



[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 14.03.2008 12:10

..vihaan kuolemaa...
olipa ihanaa tulla eilen kämpile ja huomata että ovessa lukee ihquu ja ihku beibe..jes..mittään muuta niin halunnutkaan..Perkele!:D ja sitten löytää äksönukot ja muut harrastamasta homoseksiä ympäri kämppää..oi kiitos, olittepa asetellu kauniisti.(PERKELE!TE OOTTA HÄPÄISSEET SUPERSANKARIT!KOSTAN KYLLÄ ÄKSÖN-UKKELEITTEN KUNNIAN JA KOSTONI ON HIRMUINEN!KANTSII ALKAA JO TUTISTA!) (:DDDDDD) Ja perkele se ihkutushajotus lappu on vieläki sielä ovessa eka unohtu ja sit oli hirvee kiire..perkele... Te ootta niin parhaita elläintenhoitajia ikinä..MUn äksön-ukkeleiden ei tarvii hoiella toisiaan!Piru vie!:DD Venomiki oli terrassaan piilossa pohjapaperin alla..vissin sitäki hajotti...

NIIN ja kiitos vaan kaverit siitäkin että Hello Kittyki aikoo syöttää mut Luciukselle..x_X ää! ja siitäku jätitte sen tajuttoman kamalan ruiskun hullun pitkine neuloineen sinne hy-hyiii....Teän onni että hokasin eenku tärväsin itteni sillä ko olitta piilottanu paitojen alle sen..piru vie....

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 12.03.2008 12:19

olipa kerran musta essu..sitten aloin leipoon leipää näkkee ainaki ympäristöstä että oon tehny töitä..:DDD

Sigur rÒsTiistai 11.03.2008 17:55


Hamagangur, Ég Þusti Niður Að Læknum, Bjargvættur.
Ég Gerði Skip Tilbúið Og Fór Með Litla Bæn Því Ég Var Hræddur.
Sólin Skein Og Lækurinn Seytlaði.
Sóley - Sóley Flugurnar Drepast.
En Í Dag Á Ég Að Bjarga Sem Flestum Flugum.
Með Spotta Í Skip Ég Er Með Í Hvorri Hendi - Ákveðinn.
Ég Kasta Þeim Út Í Hylinn Og Reyni Að Hala Flugurnar Inn Áður En Seiðin Ná Til Þar Sem Þær Berjast Við Strauminn Og Vatnið.
Þannig Líður Dagurinn.
Sjálfur Kominn Um Borð, Var Farinn Að Berjast Við Bæjarlækinn Sem Hafði Þegar Deytt Svo Margar.
Ég Næ Ekki Andanum Og Þyngist Við Hverja Öldu.
Mér Vantar Kraftaverk Því Ég Er Að Drukkna Syndir.
Ég Reyni Að Komast Um Borð. Ég Dreg Í Land Og Bjarga Því Sjálfum Mér Aftur Á Bakkann.
Á Heitan Stein Ég Legg Mig Og Læt Mig Þorna Aftur.
Ég Kasta Mér Út Í Hylinn Og Reyni Að Hala Flugurnar Inn Áður En Seiðin Ná Til Þeirra Þar Sem Þær Berjast Við Strauminn Og Vatnið.
Gustur, Allur Ennblautur.
Frakkur Finnur Hvernig Báturinn Er Kominn Úr Mesta Straumnum Og Landið Smám Saman Nálgaðist.
Hann Bæði Um Borð Í Sjó Og Landi Bjargandi Flugunum Sem Farast Hér.
Þó Sér Í Lagi Sjálfum Sér.
Eilíft Stríð Og Hvergi Friður.
En Það Verður Einhver Að Fórna Sér.
Dagarnir Eru Langir.

The Fly Savior

Hullaballoo, I Rushed Down To The Lake, A Savior.
I Prepared A Ship And Said A Little Prayer, For I Was Scared.
The Sun Shone And The Lake Flowed.
Sunflowers – Sunflowers The Flies Die.
But Today I Will Save As Many Flies As I Can.
In Each Hand I Carry A Net - Determined.
I Throw Them Into The Abyss And Try To Draw In The Flies Before The Smolts Reach Them Where They Combat The Water.
And So The Day Passes.
Going Onboard, I Had Begun Fighting The Stream Which Had Already Killed So Many.
I Can’t Breathe, Getting Heavier With Every Wave.
I Need A Miracle Because I’m Drowning Sins.
I Try To Get Aboard. I Pull Ashore And Salvage Myself To The Beach.
Dry Myself On A Hot Rock.
I Throw Myself Into The Abyss And Try To Draw In The Flies Before The Smolts Reach Them Where They Combat The Water.
Gustur, All Soaked.
Frakkur Senses The Boat Is Out Of The Strongest Current And The Land Slowly Approaches.
He Is Both Aboard Sea And Land Saving The Flies That Die Here.
Though Especially Himself.
Eternal War, Peace Nowhere.
Someone Has To Be Sacrificed.
The Days Are Long.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 11.03.2008 10:27

Theres too many questions
And too many strings
And they won't keep their self tied
On a roller coaster ride

Drowning PoolMaanantai 10.03.2008 22:41

"This Life"

And when it's cold out
I will wait for her
And I will roam out
To the edges of the earth
And when it feels just like the rain
Has soaked through my bones
None of this will matter
None of this will save you from yourself

This life
It's brining on the death of me
Swear that I can barely see
That I'm the one to blame
This life
I swear to God it's killin' me
Seems some times I can't believe
That I'm the one to blame
And when it's cold out
In the sleet and snow
I will hold out
'Till the answers all unfold
And when it feels just like the rain
You will see through it all
None of this will matter
'Cause none of this will save you from yourself

None of this will matter
None of this will save your from yourself

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 10.03.2008 16:53

The wait has begun..

Vindicated Spider-man 2 soundrack lyricsMaanantai 10.03.2008 14:37

Hope dangles on a string
Like slow spinning redemption
Winding in and winding out
The shine of which has caught my eye

And roped me in
So mesmerizing, so hypnotizing
I am captivated

I am Vindicated
I am selfish
I am wrong
I am right
I swear I'm right
I swear I knew it all along

And I am flawed
But I am cleaning up so well
I am seeing in me now the things you swore you saw yourself

So clear
Like the diamond in your ring
Cut to mirror your intentions
Oversized and overwhelmed
The shine of which has caught my eye
And rendered me so isoloated, so motivated
I am certain now that


So turn
Up the corners of your lips
Part them and feel my finger tips
Trace the moment, fall forever
Defense is paper thin
Just one touch and I'd be in
Too deep now to ever swim against the current
So let me slip away [3x]
So let me slip against the current and let me slip away


Slight hope
It dangles on a string
Like slow spinning redemption...

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 09.03.2008 22:47

pitäis tahtoo nuorisovandaaleja mäiskiin mun niskoi ja selkää pesismailal..vois tehä gutaa..

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 09.03.2008 22:24

taas kippee=//