



sleeping with the light onLauantai 22.12.2007 22:04

YAY FOR CHRISTMAS \o/ anabanana's got her birthday tomorrow. (AND THE DRUMMER! : D) uh-oh, vi har inga äppel! :((( <-- Frida när äpplena e slut. I'm a veryvery sad (and random, apparently) person. : DD
UPDATE: nu for pappa ti butiken o köpa JEE!!

Anna had a very nice dream last night :'D <3 o ja drack cranberryjuice när hon texta de åt mej, o så spotta ja ut saften över hela matbordet. Dad got mad at me, for some odd reason :o and then I refused to tell him what she had written. Well, duh, would you have? "Yeah, my friend had a dream that I - your daughter - got knocked up by the singer/guitarist in McFly. Isn't it funny?" hahhahahaa, ja kan tänka mej pappas ansikte. HELP. : DD

I'm a teenieslasher, apparently. yepyep. :'D

“I’m sorry…what?”

The other sighed in exasperation. “I’m here to take your life,” he explained.

Still as confused as ever, Danny asked the first question that came to mind, which naturally, was a pretty important one, “Take my life?! Who the hell are you?”

The person sighed again before replying in a tone too cheerful for a guy bringing bad news, “I’m known by most as Death, but the guys down there call me Doug Triple X.”


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