


Tääl o vaa kuvii

:DKeskiviikko 05.05.2010 10:35

Jeeij mikä pellee eli hu0hKeskiviikko 05.05.2010 10:05

justin bieber(16) raiskasi viime viikon perjantai iltana viattoman tytön (8v),verikokeet todistivat että justin bieber oli käyttänyt kokaiinia ja amfetamiinia,poliisi epäilee että bieber oli tehnyt tämän keikka paineiden takia john snowgoos raportoi ny:n sanmoissa

:DTiistai 04.05.2010 21:36

1.2.3 look at the tree it blue lik mee runnin with fee when i am chillin in hills smokin brill without wheels jumping at the street walkin in with a beat trying to get high soo nobody gets a tie but me lalal lalla runniin at the street so u get freaky with meh babe lets go .. soo pary like a animal this is it chill with it so 1.2.3 look at me se it green :D

uuden chillit random sanat:DTiistai 04.05.2010 21:34

1.2.3 look at the tree it blue lik mee runnin with fee when i am chillin in hills smokin brill without wheels jumping at the street walkin in with a beat trying to get high soo nobody gets a tie but me lalal lalla runniin at the street so u get freaky with meh babe lets go .. soo pary like a animal this is it chill with it so 1.2.3 look at me se it green :D

random shitTiistai 04.05.2010 21:06

baby u looking fine i want you open soo i can take u home and give some of u and i some of me and id not ill do suicide so dont touch oh bay carrying ya out hury hury :D xd

!!!!Tiistai 04.05.2010 20:23

kaikki vois helpaa nua keksii nimen mun uudelle biisi paras voitaa :D
A b c d e f g somebody shuld told u not to fuck with me u think u can ride man when u re slow as an animanitor i am n nerd like an anmimaterrien mess with me home boy i shuld not risk it i bogie like a friski yea what do u like abaut me now bitch fam band big boy cuz u re stepping in to the dress kanye west test test yo is this thin on crach your but is like hitchcock yea i just disst you had cleand ya yo when i speak to you i say so kiss my chocholate ass and fuck you this song is fadded and dated and cousti payded cuz i wrote it u hate it and u eat it soo this is a dvd and da pinch yo okei okei but question is can u sing as a robot yes i can sing like an robot yo u all withmess new greatest mix after eggs n bacon Mc megis and sna som beat fuckers so lets go up n burn this mother down! BY:

Rps nii pahastiMaanantai 03.05.2010 18:47

<3Maanantai 03.05.2010 18:46

_♥_♥___♥_♥_ Laita tämä
♥___♥_♥___♥ sydän päiväkirjaasi
_♥___♥___♥_ jos rakastat
__♥_____♥__ jotakuta tai
___♥___♥___ joitain
____♥_♥____ erittäin
_____♥_____ paljon!

:DMaanantai 03.05.2010 00:54

Anna arvosana ulkonäölleni 4-10 väliltä !
Ja kopioi omaan blogiin jotta näet mitä muut
ajattelevat ulkonäöstäsi.