


joo-o mettäsä o helevettiä..hyttyshelevetti valloihlaan..ja matkakumppaneita saa kotiakki matkasa..syötyäkki tullee samasa semmonen kourallinen inisijöitä..ei tarvi rautatabletteja vissin..mettätielä lähin koiran kansa laukhoon..yhtäkkii se ampaski kunnola vauhtiin..miet jaa?kengät meinaa lähteä oravaha sielä oli sit ko se hyppäs metikhöö koira oliki irti..joo-o..hyvin oli taase porukat kiinittäny pangan..tai sitte ei..ja just ko saan sen pangan takassin ja au hyttyset ja hihnasta ja puhelimest jonkulaisen taas mennään..jaa jänis!..o se heleppoo...kuulinpa mahtavan kehräyksen ko motskari lähti rannasta tulleen..oiku kehräsi nätisti...

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 11.07.2007 20:50

mullon..uus kavevi..=) pikkunen jäbä..sen nimi on fievel=) son aika surullinen tapaus kuite..pikkunen linnun poika..ihan hukasa=/ ei oikein lentäminen pelitä=/ mie et mikä pikku lintu änkee itteensä pupun häkkiin..verkon läpite..pupuki oli et whäät? se meni pupun putki-majaan..ja pupu meni ihmettelleen sitä ni sit se lähti karkhuun..ja säntäili paniikisa ympäritte pihhaa..soli häässä raukka..aloin viheltelleen sille..seurailin sitä ja sit se yritti piipittää takassin..tapitteli mua ja keinutteli päätänsä..kivat pikkuset mustat nappi silmät sillä=) ni sit ko siin sen kaa istuksin ja viheltelin ni rauhottu =)sit se tais sylkästä kurkustansa jonku mustan pallon ja sit vähän ajan päästä siit lähti jo pikkusta hentoo sirkutusta=) jättin sen vähäx aikaa itekseen..ko toivon että joku ympärill sirkuttelevist linnuist poimis sen messiin..mut nyt meen kyll kattoon ko oon huolissaan ko se veti jo kerran lassiin pahki=/

Fievel löysi kaltaistensa pariin..hyvin paljon uskon niin=)häppi ending..sirkutusta kuulu..ja semmosta hentoa tutunkuulostaki=) ylempää puista..non vissin jothain rastaita..niillon pesii naapurin paris linnunpöntös ja taitaapi olla meänki pihala..siel lensi pikku lintui matalal joku niistä oli varhamaan fievel..toivon niin..yks laskeutu pupun häkin saatto olla fievel..mutta löyty sieltä pihalta toinenki pikku kaveri=D pikkunen hiiri=) sen nimi on sithen snatch..sonkans jotenki kummallinen..ko hiiret pysytteellee enempi piilosa..tää viiletteellee siel porthailen lähistöl taitaa assuu porthaitten alla..kukkaruukun alta vahatsi mua ja sit kipitti talon reunaa pitkin pikku koloon ja napitti sieltä=)oli se jännä =DD mie varotin sitä et ooppa varovasti ette navettaan eksy..ko siel on killeri..ettet lussen ruuaksi joudu..nyt kyll hajottaa josse mennöö sinne..=/ pitäskö käyä heittään killeri vegetsiin en tiijä..lusse syö nykyään niin usein et mulla alkaa käyä mut eipäh tulis tapettuu kethään..joo-o aika säälittävvää..=DD
muttako kävin pihal ko mutsi kävi täsä kuulinpas tuuttua sirkutusta ylempää ilmoista =)
mitäköhän löytyy seuraavaksi..o_O haha..

