


Everything happens for a reason, listen everything happens for a reason.

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# 701 OH YEAH!Perjantai 09.04.2010 17:59

PISTÄ PAREMMAKS! ja se kuka saa 13 täyteen, niin respect ! ★

1. Etunimeni ? (1p)
2. Sukunimeni ? (3p)
3. Olenko hetero, bi, lesbo vai homo ? (3p)
4. Olenko ihastunut ? (2p)
5. Seurustelenko ? (1p)
6. Jos niin kenen kanssa ? (1p)
7. Millaisessa talossa asun ? (2p)
MAX. 13p

Mielellään yksityisellä, toiseen kuvaan tai yritän nopee poistaa kommentin !

Ps. Annan MIINUS PISTEITÄ. esim. jos olet epävarma!

@Chocopops: 13+/13 respect! (+ siitä kun kertoi vielä yksityiskohdat xD)
@Tani: 13+/13 respect! (samoin kuin chocopopsil! xD)
@prinssis: 13+/13 respect! (lol meni ehk vähän yli, mut sait +:saa säälistä)
@Gawa: 13/13 respect!
@tehAya: 11/13 !
@fucktrack: 12/13 !
@wixxu: 10/13 !
@Hardstyler: 8/13
@yo-seob: 9/13 !
@ilovevirus: 12/13 !
@EATER: 11/13 !
@Semakute: 11/13 !
@Anymora: 12/13 !
@läniah]: 12/13 !
@SatuUuUuUuU: 12/13 !

FIGHT ! ★Perjantai 09.04.2010 02:12

★★★★★ Kesäkuntoon 2010. ★★★★★
Tulokset kesäkuussa, eli pääsette äänestämään kummalla on parempi kesäkunto (tietysti äänestätte mut, vai mitä ! ♥) ja häviäjä tarjoaa Spice Icen !
This is real deal now bro, fighting ! ♥
Ps. tästä Click Tanin Blogiin!

Omegle ★Torstai 08.04.2010 17:15

Piristi niin mun päivää ! : DDD ♥

You: where r u from? :P'
Stranger: turkey u?
You: cool. Finland :D
Stranger: ti kool re
Stranger: oh!!
Stranger: lordi???
You: yeah lordi haha : D
Stranger: they suck.......
Stranger: joke
You: yeap
Stranger: u study?
You: yeah, not right now :D school is over, at home now
Stranger: im studing too
Stranger: im in suicide bombers school!!!!
Stranger: im gonna finish in a year!!!
You: haha xD come to finland
You: oh yeahh
Stranger: ooo nooo there i like finland
You: what ur gonna explode? :P
You: fuck finland !
You: it sux
Stranger: come ill bomb my self
Stranger: in turkey
You: lol why
Stranger: becase turkey suck
You: shouldn't u be on airplane or something? ;D
You: haha lawl
Stranger: nooooo
Stranger: i have c4 on my back
Stranger: i run and booooommmmm
You: OH I KNOW. EXPLODE u know that DUBAI new tower!!! damn it's big !
Stranger: hell yeah
You: kaboom
Stranger: something like that
Stranger: im gonna chek out if my c4 works
You: yeah : DDD
You: info me then~
Stranger: from heaven???
You: why not
Stranger: they dont have pc's there!!
You: there's still life prob
Stranger: maybe....
You: scream from the clouds
You: i'll hear u
Stranger: oh thats gooood!!!!!
Stranger: ill do it
Stranger: im gonna blow up my sister now
Stranger: she is so fat
You: hahaha mine too...
Stranger: blood everywere
You: oh yeah, gonna me nasty and dirty
You: expode her outside
Stranger: right....
Stranger: i didnt thout that
You: be*
You: yeah.. : D
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: come with me my friend lets explow together
Stranger: its just a booooooooooooooommmmmmm
You: i'm in !! let's hide all c4 over the world and click one buttom and BOOM <3
Stranger: i love your thoughts
You: ;D
Stranger: one button one explow and we all fly
You: yeap! or we get into spaceship and watch together when world explode lawl~
You: that's gonna be sweet
You: and we land to the mars and start new evolution! in our control! were the bosss on MARS oh yeah
You: :______________________ D
Stranger: ok dude i must explow now
You: okay dude, see u in heaven !
Stranger: i dont really thinking of heaven....
Stranger: somthing with fires maybe!!!!
You: u mean hell?
Stranger: oh yeah
You: at least theres warmer~
Stranger: and a guy with horns
You: that's hot
Stranger: ill explow him too
You: oh yeah nice
You: i wonder will he/she go to heaven then
Stranger: we ll have hell together
Stranger: we rule
You: sounds good !
Stranger: not only
Stranger: i have to tell u
You: or we keep hell guy as our slave lol
Stranger: im from greece and i hate turkey
Stranger: :D
You: ahahaha pwned XD
You: i still from finland damned
Stranger: hell yeah!!!
Stranger: c u in ragnarok
You: that word sound so i know it somewhere.. like in game or something lol
Stranger: i have to explow my food!!!! take care dude nice to talk with ya!!!
You: yeah have fun ! goodbye my friend <3
Stranger: hail finland!!!!
Stranger: cheers beers!!!
You: /cheer

Kesäkuntoon 2010 !? ★Torstai 08.04.2010 14:25

vois alkaa taas treenaa?
pitänyt täs kuukauden tauon.. xD
(no homo xD)

lol... xD

Sisko...Torstai 08.04.2010 02:45

on tuol seinän toisella puolella ja tekstaa mun puhelimeen:

sisko: Haluutsä nugettii?

mä: joo

sisko: Pakastees on, laitatko uuniin..mulle kans..

mä: en mä jaks..

