fond of cats
[x] You have problems with directions
[/] You are very determined to do what is right
Total: 3½
[] People donÂ’t really trust you
[x] You tend to act like a fool to hide your intellect
[x] You have a very dark side, though
[] You like chess
[x] You would rather use words to resolve problems instead of violence
[] You like manipulating people
Total: 3
[] You love and respect all life
[/] You are very romantic
[/] You often have panic attacks
[] You donÂ’t understand the idea of gloating
[/] You have a habit of repeating someoneÂ’s name when trying to make a point
[/] Or when excited
[] You have smoked
[] You are very afraid of heights
Total: 2
[/] You like wearing leather jackets
[x] You can be very emotional
[x] Although, you hide your sorrow with manic behavior and wit
[] You can be ruthless
[x] You swear frequently
[] You tend to say “fantasic” a lot
[] You like bananas
[/] You can be violent
Total: 4
[x] You are a happy person
[x] You are also enthusiastic, epecially at inappropriate times
[x] You feel very lonely
[x] You are a fan of Harry Potter
[/] You prefer rock music
[/] You are a very forgiving person
[/] You think that life is beautiful
[x] Allons-y!
Total: 6½
[x] You donÂ’t care if people think youÂ’re eccentric
[x]You can be very childlike
[x] Fezzes are cool
[x] Bowties are cool
[] You have a very good memory
[x] You talk with your hands
[x] You tend to ramble a lot
[/] You would rather face situations alone, rather than put your friends at risk
[] You have green eyes
Total: 6½
THE VERDICT: 10nth 11nth ♥ :D