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 11.07.2007 17:54

kyllähän mie repesin ko meän karppa käveli autostansa pihale ja näin sen pään!XDDDDD nonni nyt näytti jo siltä että vois olla mun veli..XDDD o se hyvä!=DD ja sitte repesin vielä muutaman kerran..ko ekaksi kissa yht äkkii hyökkää takkaa päin mun jalkaan kii..ja parast oli ko se sekosi..ja hyppi sisälä neljälä koivela tasa jalkaa pitkin poikin ja hyppäs sitte koiruli paran kimppuun takkaa päin kynnet ojossa ko mimmuli siin kaikes rauhas möksötti..oi kyllä se ärähti..=DD voi voi...ja kissa ranitti täysii ympäri kämppää ja aina jostaki kuulu kauhiata kolinaa ko se johonki hyppäsi.RÄNTZ!ZÄN!BÄM!!Ja sit tasen rättärättärää! ko se lähti taase ranittaan...mimmuli meni makkarriin piiloon..ja sitku kissa meni kauemmas ni mimmu tuli mun sylliin itkeen ko kissa oli seonu taasen...jos kissa oli niinku leevi ni mie ja mimmuli olima vuoron perrään lassi..iha yhtä hullu se kissa..ko se lassi o tulosa kotia ja se tiikru vaanii sielä.o_o.semmosta on mun ja millan elämä=DD mutta sitä ei lahjotakhaan tonnikalaleivilä..nei auta=DD ko meän miskaa kiinostaa vaan pirruilu ja viattomien väijyminen...o se jännä..O_o..

OffspringTiistai 10.07.2007 02:24

"Come Out Swinging"

You brace and hold it all inside
It's more than you can stand
No one around even tries
Tries to understand

Don't turn away, don't turn away
Come out swinging
Come out alone
They're in your way
But as long as you're swinging
Strong then you'll get by

Your pacing's wearing out a line
Right beside your bed
The scene replays a million times
Stuck inside your head

And though you stand in place
Your mind escapes
Read between the lies
Smile's on your face
You fake like you're ok

Don't turn away, don't turn away
Come out swinging
Out on your own
They're in your way
You may be stinging
But you'll get by
Don't turn away, don't turn away
Come out swinging
Never alone again
The pain inside can guide your way

Midnight, no sleep
Inside, you scream to
No one, hears you fall
Daylight, prove me today
One more try

Don't turn away, don't turn
Come out swinging
Come out alone
They're in your way
You may be stinging
But you'll get by
Don?t turn away, don't turn away
Come out swinging
Never alone again
Pain inside
Leads you through so you'll get by

OffspringTiistai 10.07.2007 02:14

"Have You Ever"

Falling, I'm falling
Falling, I'm falling

Have you ever walked through a room
And it was more like the room passed around you
Like there was a leash around your neck that pulled you through

Have you ever been at someplace
Recognizing everybody's face
Until you realized that there was no one there you knew
Well I know

Some days, my soul's confined and out of mind
Sleep forever
Some days, I'm so outshined and out of time
Have you ever

Falling, I'm falling
Falling, I'm falling

Have you ever buried your face in your hands
Cause no one around you understands
Or has the slightest idea what it is that makes you be

Have you ever felt like there was more
Like someone else was keeping score
And what could make you whole was simply out of reach
Well I know

Someday I'll try again and not pretend
This time forever
Someday I'll get it straight but not today
Have you ever

Falling, I'm falling
Falling, I'm falling

Some days, my soul's confined and out of mind
Sleep forever
Some days, my darkest friend is me again
Have you ever
Someday I'll try again and not pretend
This time forever
Someday I'll get it straight but not today
Have you ever

When the truth walks away
Everybody stays
Cause the truth about the world is that crime does pay

So if you walk away
Who is gonna stay
Cause I'd like to think the world is a better place

When the truth walks away
Everybody stays
Cause the truth about the world is that crime does pay

So if you walk away
Who is gonna stay
Cause I'd like to make the world be a better place

When the truth walks away
Everybody stays
Cause the truth about the world is that crime does pay

So if you walk away
Who is gonna stay
Cause I'd like to think the world is a better place
I'd like to leave the world as a better place
I'd like to think the world

30 Seconds To MarsTiistai 10.07.2007 01:48


Until you crash
Until you burn
Until you lie
Until you learn
Until you see
Until you believe
Until you fight
Until you fall
Until the end of everything at all
Until you die
Until you're alive

Don't save me, don't save me, cuz I don't care
Don't save me, don't save me, cuz
I don't care