FUCK TURKU! ★Tiistai 06.04.2010 21:41

h a s u sanoo (18:30):
*aa hyväää tai okei oon varmaa tulos kipeeks.......................................................

N1U sanoo (18:30):
*eikä .__.' <3

N1U sanoo (18:31):
*joo vai.. xDDD sori.. fuck turku!!

h a s u sanoo (18:31):
*...... >DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDdddddddddddddddddddddd

*.. jep.
*sain sielt jonku tartunnan : (

N1U sanoo (18:31):

N1U sanoo (18:32):

h a s u sanoo (18:32):
*tai siis kivojen turkulaisten

N1U sanoo (18:32):

h a s u sanoo (18:33):

N1U sanoo (18:33):

h a s u sanoo (18:35):
*OKEI TEH*Ä* NII !!!!!1

N1U sanoo (18:35):
*meiän keskustelut on aina mielenkiintosii <3

h a s u sanoo (18:36):
*vaikutetaa tosi vihasilt XDF<3
*ja elämään kyllästyneit >D

x'DDDDDDDDDDD omistettu kaikille turkuulaisille <3

ABC Next DANCE! ★Tiistai 06.04.2010 03:03

Eli Meidän seuraava tanssi mitä aloitetaan harjoittelemaan on yksi näistä vaihtoehdoista ja teillä on vaikutusvaltaa, eli eniten ääntä saanut on meidän seuraava tanssi!
Keskiviikkona päättyy/päätetään, eli vain siihen saakka tämä!

:D:D:D:D:D:D:DSunnuntai 04.04.2010 00:08

HAHAHAHA LOL :AS:DA:SDA:S:D sori se oli aprillipila bwahahaha >: DDDDDD

Ps. en jaksa kommaa takas & Thx ! XD <3

To Turku!Torstai 01.04.2010 16:52

Joskus Lauantaina vissiin takas! Eli silloin kans vasta takaisin galleriaan!

Kommentoikaa yli 1000 kommenttia, niin juoksen kampin E kerroksen läpi Boksereissa! Mä vannon, foreal!

Hyvää Pääsiäistä ja erikoista viikonloppua kaikille! ♥

Peacer - Black to BackKeskiviikko 31.03.2010 17:47

Tein tän ehk 20 minuutis, joten oli aika suoraan sydämestä ;D
Lyriikka kertoo jätkästä, joka ei osaa päättää mitä tehdä, jatkaako vai unohtaako, eli ei tiedä mitä tehdä. Enpä tiedä tarviiko enempää kertoa.. kai ymmärsitte ;D
Btw. pitkästä aikaan sain jotain lyriikkaa kirjoitettua ;D
Ja antakaa mielipidettä/ palautetta!
Peacer - Black to Back
Let me tell you something
Something that you may not be waiting for
Let's start, ready? Enjoy
You break my heart (break my heart)
You're my heartbreaker (heartbreaker)
it's been less than a week since we broke up
And i'm already goin' insane, u know why
'cause you left me (why why)
I'm thinking of you (erase you)
Cannot let you go (gotta let it go)
I miss you like crazy (crying like crazy)
Come back (don't come)
Why are you doing this to me?
Why are you hurting me?
Bad side of me is taking control,
It's already taking (take it, take it)
There's a good side and a bad side
You kept the bad side away from me
Now that you left me
I'm loosing to bad side
'cause I can't fight alone
I fought with you (with you)
Fought for love (love love)
You said you weren't strong enough
And left me alone to bad side (alone alone)
My soul, my heart is turning to black
Everything is turning black
Please come back (back back)
I'm thinking of you (erase you)
Cannot let you go (gotta let it go)
I miss you like crazy (crying like crazy)
Come back (don't come)
Why are you doing this to me?
Why are you hurting me?
I don't know what to do
All the lovesongs i'm listening to
Are about you (you you)
soon i'll be tired of them
Sick of them (sick of love song)
Sick of thinking about you (sick of you)
Everything is sick
'Cause you're not with me
I'm thinking of you (erase you)
Cannot let you go (gotta let it go)
I miss you like crazy (crying like crazy)
Come back (don't come)
Why are you doing this to me?
Why are you hurting me?
I gave my all (my all)
I did what you wanted
I sold my soul to you
But you kept me like a toy
Now that you're bored of me
you threw me in a box
Where I can't see anything
It was all black (black black)
Waiting for you to get me back (back back)
I'm thinking of you (erase you)
Cannot let you go (gotta let it go)
I miss you like crazy (crying like crazy)
Come back (don't come)
Why are you doing this to me?
Why are you hurting me?