



aah aamuzombieTorstai 03.04.2008 11:05

mutsil meni aamula järki ko se huus vissin miljoona kertaa mulle et nouse jo ylös sieltä äläkä nukaha aina uuesti..oli aika vaikeata..millaki vaan änkes enempi kainaloon nukhuun..sit minen jaksanu kuunela mutsia ja nousin istumaan sit mutsi alko huutaan millaa pissale ja milla vaan örisi siinä sille ronsuvauvvansa kanssa..eikä noussu ja menny..mie sannoin mutsile etei milla jaksa ko silläki on kevät väsymys..mutsi huus et nouse nyt ainaki ylös sieltä venymästä millale.sit ku milla pääs ylös ja meni puoleen välliin käytävää..en o varma mut johonki se meni ko mutsi houkutteli namulla ni sit se otti taas norsuwauvvansa suuhun ja lähti takas kohti meän sänkyä..hehe..mie olin siihen mennesä päässy jo ylös ja menosa kouhluun..koko aika pitkät päälä..menis vahtaan jotaki pitkät päälä ja kattoo kuin noppeesti sill menee heremoth..ooh kenet mie valithen? ouh decision,decisions..koittais vaikka alkaa juua teetä..järkeni tzombeilee..It`s in your head, it`s in your head..tzombii, tzombii...

x_xKeskiviikko 02.04.2008 21:11

mulle annethiin tänhään skoles pinkkipääsiäissuklaamuna x_xmuistin sen vasta taas ko aloin kathoon mitä mullon taskus..miks aina pinkkii mulle?yääääääääääää!x_x

4.Keskiviikko 02.04.2008 18:32

aurinko paisto liika kirkhaasti ja tuli lämmin ni tulin takas pääkallo paikale mut täälä vasta kuuma tuli..mien kestä tuota ruottalaista "musiikkia"..mutta ei taijja tulikhaan mua käristää ko aika hiljasta.....varhmaan se tuli säikähti mua ko oon niin rankka...:DDD

3.Keskiviikko 02.04.2008 17:42

äh täälä on aika tylsää..ei o ees kunnon grillibileet..huoh..taian kävelä takas savun lävitte pihale ja mennä vaik kyläle ko aurinkoki paistaa:Djos tuola alhaala ois trampoliini ni hyppäisin ikkunasta..solis huisiiX)

2.Keskiviikko 02.04.2008 17:37

mie kävelin takas sishään lävitse savun ko päätin sithen pallaa tän tylsän koulun kanssa jei! onks tää nyt sitä hulluutta?:DDD

1.Keskiviikko 02.04.2008 17:26

talos kuulema palaa ja häätyy mennä ulos:D

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 02.04.2008 17:03

Vain tuscha meidät herättää
Selvästi hetken näkemään
Värit lyö mielen ikkunaan
Ja tunteet pikakelataan


[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 02.04.2008 16:37


[Music: Tenkula & SENTENCED, Lyrics: Lopakka]

The accusations and the blame
True or false, they seem the same
Filthy fingers, rising rose
And out of shit a flower grows
I'm amazed how damn low
People can go only by being themselves

Those with hearts of Ever-frost
Always know we never lost
Flames rose high...
Not enough to melt the ice
Tiny minds and virtuous whores
Bunch of morons with a cause
"Jesus saves?" - We will piss upon your graves

Three wise men came to the north
On they donkeys they rode forth
Whining I'd committed sins
Moaning I'm to everything
Still amazed how our whole trio on link
Can have only two brain cells

Those with hearts of Ever-frost
Always knowing ever lost
Acid rain, urine on your flames
Urine on your flames

Those with hearts of Ever-frost
Always know we never lost
Flames rose high...
Not enough to melt the ice
Tiny minds and virtuous whores
Bunch of morons with a cause
"Jesus saves?" - We will piss upon your graves

Placid rain, urine on your graves

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 02.04.2008 11:23

Korn Alone I Break Lyrics

*** ***
Pick me up
Been bleeding too long
Right here, right now
I'll stop it somehow

I will make it go away
Can't be here no more
Seems this is the only way
I will soon be gone
These feelings will be gone
These feelings will be gone

Now I see the times they change
Leaving doesnÂ’t seem so strange
I am hoping I can find
Where to leave my hurt behind
All the shit I seem to take
All alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man?

Shut me off
I'm ready
Heart stops
I stand alone
Can't be on my own

I will make it go away
Can't be here no more
Seems this is the only way
I will soon be gone
These feelings will be gone
These feelings will be gone

Now I see the times they change
Leaving doesnÂ’t seem so strange

I am hoping I can find
Where to leave my hurt behind
All the shit I seem to take
All alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man?

Am I going to leave this place?
What is it I'm running from?
Is there nothing more to come?
(Am I gonna leave this place?)
Is it always black in space?
Am I going to take its place?
Am I going to leave this race?
(Am I going to leave this race?)
IÂ’m disguised up in this place?
What is it that I've become?
Is there something more to come?
(Â…More to come)

Now I see the times they change
Leaving doesnÂ’t seem so strange
I am hoping I can find
Where to leave my hurt behind
All the shit I seem to take
All alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man?
Now I see the times they change
Leaving doesnÂ’t seem so strange
I am hoping I can find
Where to leave my hurt behind
All the shit I seem to take
All alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man?

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 02.04.2008 11:21

Korn Throw Me Away Lyrics

Flesh wound, flesh wound
With medication it will fade
Should I assume that someone hears me when I pray
Love, full of hate
Don't you love how I break?

Don't let them throw me away
Keep me and I'll be okay
Skipping a beat but it plays
Don't let them throw me away
Don't let them throw me away

Screwed up, used up
Crumpled lying on the floor
F**ked up, shut up
All you did back then was score
I'm feeling weak
Missing parts

Don't let them throw me away

Keep me and I'll be okay
Skipping a beat but it plays
Don't let them throw me away
Don't let them throw me away

Hold me up into the light
Fix the cracks and fix them right
Keep the pieces in the drawer
Keep them there for ever more
May come in use for someday
Recycle this shit in someway
And all that I have to say
Is don't let them throw me away

Don't let them throw me away
Keep me and I'll be okay
Skipping a beat but it plays
Don't let them throw me away
Don't let them throw me away