Until you give
Until you've used
Until you've lost
Until you lose
Until you see, how could you believe?
Until you've lived a thousand times
Until you've seen the other side
This is my chance, this is my chance

Don't save me, don't save me, cuz I don't care
Don't save me, don't save me, cuz
I don't care

Until the truth becomes a lie
Until you change, until you deny
Until you believe

This is my chance, this is my chance
I'll take it now because I can
This is my chance, I want it now

Don't save me, don't save me, cuz I don't care
Don't save me, don't save me, cuz
I don't care

Save me, save me, save me
Save me, save me, save me
I don't care

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 10.07.2007 01:30

I found a bird, from the side of a road..dead..probably hit by a car..neck broke..or something..a pretty bird..with a lot of dark blue..I barryed it to the woods..that`s life..first you fly and then you I`m alone..only person in this house..thinkin`about death..gotta listen to some cheer up get to a better feeling..

(in english for my foreign country friends)

30 Seconds To MarsTiistai 10.07.2007 00:15

"Edge Of The Earth"

You know enough to know the way
Six billion people just one name (I found)
I found tomorrow in today
Apocalyptic and insane, my dreams will never change
You wanna be the one in control
You wanna be the one who's alive
You wanna be the one who's old
It's not a matter of luck, it's just a matter of time

Stand out on the edge of the earth

Stand out on the edge of the earth
Dive into the center of fate
Walk right inthe sight of a gun
Look into the new future's face

I know you know enough to say
I know you know enough to play a game

You wanna be the one in control
You wanna be the one who's alive
You wanna be the one who's old
It's not a matter of luck, it's just a matter of time

Stand out on the edge of the earth
Dive into the center of fate
Walk right in the sight of a gun
Look into this new future's face

Stand out on the edge of the earth
Dive into the center of fate
Walk right inside of the gun
Look into the new future's face

(Stand out on the edge of the earth)

Stand out on the edge of the earth
Stand out on the edge of the earth
(Look into the new future's face)
Stand out on the edge of the earth
Dive into the center of fate
Walk right in the sight of a gun
Look into the new future's face

30 Seconds To MarsMaanantai 09.07.2007 23:41

"Capricorn (A Brand New Name)"

So I run, hide and tear myself up
Start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity

I will disappear
I told you once and I'll say it again
I want my message read clear
I'll show you the way, the way I'm going

So I run, and hide and tear myself up
Start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity
I was almost there
Just a moment away from becoming unclear
Ever get the feeling you're gone
I'll show you the way, the way I'm going
So I run, and hide and tear myself up
I'll start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity

So I run, start again
With a brand new name
With a brand new name

So I run and hide and tear myself up (so I run)
I'll start again with a brand new name (start again)
And eyes that see into infinity (with a brand new name)

I will disappear

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 09.07.2007 23:39

Machine Head All Falls Down Lyrics

anticipating salivating intoxicating
how i've been waiting
to gently soak in
your dream that's broken
caress my hands a
round your throat when
i choke the last gasp of air out of you

i'll mesmerize you
hypnotize you
paralyze you
my snake eyes blind you
my gentle tickle
my tender prickle
the back of your neck
i stab icicles

my sweetest grin will pull you in
behind that grin a razor teeth smile
under your bed
inside your head
i am the monster in wait
walk run
i'm the fear you've become
pray hope
before it's your
downfall it all falls down

i patronize you
victimize you
my false pretenses
endear me to you
i'm psychopathic

believe everything
you've heard about me

ate you alive since you were a child
that's when the monster first appeared to you
so know my name
what is my name
my name is fear and i'm you
walk run
i'm the fear you've become
pray hope
before it's your
downfall it all falls down

with faith i crawl
in sadness i fear what i've become
cause after all
i'm acting
pretend my smile on
before the fall
the pain washes over
hold on hold on
survive survive

(walk) walk (run) run
i'm the fear you've become
(pain) fight (back) back
before it's your
downfall it all falls
downfall it all falls down

Sick ass lyrics...