




- Vanhemmat »
Grit your teeth and listen for the gun
Get in the runners block and kneel
And run the human race
That decadent decathalon
Let the games begin for real

Stop scaring me - it`s bedlam in paradise
Stop I can`t see - nowhere I can hide
Scared to run, this monstrous marathon of fear

I run the races with a dark horse to win
Across a finish line of fear
I swim a sea of skin, afraid to drown in flesh
X- generation, revolutions here

Scared to have sex - I don`t wanna die
Scared I`ll be next - I`m scared for my life
Dying to live, but there ain`t no way outta here alive
All we`re all scared there`s
Nowhere to run - I`m scared to death
Nowhere to hide - scared I`ll be next
Oh - stop, stop, stop, stop
Nowhere to run - I`m scared to death
Nowhere to hide - scared I`ll be next
Oh - stop, stop, stop, stop

Am I a prisoner of the universe?
Is destiny fixed among the stars?
Should I cry or laugh?
All I know is that
The best time to laugh is anytime you can

Life`s one big party - thrown here by "God"
We all get invitations - if we want them or not
It`s the decade of fear
No way out of here, no, no, no
No, no, no - no, no, no - no, no, no
Oh scream in my ears
Oh stop what I hear, no, no, no
No, no, no - no, no - no, no,no

Still not black enough, WaspTorstai 26.04.2007 06:13

Paint a shadow on my heart
In shades of ebony
Paint the sun out of the sky
That rains over me

Black sun, rain on me
I need one, black sun
Rain on me, rain on me

Tie me to my blackness there
Where I`m ever free
Taken to the dark edges of
My wicked memories

Paint my soul in indigo, and ebony for me
No colour seen in my eyes, none in my eyes
I`m naked in my misery
Emotions stripped to bone
I see inside the heart of me
It`s still not black enough
for me

No colour in the heart of me
No colour run in my veins
I hold the black to my breast
It bleeds over me
I can`t go on till I get off

For me it`s still not black enough
With darkness gone, my fear is seen
My fear is real, my fear is me

Fan, Jag fattar ju ingenting...ahahaha X)Keskiviikko 25.04.2007 20:44

ope; Hon är hopplöss den här tjejen....Alltso hon fattar ingenting...
...voi,voi oon toivoton..enkä mithään tajuakhaan...voi..voi...

INterMIssion , SLIPKNOTKeskiviikko 25.04.2007 17:32

all of our guestions are answers to our sins.
all of our endings are waiting to begin.

Tobira no MukoeKeskiviikko 25.04.2007 13:21

If the reality is vexing you, just go ahead and blow it away....

Even if the pride you hold over your head is a mistake
Even if the ideal you paint crumbles
Even if everything here turns to lies and wears you down
I`ll definately be here

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 24.04.2007 18:49

Life is a bitch and then you die...yhyy, multa loppu musta akvarelli-värikynä...yhyy..Öhöm..Ryhdistäydytäämpäs nyt...yhyy..Perkele...

lumikäärmeitäPerjantai 13.04.2007 01:59

Tuuli luo lumesta kiermurtelevia käärmeitä tien pintaan, käärmeet katoaa...Uskoitko sinäkin näihin käärmeisiin?
Loana:Du jävla raggare!Å de var säkert den sista lådan....
Loana:Tiina!Vad fan?!
Loana:Tiina du ska inte dricka, i Tornedalen man dricker inte man super... Tiina...
Ope:Mutta Tiina ei tuommosta voi sinne laittaa..eihän tuo ole kukka..ei ne tuota huoli..tuo paperiki on ihan ryttynen..Miten sie noita sun töitä oikein kohtelet?Sulla pitäis olla paksumpaa paperia...
Loana:Nej,men Tiina så ska man inte göra...oi voi voi Tiina..
- Vanhemmat »